Hello Seagar, I have no problems with you. I wanted to dedicate this song to you, and only you my friend for your wonderful posts in the review section. Thank you my friend, I think of you when I sing this.
1. You lie, and continue to lie about stupid stuff that is completely obvious; hence, you get mocked for your insincerity.
2. You are immature and act like a child on a regular basis, even when other members are respectful and attempt to help or guide you in a positive manner.
So, given this is an online forum, I dont trust you at all and I have no problem with anyone calling you out for being inconsiderate, dishonest, or disrespectful as you have been on several occasions bro.....
What about me Dustin??? On second thought dont answer that..lmao
1. You lie, and continue to lie about stupid stuff that is completely obvious; hence, you get mocked for your insincerity.
2. You are immature and act like a child on a regular basis, even when other members are respectful and attempt to help or guide you in a positive manner.
So, given this is an online forum, I dont trust you at all and I have no problem with anyone calling you out for being inconsiderate, dishonest, or disrespectful as you have been on several occasions bro.....
What about me Dustin??? On second thought dont answer that..lmao
When I became a member of this site, my goal was to find homosexual cigar smokers that could help me leave my wife. I have to say, I did not think it would be this easy..
I'm going to hate myself for asking, besides the walk in HUMI what have I said or printed that is not of truth, PLEASE fill me in. OH and the reason I bring up Military service is, I know so many veteran's and I have sereved my self, and active duty,retired, disabled vets, do not treat each other like U are treating me, I can live with your hate, but like I said we have so much of it around us do we have room on this simple cigar site for all this hate U have for me, and AGAIN please let me in on all the lies I have written then we will both know.
Thank You, keep it simple, and tomorrow we will work in sentences
He's just a little different is all! That said I don't have a problem, even being one of the people saying the walk in humi story was just a story. Everyone is welcome here and maybe it will take awhile to earn trust again, but like I said keep posting, most of all keep honest, and the guys will forget about this in a few months.
One more item CATFISHBLUEZZ, I was very happy to find this site, and I do believe that I have some friends on this site than not., like I said if U have such a dislike for me thats Ok I can live with this, I'm at the age to where I do not have time to fight with another. and I'm going to send off an E-Mail to Tina my sales rep with C.COM and I'm going to ask her how many names will it take to have me removed from this forum, so if U want to keep busy why don't U start a petition to have me removed and I will let U know how many names U need, other than that I'm pretty much done with asking or answering any of your comments and or questions, have a great life and I will continue to share my pictures and thoughts with the others, u do what ever it is U do.
One more item CATFISHBLUEZZ, I was very happy to find this site, and I do believe that I have some friends on this site than not., like I said if U have such a dislike for me thats Ok I can live with this, I'm at the age to where I do not have time to fight with another. and I'm going to send off an E-Mail to Tina my sales rep with C.COM and I'm going to ask her how many names will it take to have me removed from this forum, so if U want to keep busy why don't U start a petition to have me removed and I will let U know how many names U need, other than that I'm pretty much done with asking or answering any of your comments and or questions, have a great life and I will continue to share my pictures and thoughts with the others, u do what ever it is U do.
I could care less dude... Just calling it like I see it. The lies keep coming...
Well I have a f-in djini that rides on the back of my bike and rolls me fresh Opus X all day long! She will grant any wish I have, but she smokes pot and listens to death metal, so she's not really all there, if you know what I mean. That's why I don't ask her for much. When I let her out, she's always screaming stuff like, "SLAYER F-IN RULES!" and stuff like that, so I can't prove it cause she'll make a scene, but I really have a djini I swear!
Well I have a f-in djini that rides on the back of my bike and rolls me fresh Opus X all day long! She will grant any wish I have, but she smokes pot and listens to death metal, so she's not really all there, if you know what I mean. That's why I don't ask her for much. When I let her out, she's always screaming stuff like, "SLAYER F-IN RULES!" and stuff like that, so I can't prove it cause she'll make a scene, but I really have a djini I swear!
