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  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    I think I'd like it if my name and address were taken off of any list that is being maintained on here. Especially if it's being circulated. I understand about public record and all that, but the less it's out there the better. I've got no problem with trading info via PM, but I don't like the idea of it being emailed without my knowledge.
    +1 This thing started as a list of addresses so BOTL could throw out a few bombs. NOW it is being reffered to as a "mailing list" ! I'm with Russ55, I would prefer my info. to be removed from any circulating lists. I don't get much traffic up my way anyway unless I have arranged a shipment, and lot's of trusted BOTL here already have my info. Not comfortable with it being on a master list that get's sent around to whoever requests it.
    I have removed your shipping info as well. When I get my nerve back up to ship to Canada I will PM you for your info :o)
    better gimme the canada info. as i have 2 boxes heading that way, pm me
    I hope you are talking to Laker and not me...cause if you are talking to me it is to late brother :o)
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    I personally get asked for peoples addresses all the time. I check them out, if they are on the good traders list and a legit member i give them a address if i got, if not, i tell them just to email the person asking for it. I had my own list started a while back which was from my own trades and passes and then I started using the list from Wayne.

    ROTFLMAO! Ok the thread is Officaly good It has been given the Seal of approvale by the Forum Moderator.....
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    I think I'd like it if my name and address were taken off of any list that is being maintained on here. Especially if it's being circulated. I understand about public record and all that, but the less it's out there the better. I've got no problem with trading info via PM, but I don't like the idea of it being emailed without my knowledge.
    +1 This thing started as a list of addresses so BOTL could throw out a few bombs. NOW it is being reffered to as a "mailing list" ! I'm with Russ55, I would prefer my info. to be removed from any circulating lists. I don't get much traffic up my way anyway unless I have arranged a shipment, and lot's of trusted BOTL here already have my info. Not comfortable with it being on a master list that get's sent around to whoever requests it.
    I have removed your shipping info as well. When I get my nerve back up to ship to Canada I will PM you for your info :o)
    better gimme the canada info. as i have 2 boxes heading that way, pm me
    I hope you are talking to Laker and not me...cause if you are talking to me it is to late brother :o)
    just wondering if there are problems with packages arriving in canada,lol
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    I think I'd like it if my name and address were taken off of any list that is being maintained on here. Especially if it's being circulated. I understand about public record and all that, but the less it's out there the better. I've got no problem with trading info via PM, but I don't like the idea of it being emailed without my knowledge.
    +1 This thing started as a list of addresses so BOTL could throw out a few bombs. NOW it is being reffered to as a "mailing list" ! I'm with Russ55, I would prefer my info. to be removed from any circulating lists. I don't get much traffic up my way anyway unless I have arranged a shipment, and lot's of trusted BOTL here already have my info. Not comfortable with it being on a master list that get's sent around to whoever requests it.
    I have removed your shipping info as well. When I get my nerve back up to ship to Canada I will PM you for your info :o)
    better gimme the canada info. as i have 2 boxes heading that way, pm me
    I hope you are talking to Laker and not me...cause if you are talking to me it is to late brother :o)
    just wondering if there are problems with packages arriving in canada,lol
    Some here seem to not have any problems. It never fails no matter what I send or how I mark it my shipment never makes it the person. That is why I stopped selling knives to International locations. From knives it just seemed to snowball including anything I send. I would send sticks to my Northern Brothers but I need a go between that can get them through for me
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    Whats that supposed to mean? I was just giving my opinion just like every person on this thread was. I am not comfortable with handing out peoples address to random strangers who just randomly come on the threads...if they are in good standings with a few trades then why not....
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    Ok. Taking Russ55, Laker, drpepperdude, and Ozzie off the list

    And Ozzie, let's not publicly revive the bad blood between you and Joey, please.
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    Ok. Taking Russ55, Laker, drpepperdude, and Ozzie off the list

    And Ozzie, let's not publicly revive the bad blood between you and Joey, please.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    I will take those names off my list as well.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    oh Wwayne, I got a sick Hammer and sickle poster from my shop the other day!
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    I know there is a bunch of information out there to be had if you look for it. In most cases you have to have that persons full name or another piece of information to get public record or other things that have been mentioned.

