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  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    I want to know what "Bolingseo" thinks of this since everyone has now chimed in. :)
    Hahahha how'd I miss that !
  • RaschNutsRaschNuts Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 882
    I know this thread has gone on for to long but i just saw this and thought id post my .02.

    I also did a trade the Pheebs recently. I sent mine out early December. some sticks he was going to send me werent supposed to arrive till mid-late december no big deal. I guess he sent me a box but it got sent back his mistake. He re sent it and said he would make it up to me and threw some extra stuff in there. I got the package friday and i was only expecting an Anejo and 2 Anarchy's and he threw in some pretty nice extra sticks since it took alot longer then expected.
  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    Ii felt like i was being attacked because everyone kept telling me how he was such a stand up guy and it seemed to me that everyone was taking his side due to the fact that he has been here longer. I have tried to put my time in here get my posts up bomb people and do trades but I just dont understand that after seeing the pictures how can you think that it would be okay to wrap an ashtray in 5 plastic bags and think it will not be broken. The way the post from many members came off to me and my other friends who I have had read this could not believe how the members of this forum reacted after my end of the trade was completely lost. I know I am a fairly new member here but I thought I should have been treated better, this forum seems to be the good ol' boys network and if you have been here long enough you can do no wrong.
  • millennium115millennium115 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 839
    hey, I think everyone has a point. I would be mad as well if that happened to me...We all work hard for our money and spend alot of time and money on our cigars and accessories.. I have had no problems on this forum. All the people I traded with have been wonderful , with contest and trades and mooching. To end this .....cause this will never end..... contact the fellow member, decide whats fair, figure something out and if he doesnt come to a reasonable conclusion, then you have every right to decide whether or not this member needs to be on a bad traders list.. We all come together here on this forum to chat and befriend fellow cigar lovers from all over.......lets make peace and you guys can figure out a decent , respectful decision to what to do about this matter. Lets have a wonderful 2011......... STAV
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    I can understand everyone saying the pm thing because that's how I would handle it. But I do see Christians side of things here and can understand why he's upset. I did his first trade with him and he recently bombed me and I think he's a good member to have and a great guy. Pheebs is a great well respected member here as well. Do I think the ashtray should have been packaged better, yes. We are all guilty of sending sticks without pillows sometimes as we could be out or are all in use or whatnot, so it happens. Im sure pheebs will make it right and we will all sit around the camp fire and sing Kumbaya together. let's all just relax guys
  • AQUADGIO1200AQUADGIO1200 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 406
    Let's us have a beer together!
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 583
    Ii felt like i was being attacked because everyone kept telling me how he was such a stand up guy and it seemed to me that everyone was taking his side due to the fact that he has been here longer. I have tried to put my time in here get my posts up bomb people and do trades but I just dont understand that after seeing the pictures how can you think that it would be okay to wrap an ashtray in 5 plastic bags and think it will not be broken. The way the post from many members came off to me and my other friends who I have had read this could not believe how the members of this forum reacted after my end of the trade was completely lost. I know I am a fairly new member here but I thought I should have been treated better, this forum seems to be the good ol' boys network and if you have been here long enough you can do no wrong.
    I thought you said you weren't going to visit or trade here anymore. If you think you are being treated unfairly that's on you. Frankly when you insult the members of this forum I don't know how you feel you are going to be treated. It sucks what happened to your stuff. The way you went about "resolving" it and your attitude sucks more.
  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    Why is this still up?? How about we let this die out.
  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    Ii felt like i was being attacked because everyone kept telling me how he was such a stand up guy and it seemed to me that everyone was taking his side due to the fact that he has been here longer. I have tried to put my time in here get my posts up bomb people and do trades but I just dont understand that after seeing the pictures how can you think that it would be okay to wrap an ashtray in 5 plastic bags and think it will not be broken. The way the post from many members came off to me and my other friends who I have had read this could not believe how the members of this forum reacted after my end of the trade was completely lost. I know I am a fairly new member here but I thought I should have been treated better, this forum seems to be the good ol' boys network and if you have been here long enough you can do no wrong.
    I thought you said you weren't going to visit or trade here anymore. If you think you are being treated unfairly that's on you. Frankly when you insult the members of this forum I don't know how you feel you are going to be treated. It sucks what happened to your stuff. The way you went about "resolving" it and your attitude sucks more.
    Insult a member I was insulted first by the way he packed the end of the trade, you could tell he had absolutely no care for what happened to the package he sent me. I never insulted him I presented the FACTS no opinions in what i stated or the pictures i posted.
  • One2gofstOne2gofst Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 583
    Ii felt like i was being attacked because everyone kept telling me how he was such a stand up guy and it seemed to me that everyone was taking his side due to the fact that he has been here longer. I have tried to put my time in here get my posts up bomb people and do trades but I just dont understand that after seeing the pictures how can you think that it would be okay to wrap an ashtray in 5 plastic bags and think it will not be broken. The way the post from many members came off to me and my other friends who I have had read this could not believe how the members of this forum reacted after my end of the trade was completely lost. I know I am a fairly new member here but I thought I should have been treated better, this forum seems to be the good ol' boys network and if you have been here long enough you can do no wrong.
    I thought you said you weren't going to visit or trade here anymore. If you think you are being treated unfairly that's on you. Frankly when you insult the members of this forum I don't know how you feel you are going to be treated. It sucks what happened to your stuff. The way you went about "resolving" it and your attitude sucks more.
    Insult a member I was insulted first by the way he packed the end of the trade, you could tell he had absolutely no care for what happened to the package he sent me. I never insulted him I presented the FACTS no opinions in what i stated or the pictures i posted.
    This is my last post on the topic. Grow the *** up. Insulted because of the way someone packed something? I didn't say you insulted him, but I do think you did. I said you insulted the membership here. You insulted us by referring to us as a "good ol' boys" network.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    Jesus, people. Stop this *** and let Pheebs and Christian work this out in private instead of stirring this crap up over and over. Just let the thread die. If they work things out, fine. If not, I'll send stuff over to Christian and maybe we can all just forgive and forget.
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Getting a kick out of all the posts imploring people to let the thread die. That there's some irony for ya.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Thread closed ...winding down ....taps playing in the distance .... sunset .... you are all feeling surreal .... your eyes are getting heavy ..... (sorry just couldn't resist)
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Hey guys I just received my end of the trade from phobicsquirrel. We made this trade at the beginning of December but it is not his fault at all that I did not get it until now, the shipping was late then I left on vacation for five weeks. When I finally got the package I was so happy and could not wait to open it the deal was I would give him a Nub Habano, Nub Maduro, Tatuaje Black, Oliva “V” Maudro 2010, and three Man O’ War Armadas. In return he would give me a Gurkha Beauty and the Cinco Vegas Limitad 2008 Ashtray box. I opened up the package and this is what I saw three broken cigars, and the broken ashtray. All of this was packed amazing with five plastic bags and two paper towels. Here are the pictures from the package. He reassured me before he sent it that it was wrapped and nothing would happen. I am just so shocked that this happened after I hooked him up he couldn’t even take the time to wrap it so it would not brake. I am not going to tell you guys not to trade with him but you make your own decision.