Well I have a f-in djini that rides on the back of my bike and rolls me fresh Opus X all day long! She will grant any wish I have, but she smokes pot and listens to death metal, so she's not really all there, if you know what I mean. That's why I don't ask her for much. When I let her out, she's always screaming stuff like, "SLAYER F-IN RULES!" and stuff like that, so I can't prove it cause she'll make a scene, but I really have a djini I swear!
Can you have her roll me some Opus X PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE
NO not U big steve if U read the posts some think because I made a mistake posting that walk in HUMI that I'm a career liar, I just sent gaberox an e-mail and left a message on his phone begging him to please get on line and let some of the posters know that I indeed sent U smokes and that my e-mail states I'm sending U another box of smokes that I have been building for U. this is getting old that's all i'm saying, like I said I can't wait to get home and join all of U on the site and because of one comment I made about that f#@$# humidor i catch crap every time I post
Wow the things that go on here in the time Ive been away lol. For whatever its worth yes he did send me a package that was much appreciated. I dont know the story and it seems to be dead now but dont we all make mistakes of some type one time or another. Hate to bring up old issues but just thought Id say my part. Take care all.
WOW GABEROX Thanks yes it has been over for a while but I thank you so much i also have made some other new friends TOOMBES and OPATIENTS. WE ARE SWAPPING STICKS THROUGH THE MAIL AS WELL, AGAIN THANKS it was important that some of these members new I was not telling a story, but it's over all is good but thanks and yes I have a good size for U now that I know U are back online I will send out on tuesday monday is a holiday no mail, hope all is going your way
OK stay in these threads sorry everyone this is a friend of mine he is learning his username is mysimplecigar ANYWAY im going to send U a private message and tell u how this works go up to the top of the page and click on inbox and open up and we can send back and forth
Well I have a f-in djini that rides on the back of my bike and rolls me fresh Opus X all day long! She will grant any wish I have, but she smokes pot and listens to death metal, so she's not really all there, if you know what I mean. That's why I don't ask her for much. When I let her out, she's always screaming stuff like, "SLAYER F-IN RULES!" and stuff like that, so I can't prove it cause she'll make a scene, but I really have a djini I swear!
Can you have her roll me some Opus X PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE
Sorry. She only grants my wishes. I just wish she would get off this black metal kick. There is only so much Opeth I can take.
Well I have a f-in djini that rides on the back of my bike and rolls me fresh Opus X all day long! She will grant any wish I have, but she smokes pot and listens to death metal, so she's not really all there, if you know what I mean. That's why I don't ask her for much. When I let her out, she's always screaming stuff like, "SLAYER F-IN RULES!" and stuff like that, so I can't prove it cause she'll make a scene, but I really have a djini I swear!
Can you have her roll me some Opus X PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE
Sorry. She only grants my wishes. I just wish she would get off this black metal kick. There is only so much Opeth I can take.
This is over has been over for some time now GABEROX got on line and cleared this up, why is this thread being fed. IT"S OVER. end it, quit stop the end out done last call roll credits canned shelved trashed stop with this
Well I have a f-in djini that rides on the back of my bike and rolls me fresh Opus X all day long! She will grant any wish I have, but she smokes pot and listens to death metal, so she's not really all there, if you know what I mean. That's why I don't ask her for much. When I let her out, she's always screaming stuff like, "SLAYER F-IN RULES!" and stuff like that, so I can't prove it cause she'll make a scene, but I really have a djini I swear!
Can you have her roll me some Opus X PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE
Sorry. She only grants my wishes. I just wish she would get off this black metal kick. There is only so much Opeth I can take.
LOL well you can wish it for me ha
I have a few wishes that I'd love you to ask for on my behalf. For starters, I'd love a walk in Humidor!!! LOL
I am the spooning type..... Only if I can be in the back.
See how I did that ...... I like man spooning!