The Nicaraguan Flor De Cana 18 and 21 years are also good but not as good as Zacapa Solera 23 but close. If you can find them try FDC, you will enjoy them.
Oh god... Zacapa XO and TWO bottles of Solera 23?! Got'damn son... Funny, I just got really thirsty. For rum.
I was graced by the arrival of a "newb trade" package from SleevePlz and the monster sampler I picked up from AJGARLETT. Found a Padilla 1932 with a year's rest on it. Num, num, tasty!
Thanks guys, all in all 46 cigars made their way back to Colorado, and seeing as how 25 cigars left Colorado I can say only one thing with confidence; According to Ccom forum ruling you all PASS advanced cigar mathematics! Lol so STILL no one can count, but I want to thank every person who participated and supported this from the bottom of my heart fellas! It was pretty amazing showing up from work last night to this treat, then add the fact that my whiskey decanter and double-barrel silver cigar tube showed up as well, got to say it was a pretty fine day!
Doing good enjoying the heck out of Vegas. But I got to admit I guess I watch to much Vegas( love James Caan) and I expected the people here to know their *** and they are all IDIOTS. Took an hour and 3 different people to find our room. Next time I think I'll try the Mirage!
A few other items showed up thanks to a belated wedding gift.
I bow to you, Sire. That's awesome!
Shaun kicked my ass with an awesome 1-2-3 hit, courtesy of these gorgeous smokes:
and I also picked up these beauties...
irish bomb
stowggie's trade