    I usually stay out of this stuff because there is no right or wrong solution. But from what I see this issue was not handled properly.

    To start with, you posted this thread on Monday the 24th stating "Hey guys I just received my end of the trade from phobicsquirrel", this being taken that you received your end of the trade on Monday the 24th, is that correct? If so, the last day that phobicsquirrel was on the forums was Sunday the 23rd, so if you PM'd him, how much time is the proper time, in your eyes, in which he should respond? I think at least at some point after he logs onto the forum to even see that he has a PM; that makes sense doesn't it?
    Wouldn't you like the courtesy to respond to a PM before getting blasted on the forum?

    Secondly, your title "GOT SCREWED", has phobicsquirrel responded to you and told you to pound sand, that it is not his problem that the ashtray got broken and the sticks are dried and broken? If so, then yes you got screwed. If not, you haven't gotten anything but a bum package that he sent you but has not even had the opportunity to correct or make right in your eyes.
    Should he have taken better care in protecting the the ashtray and the overall packaging on the product, sure. There are a lot of speculation that can go into why he packaged it like this but the ONLY person that can answer that is him.

    Again you reference that you got nothing in return for your $80 in cigars that you sent out as your part of the trade. It would be a correct statement to say that you haven't gotten anything YET in return for the $80 in cigars that you sent out as once again, pheebs hasn't been given the opportunity to make it right before you decided to blast him.
    A lot of people on this forum have done deals with Pheebs and if he decided to ultimately screw you out of your sticks and not do anything to make this right, I am pretty confident that the members on here would make it right for you, as lcpleel has already offered to send you an ashtray and some sticks, wwhwang has already offered to help if this doesn't get resolved. I am also pretty sure that pheebs isn't going to screw you over for $80 in sticks just because you are a "noob" and he thinks he can do it with no repercussions.