    People don't use their real names on public forums for a reason. I think we should respect that and not send out a mass email with everyones information on it to whoever asks for it. I understand that people are only sending this to who they think are trustworthy and on good traders list. Spend some time on here and work to make your own list.

    I will admit that I asked for a BORK on here to send me the list. In hind sight I think it is a bad thing to be passing this around. I will just continue to PM when I need an addy.

    With all of that if you are a BORK who has a list and will be sharing it with the rest of the forum could you please take my information off from the list. Thanks and I see both side of the coin. I just like my side better :}
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    oh Wwayne, I got a sick Hammer and sickle poster from my shop the other day!
    Sweet! I've been tempted to get their cigars and vodka for a while now. Didn't know they had posters.
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    I really don't care who on these forums has my address. If you want to swing by and hang out you know where I am... But I guess I am one of the few that uses my real name and Picture as well.
    +1. Also, what was that about posts in the wrong section? Shouldn't this be in trades, passes and bombs?
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    Lol....well maybe one day if u get sumthing i super desire ill hit u up for a trade....poster for cigars! lol
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Ken Light:
    I really don't care who on these forums has my address. If you want to swing by and hang out you know where I am... But I guess I am one of the few that uses my real name and Picture as well.
    +1. Also, what was that about posts in the wrong section? Shouldn't this be in trades, passes and bombs?
    Nope.It started with a post about the address list so it is general information.
  • Unthought_KnownUnthought_Known Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 454
    Does anyone Else have an Issue with this Mass List of Addresses being sent out to just every Tom ,***, and Harry that asks for it?
    I dont mind Someone sending a PM to me that Has been around the forums for a while and is an establisahed member and on the good traders list and has made a few trades or Played the games But I for one am not comfortable with My address just flying all over the place without asking for my permission for a certain reason.
    Am I the only one that has given this any thought?
    I thought the same thing when I saw this post. I'm not saying Ashtray is a bad apple - I've never met him - but I did find it odd that an entire list of addresses was being sent to someone who was only on the forum for 3 days.

  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Ok. Taking Russ55, Laker, drpepperdude, and Ozzie off the list

    And Ozzie, let's not publicly revive the bad blood between you and Joey, please.

    Excuse me WAYNE? i am not sure what the *** your talkking about there Buddy but It would be to your best intrest to not stir a pot that is cold , I DID NOT ASK TO BE TAKEN OFFF THE LIST ...... CAN YOU READ? I STATED THE INTENTIONS OF THIS THREAD, i think you need to BACK READ before you SLAM ME ........... SO I WOULD PUBLICALLY ACCEPT YOUR APPOLGIE FOR YOUR IGNORANCE IN MENTIONING SOMETHING YOU DO NOT HAVE A CLUE ABOUT BETWEEN ME AND ANOTHER MEMEBER ON HERE THAT HAS BEEN DEALTH WITH IN PM..... CAN YOU DIG IT ...........
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    Ok. Taking Russ55, Laker, drpepperdude, and Ozzie off the list

    While you're at it Wayne, can you remove my info as well if it's on there. From the beginning I haven't been crazy about my info going out to anybody who received the list...the problem as I see it is not so much with the list existing, but the fact that if you send it to one person, and they in turn send it to one person...well, I'm sure you can see how that can quickly get out of hand.

