Smoking Pics

Hey BOTL/SOTL, I figured it would be a fun thread to post pics of smoking... got the idea this morning when winter finally coming, that I sat outside getting rained/sleeted on bundled up with thermals, a blanket and STILL freezing my a$$ off.... started to laugh at myself and the wife took a pic to show just how stupid I was : 

So here is the deal, could be funny, could be awesome, just post up your smoking pics!! --Brett

So here is the deal, could be funny, could be awesome, just post up your smoking pics!! --Brett
Man!! Where do you live, Antarctica?? Just kidding - I know where you live. What's the altitude there, though?
Here are a few shots of me smoking it up in Ireland earlier this year.... the last one is from Spain on my honeymoon... We had a private balcony with our own hot tub... great times... Firing up my first of many PSD4 on that trip!
I don't have any of me smoking either.
I have taken to smoking in the garage smoking room already a couple ot times because of winds and rain. This year I have cable and a small TV out there so I will be able to watch hockey or whatever while I am enjoying a good stick.
Compare this shot with the one of poor ol' 90+ Irishman out there in Longmont, CO. Now you know why I don't live in Kremmling, CO any more.
You lucky devil, you. When was this and which cruise line? We just took Norwegian to the Bahamas and I was assured ahead of time that there was a cigar lounge aboard. BS!! I had to burn my sticks on the very top deck at the @ss-end of the ship where the wind blows constantly. Cigar-friendly, my @ss!!!
It was a Carnival cruise to the Bahamas.
Well, good. I'm happy to hear that you had a good trip and could enjoy your sticks, Bro. And you went at a better time of year than we did, too, I think. Good for you.