    Lastly, it has nothing to do with how long or how short, how many posts or how few posts one has on the forum; what is at issue here is how the matter was handled. Give the man the opportunity to make it right before taking any grievence public. Sending him a PM and not getting an immediate response is not giving him the opportunity to make anything right.

    As far as being referred to as a "Good Ol Boy" I will take that as a compliment as far as I see the good ol boys take care of their own, new or old, and if this was handled correctly, PM first, pheebs getting the opportunity to correct this issue, and you still "GOT SCREWED" then the "boys" on here would make sure that you got your value for the $80 in cigars that you sent out. Just look at all the times we have taken care of one another around here when they have fallen on hard times........... the proof is there.

    To close, maybe next time, if there is a next time, before you post something like this, think how you would like to be treated if you were in the situation you are about to post about. How would you feel if someone blasted you before you even had the opportunity to make it right.
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 846
    +1 Work it out between you guys. I got screwed about six months ago. A brother asked me to try an Oliva V maduro....(of course he said he would respond inkind) I sent him two maddies from two different years and a Tatuaje Red tubo...I never heard back a sqeek. And I know each of those stiks were PRIMO> Work it out with the squirrel.
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,487
    I am going to speak my mind on this ....... I understand a deal was struck between two people and a timeline was established for the package to be sent ....... A few months back I was sending a PIF package to a fellow bork who advised me his info and then told me he would be gone for a few weeks and wanted me to send the package to the addy he would be at ..... I did and a person who lived at the addy refused the package .... and it came back to me and I waited a week and resent the package to the borks normal address. No problem all taken care of.

    Now Christian if you knew that you were gonna be gone from your dorm/apt at school for a substantial period and as the deadline grew closer you could a have just said "I don't want to cut it close please send it to this address for me instead" and then setup a little tupperdor. Besides you stated that you were gonna be away for a few weeks, you would have had a sticks and could have broken your ashtray in. And you do have some reason to be angry as the ashtray should have been packaged a better, but I think we have all ad a point were we sent a package out without a humidity pillow.

    I just think this whole fiasco could have been avoided and handled a bit more maturely on you're part. You PM the person and wait to see what the person will do..... not everyones life resolves around these forums and sometimes people are gone for days or weeks, after contact is made and addressed by the person if you still feel SCREWED than post here.

    I also feel that you and a few other "new guys" making decisions to not want to trade because the established forum members are stealing your lunch money is BULL SH!T ....... and this forum is by no standards a " Good Ole Boy Club" and resent the fact that it was implied. Theres a lot to be said about ones maturity and the way they handle themselves and its my personal opinion that people are like cigars ..... they mostly get better with some aging.
  • GarheadGarhead Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 41
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
  • undulacundulac Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,129
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
    I respectfully have to disagree with this statement. There are hundreds of great posts a day about cigars. New people join all the time and are welcomed immediately. In fact, a new member joined just the other day and within hours set up trades with members and they didn't know a thing about him, but wanted to give him a "shot." Heck, just a couple weeks ago, I posted that my wife and I are expecting another child. For the next two weeks, I received over 70 cigars for guys all over the country that I didn't even know their first names. I didn't think anything like that would happen. I was just trying to spread my excitement with guys that I got to learn a little bit about and have helped me enjoy my hobby that much more.

    It's unfortunate that one off the wall thread takes away the enjoyment of the others. I have no doubt that this issue will be resolved and when it does, this thread will die and another one won't pop up for 6 months. In my almost two years on this board, this is only the second time I've seen an issue pop up on this board (non political of course). The other time was when a few guys were complaining about the price of cigars compared to other sites, and that was an easy fix. Buy from the other site. Ccom is a business and it's all about supply and demand. If they are selling a stick for $5 a peice and can't keep them in stock, why should they drop their price to $4?

    Again, this post was not meant to keep this thread going, it was just to prove a point that this is by far and away the best cigar talk on the net. . . but sometimes s#!t happens.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
    I respectfully have to disagree with this statement. There are hundreds of great posts a day about cigars. New people join all the time and are welcomed immediately. In fact, a new member joined just the other day and within hours set up trades with members and they didn't know a thing about him, but wanted to give him a "shot." Heck, just a couple weeks ago, I posted that my wife and I are expecting another child. For the next two weeks, I received over 70 cigars for guys all over the country that I didn't even know their first names. I didn't think anything like that would happen. I was just trying to spread my excitement with guys that I got to learn a little bit about and have helped me enjoy my hobby that much more.

