Smoke The Revolution.....

Buddy of mine just launched his own line of cigars and his new website. While I won't disrespect and post his website on here, I just had to share this with you guys. This "Manifesto" is actually typed nicely on on of the first pages in his website and I thought it was brilliant and wanted to share it with you guys on here. Enjoy.
The 262 Manifesto
Ever since the first cigars were crafted, they have been a creation aimed at, among other things, easing the troubled minds of hard workers and weary travelers. Cigars celebrate the great and memorable moments in our time; they create bonds between men and women of every creed and stature that often last a lifetime.
In recent years, a faction has risen against the principles and lifestyles of our beloved pastime. Although shallow and often deceitful in reason and claim, this bastion has gained significant notoriety and influence within the corridors of power. For this reason, we are compelled to address these issues and those behind them with like force and in a manner most true. We must be steadfast in order to keep the freedoms and rights that we still possess and, God willing, to win back those that we have lost with respect to the consideration of our neighbor.
Let us be clear. We love our country. The United States of America is our beloved home. We believe it is the greatest nation on the planet. We, in no way intend to defame our country, nor do we seek to incite riot or treason. Our only goal is to illuminate the irrational and unconstitutional laws being passed into legislation by those that claim to uphold the principles found in this nation’s founding document and restore the freedoms so hastily and wrongfully removed.
We hold to the ideals that as adults, and with an understanding of the risks involved with tobacco products, we have the right to choose to smoke cigars. Further, that as a legal product, cigars should not be targeted for excessive taxation by the government; that a legal product enjoyed by consenting adults should not ever be banned from use at home, outdoors, or at privately-owned establishments that choose to allow cigars to be smoked on their premises. We maintain that privately-owned establishments have the right to choose for themselves whether or not to allow cigars to be smoked on their premises. We hold to the truth that if any form of government moves to infringe on and/or abolish the rights of cigar smokers, or to severely restrict, with extreme prejudice, the manner or form in which we enjoy cigars and the locations in which we may enjoy them; then it is the right, and more importantly the responsibility of the people, namely cigar enthusiasts, to peaceably and lawfully stand up against these restrictions in order to set right the balance between cigar smokers and the non-smoking public. This balance includes the mutual respect displayed and acted out toward each other with regard for the choices, health and recreation of all.
We have all witnessed the abuse of power by those that should defend us; be it at the local, state or federal levels. They seek to place undue blame and unconstitutional restrictions on the loyal population of cigar enthusiasts.
The government has imposed unfair and increasingly higher taxes on cigars and restrictive smoking bans in order to raise money for their own programs. They advance this agenda while tightening the noose on small business owners and middle class workers alike. These taxes and smoking bans are just a few examples of the many devices being imposed that are destroying jobs, lowering incomes, and ultimately crippling our economy.
Furthermore, there are many tainted and manipulated scientific test results and research findings regarding the harmful effects of cigar tobacco. These questionable results are then used to confuse the public, and to allow the aforementioned taxes and laws to go into effect. These legislations and taxes imposed on cigar smokers are based on falsified reports, not truth.
Although numerous attempts have been made to reach an adequate and satisfactory compromise with lawmakers, our politeness and light-footed steps have been futile. We are now well past the time for a stronger stance in the matter. Our voices must be heard. Our goals must be accomplished, not solely for the sake of our immediate cause, but for the many other liberties which are, even now, hanging in the balance. Our guards, it seems, have taken it upon themselves to oversee not only our political affairs and national safety, but also the most basic activities of our daily lives. We must be vigilant, for even our coveted constitution is being examined for the purposes of repudiation.
This is a statement of intent, a call to action. Those who currently sit in executive, political office seem to believe that they can regulate our every decision. But, amidst the draconian rules and their shallow intentions; underneath the turmoil and anger of the once revered connoisseurs of our beloved leaf; there brews a Revolution! An uprising of global proportions is stirring and its proponents will be silent no more.
Join ranks with the brothers and sisters of the underground, comrades of fine, hand-rolled cigars. Unite and overcome.
Smoke the Revolution.
If you wish to see it for yourself on the website, pm me and I'll send you the link. Cheers.
The 262 Manifesto
Ever since the first cigars were crafted, they have been a creation aimed at, among other things, easing the troubled minds of hard workers and weary travelers. Cigars celebrate the great and memorable moments in our time; they create bonds between men and women of every creed and stature that often last a lifetime.
In recent years, a faction has risen against the principles and lifestyles of our beloved pastime. Although shallow and often deceitful in reason and claim, this bastion has gained significant notoriety and influence within the corridors of power. For this reason, we are compelled to address these issues and those behind them with like force and in a manner most true. We must be steadfast in order to keep the freedoms and rights that we still possess and, God willing, to win back those that we have lost with respect to the consideration of our neighbor.
Let us be clear. We love our country. The United States of America is our beloved home. We believe it is the greatest nation on the planet. We, in no way intend to defame our country, nor do we seek to incite riot or treason. Our only goal is to illuminate the irrational and unconstitutional laws being passed into legislation by those that claim to uphold the principles found in this nation’s founding document and restore the freedoms so hastily and wrongfully removed.