    I'd also ask anyone in possession of the list to remove my info as well if they intend to pass the list out in the future, what's done is done, but I'd just as soon keep it to whatever level it's currently at... It hasn't been an issue yet, but quite frankly I don't want to be getting hit with random packages from unknown people. It's not that I don't appreciate the generosity a bomb shows, but that I just really don't want the cigars, I've got enough as it is. As I said, it hasn't been a problem, but I'd rather it not become one.
  • y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707
    In the words of Al Gore, we could keep the list in a lock box.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    guess someone myswell start over, im going to delete the whole list until someone wants to get a new one together. no one wanting off the list was bombed though,lol
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    Well i just sent out several packages today and I guess thats it....it was fun while it lasted. For those that will receive these last ones I apologize in advance if i sent something that was not only unexpected but unwanted.
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    Ken Light:
    I really don't care who on these forums has my address. If you want to swing by and hang out you know where I am... But I guess I am one of the few that uses my real name and Picture as well.
    +1. Also, what was that about posts in the wrong section? Shouldn't this be in trades, passes and bombs?
    Nope.It started with a post about the address list so it is general information.
    But seeing as how only people interested in trades, passes and bombs would care about the address list...ah...nevermind... *** it dude, let's go bowling.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    I dont understand the paranoia around the list. We all know that anyone truly interested in finding an address can do it in half the time online than it would take to get the list.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    WOWthis was just a Post to Get some input and shed some light on the Surge in this list being asked for and passed around , it is a Different world out there these days, and some Serious security isssues and Some career Concerns with Internt Info and Sharing on line Information is a Legitimate concern, This was in NO WAY meant to pit people against anyone or start somebad blood or anything like that. , We need to be Vigilant in these times.
    I love all you guys...... Im not quite sure why My standing in this forum has turned to absolute *** because of my Honesty and concerns that may have or did affect many Botl, My integrity has been questioned and Freinds have sent me personal emails with the most arrogant egotystical Bullshit I have ever heard,trying to turn the tables on me.
    im not that person.
    I am sorry for stirring another Pot with Legitimate concerns.
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    All of the guys who've maintained the lists have always said if you want your name off, to just let them know. I did, and I didn't think it was in an emotional or angry way. It didn't look like any of the other guys who said the same thing were mad, or emotional about it either. Let's not blow this out of proportion.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    I have gotten a couple pms today asking for names to be removed off my list, and i did so immedietly without any harm or feelings hurt. Anyone else want a name off just pm me please. but other then that, how was everyone elses day? lol
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    Why do they have to send a PM to have their name taken off it? Why not let those that want their addy PM them to get it? Please take my info off the list thanks
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    not a problem.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    I dont understand the paranoia around the list. We all know that anyone truly interested in finding an address can do it in half the time online than it would take to get the list.
    Here's the thing I'm seeing, we've already had trouble in the past with trolls and miscreants who cause trouble for no other reason than to do it, so what happens if the list were to fall into their hands? Reading that, it does sound paranoid, but these days a healthy dose of paranoia isn't the worst thing a guy can have if you ask me. I've got no problem with anyone on this site having my address, but at the same time I don't necessarily want it going out to anyone and everyone who requests the master list for reasons I've already stated. Just a personal thing I guess.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    I was trying to stay away from this post. First, my address is out there. Yes, it's a APO and on a military post. But still, I live right next to it and walk and drive by it everyday. I have concerns just like the next person. In the same, before the list came about to me. I asked several individuals for their addresses when I first came on here to do trades. I did three bombs and two trades all from the individual giving me their address before I asked about someones address. Now, I didn't know any rules before doing that. I just used a little common sense and I'm not taking that from anyone. I have a straight forward militant mind, excuse me if I offened anyone. But still, I believe the good traders list is a good way to go. I was on there in the first month and I didn't acquire a address from a list until two months out. You guys don't have to worry about me bombing you. If you look at all my post, I pretty much let you know it's coming your way. I'll even ask in some playful way if you want this to happen. Futhermore, I contact them through PM before it even gets to a post on here. Now for example PsychoSJG. He made a comment on my post ONE LAST HIT. You can go and read it. I did not have him on my radar. But he chimed in, so I think that's part of the fun/game. I didn't have his address but I felt he wanted to play the game. Now if I'm wrong. He can throw my package away and I apologize Sir for acquiring your address. But, it was all in good favor. Basically, I'm not going to go back and fourth with anyone on this. It is a concern, but now the fun is taken away because of bad thoughts of someone misusing your address. As secure as I am, I DIDN'T THINK LIKE THAT AFTER MEETING YOU GUYS. I'm done and I'll only do trades and anything for the Troops from here on out.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Chill gentlemen. It is just a topic of conversation
    Just be aware and diligent. I would hate to see the friendliness of this forum change
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