    It's unfortunate that one off the wall thread takes away the enjoyment of the others. I have no doubt that this issue will be resolved and when it does, this thread will die and another one won't pop up for 6 months. In my almost two years on this board, this is only the second time I've seen an issue pop up on this board (non political of course). The other time was when a few guys were complaining about the price of cigars compared to other sites, and that was an easy fix. Buy from the other site. Ccom is a business and it's all about supply and demand. If they are selling a stick for $5 a peice and can't keep them in stock, why should they drop their price to $4?

    Again, this post was not meant to keep this thread going, it was just to prove a point that this is by far and away the best cigar talk on the net. . . but sometimes s#!t happens.

    +1111111 on this one!
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
    I respectfully have to disagree with this statement. There are hundreds of great posts a day about cigars. New people join all the time and are welcomed immediately. In fact, a new member joined just the other day and within hours set up trades with members and they didn't know a thing about him, but wanted to give him a "shot." Heck, just a couple weeks ago, I posted that my wife and I are expecting another child. For the next two weeks, I received over 70 cigars for guys all over the country that I didn't even know their first names. I didn't think anything like that would happen. I was just trying to spread my excitement with guys that I got to learn a little bit about and have helped me enjoy my hobby that much more.

    It's unfortunate that one off the wall thread takes away the enjoyment of the others. I have no doubt that this issue will be resolved and when it does, this thread will die and another one won't pop up for 6 months. In my almost two years on this board, this is only the second time I've seen an issue pop up on this board (non political of course). The other time was when a few guys were complaining about the price of cigars compared to other sites, and that was an easy fix. Buy from the other site. Ccom is a business and it's all about supply and demand. If they are selling a stick for $5 a peice and can't keep them in stock, why should they drop their price to $4?

    Again, this post was not meant to keep this thread going, it was just to prove a point that this is by far and away the best cigar talk on the net. . . but sometimes s#!t happens.
    Ack, I really didn't want to keep this behemoth going, but as the newbie mentioned above, I feel I should say something. Everything said here is true, and I'm not a strange story I've lurked here long enough to know that (and longer than I care to admit), and I've got 4-5 trades in progress right now with these amazingly friendly people since *two days ago*. In fact, and just so you don't assume I'm a sucker getting screwed out of 5 trades worth of sticks (I sure don't think that) fla-gypsy even offered to send FIRST in a trade. Guy doesn't know me from a hole in the wall!!

    Besides, if you think this place is mean, go ahead and Google my name with the word "poker" and go read what mean message boards look like. Better yet put it into YouTube. I didn't want to put that out there, but I feel like I have to for comparison.

    All this being said I think one of the parties involved (preferably the one that started this thread) should post where resolution of the issue stands, so when it is resolved people can see it and let this die that much sooner.
  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    as soon as I find out anything I will post it
  • GarheadGarhead Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 41
    Ken Light:
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
    I respectfully have to disagree with this statement. There are hundreds of great posts a day about cigars. New people join all the time and are welcomed immediately. In fact, a new member joined just the other day and within hours set up trades with members and they didn't know a thing about him, but wanted to give him a "shot." Heck, just a couple weeks ago, I posted that my wife and I are expecting another child. For the next two weeks, I received over 70 cigars for guys all over the country that I didn't even know their first names. I didn't think anything like that would happen. I was just trying to spread my excitement with guys that I got to learn a little bit about and have helped me enjoy my hobby that much more.

    It's unfortunate that one off the wall thread takes away the enjoyment of the others. I have no doubt that this issue will be resolved and when it does, this thread will die and another one won't pop up for 6 months. In my almost two years on this board, this is only the second time I've seen an issue pop up on this board (non political of course). The other time was when a few guys were complaining about the price of cigars compared to other sites, and that was an easy fix. Buy from the other site. Ccom is a business and it's all about supply and demand. If they are selling a stick for $5 a peice and can't keep them in stock, why should they drop their price to $4?

    Again, this post was not meant to keep this thread going, it was just to prove a point that this is by far and away the best cigar talk on the net. . . but sometimes s#!t happens.
    Ack, I really didn't want to keep this behemoth going, but as the newbie mentioned above, I feel I should say something. Everything said here is true, and I'm not a strange story I've lurked here long enough to know that (and longer than I care to admit), and I've got 4-5 trades in progress right now with these amazingly friendly people since *two days ago*. In fact, and just so you don't assume I'm a sucker getting screwed out of 5 trades worth of sticks (I sure don't think that) fla-gypsy even offered to send FIRST in a trade. Guy doesn't know me from a hole in the wall!!

    Besides, if you think this place is mean, go ahead and Google my name with the word "poker" and go read what mean message boards look like. Better yet put it into YouTube. I didn't want to put that out there, but I feel like I have to for comparison.

    All this being said I think one of the parties involved (preferably the one that started this thread) should post where resolution of the issue stands, so when it is resolved people can see it and let this die that much sooner.
    Ha ha...."newbie"...don't post much but been around for a while. Usually keep my chat over on the sister. But yeah, there are some great forums on here. I just see lots of attacks on too many. Just one man's opinion. Smoke em if you got em!
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
    This is the friendliest cigar community outside of one other I am involved with. Guys here take care of each other and we welcome any new guys with open arms. Most of these guys I would trust visiting my home and family. Sometimes political or religious threads get heated but we all remain friends. I belong to many other forums and trust me you haven't seen nasty here.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
    seriously? what forum have you been reading?
    or did you only read the political section?

    im not commenting on anything in this tread beyond this statement.
  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    This whole subject is one reason why I don't frequent these forums on ccom a lot (thus the few hundred posts mostly on the daily deals). People are very nasty here. More BS and attacks on other people than cigar talk. Hiding behind computers can make people just insane when they post. More thinking is needed before one hits the "Post" button.
    For the most part no one is nasty here, we might have disagreements like this thread. Also on daily deals???? i can never find any post on the daily deal to try to find out some info on what people think and usually no one has posted anything.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    I really think this thread has run its course, and should be shut...
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Well I have some affairs that keep from the boards for a couple of weeks and I come back not only to a pm filled of bs and cussing, now I have to see this Sh-i-t. I have to say that I have sent many packages out and never had an issue. I ate shipping for the trade for one, and the post office said it would be delivered two days before you left for vacation, for whatever reason it was delayed. Blaming me for that is down right wrong. Oh and for the record I would have been more than receptive to your pm, however starting it out with sarcasm and then swearing at me it not going to work. I've been here a long while and it takes a lot of balls to be screaming at someone for something like this. I tested the box out before I shipped it and it fit the bill for any breaking, whatever happened had to have been something bad. I don't use humi packs because they break and will damage sticks and it was only going to be traveling for two days, I don't know what caused the delay.
  • TGOTGO Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 333
    Well I have some affairs that keep from the boards for a couple of weeks and I come back not only to a pm filled of bs and cussing, now I have to see this Sh-i-t. I have to say that I have sent many packages out and never had an issue. I ate shipping for the trade for one, and the post office said it would be delivered two days before you left for vacation, for whatever reason it was delayed. Blaming me for that is down right wrong. Oh and for the record I would have been more than receptive to your pm, however starting it out with sarcasm and then swearing at me it not going to work. I've been here a long while and it takes a lot of balls to be screaming at someone for something like this. I tested the box out before I shipped it and it fit the bill for any breaking, whatever happened had to have been something bad. I don't use humi packs because they break and will damage sticks and it was only going to be traveling for two days, I don't know what caused the delay.
    Dissapointed a resoloution could not be reached... I believe tenure, or the lack thereof does not really jusify a stance... the specifics do influence... having said that it is sad the folks in this dispute could not reach a equitiple settlement... just sayin
  • Christian_SappChristian_Sapp Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 441
    You said you ate the shipping but you never asked me to cover it or through in more sticks, I also had to eat the shipping for yours not 14 but shipping yours was not free. Yes to scream at someone after loosing $80 in cigars is reasonable to me. You say you tested it before you sent it but there was no way that this package could go through any test, it was wrapped in 5 plastic bags which gave it no support just protected it from scratches. Yes there was a delay which was completely out of your control but I was not complaining about that, I was complaining about how the ashtray was broken because of the poor packaging.
  • Garen BGaren B Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 977
    Guys, solve this issue through PM's because it sure as hell isn't going to be solved on an open forum. Take emotions out of the equation when you guys talk it over, figure out exactly what happened and handle it like men.
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