We hold to the ideals that as adults, and with an understanding of the risks involved with tobacco products, we have the right to choose to smoke cigars. Further, that as a legal product, cigars should not be targeted for excessive taxation by the government; that a legal product enjoyed by consenting adults should not ever be banned from use at home, outdoors, or at privately-owned establishments that choose to allow cigars to be smoked on their premises. We maintain that privately-owned establishments have the right to choose for themselves whether or not to allow cigars to be smoked on their premises. We hold to the truth that if any form of government moves to infringe on and/or abolish the rights of cigar smokers, or to severely restrict, with extreme prejudice, the manner or form in which we enjoy cigars and the locations in which we may enjoy them; then it is the right, and more importantly the responsibility of the people, namely cigar enthusiasts, to peaceably and lawfully stand up against these restrictions in order to set right the balance between cigar smokers and the non-smoking public. This balance includes the mutual respect displayed and acted out toward each other with regard for the choices, health and recreation of all.
We have all witnessed the abuse of power by those that should defend us; be it at the local, state or federal levels. They seek to place undue blame and unconstitutional restrictions on the loyal population of cigar enthusiasts.
The government has imposed unfair and increasingly higher taxes on cigars and restrictive smoking bans in order to raise money for their own programs. They advance this agenda while tightening the noose on small business owners and middle class workers alike. These taxes and smoking bans are just a few examples of the many devices being imposed that are destroying jobs, lowering incomes, and ultimately crippling our economy.
Furthermore, there are many tainted and manipulated scientific test results and research findings regarding the harmful effects of cigar tobacco. These questionable results are then used to confuse the public, and to allow the aforementioned taxes and laws to go into effect. These legislations and taxes imposed on cigar smokers are based on falsified reports, not truth.
Although numerous attempts have been made to reach an adequate and satisfactory compromise with lawmakers, our politeness and light-footed steps have been futile. We are now well past the time for a stronger stance in the matter. Our voices must be heard. Our goals must be accomplished, not solely for the sake of our immediate cause, but for the many other liberties which are, even now, hanging in the balance. Our guards, it seems, have taken it upon themselves to oversee not only our political affairs and national safety, but also the most basic activities of our daily lives. We must be vigilant, for even our coveted constitution is being examined for the purposes of repudiation.
This is a statement of intent, a call to action. Those who currently sit in executive, political office seem to believe that they can regulate our every decision. But, amidst the draconian rules and their shallow intentions; underneath the turmoil and anger of the once revered connoisseurs of our beloved leaf; there brews a Revolution! An uprising of global proportions is stirring and its proponents will be silent no more.
Join ranks with the brothers and sisters of the underground, comrades of fine, hand-rolled cigars. Unite and overcome.
Smoke the Revolution.
If you wish to see it for yourself on the website, pm me and I'll send you the link. Cheers.
Clint is a great guy and I really believe in him and the other owners. We have a solid cigar and future. Our branding and marketing is brilliant IMO. I am very excited about these cigars and this company. We have merchandise coming out and our 2nd blend has been selected for our mild cigar which is planned for a summer release.
I have accounts in New York and Kansas City so far. Other reps have accounts in Florida and Texas. That is only 2 weeks after launch!! I have a Microbrew Fest with 10,000 people attending as my first event. I also have a wine and cigar store grand opening scheduled.
Seriously guys go to the website and check them out. To be fair to Ccom they will not be offered online after we take down the limited offer to buy directly from us. This is going to be a strictly B&M stick for now. I really want you guys to try these. Don't miss my 1000th post giveaway so you can win a sample!
If you work at a B&M or know someone who owns one please PM me some leads. Heck PM me your favorite B&M if you want. I would love to get these in your area. So far the feedback has been phenomenal. I have impressed many B&M owners who weren't expecting such quality and such a great cigar from a new start up company.
For those of you who have received Tarazona cigars from me and enjoyed them, the owners who bring you 262 were part of the Tarazona team. Unfortunately, the primary owner of the Tarazona line didn't let these guys do their job (the job they were hired to do) to market the Tarazona cigars and really drove the line into the ground. What a shame too because after 8 months of rest, those are the best cigars in my humi! Fortunately, for us, they parted ways with that line and brought us something to really talk about.
I can't wait to try these. And if the factory I think is making this is really making these, everyone I know on these forums is really gonna enjoy these.
Spent all day working on stuff. My New York store owner is so happy and spent the entire day smoking nothing but these today. He said they are selling well and he just put them out today. We have an event in the early planning stages for his store.
Guys, we all have the dream to make a career out of this hobby we all love. I am not sure what areas they are looking for reps in. I do know the midwest, south, and southeast are covered. They need help around New York (northeast) and maybe the west coast and Northwest. If you are in those areas I might have some advice if you want to PM me. I will make an inquiry and let you guys know what areas they need people in. Keep an eye on this post.
Great looking site and I'm all over the Manifesto. We need more patriots like that to build businesses on the foundation of free enterprise. This country was built by people who defied the odds (and The Man) and went full steam ahead. Go for it!
Best of luck to the boys at 262/Revolution.
Best of luck with everything and I hope the cigars take off. I will mention these to my local B&M and try to give them some info on them once I pick some up. Jsnake, about how long do you think they will be offered online?
Next week they will be available for a trial run at Outlaw Cigar Co. in Overland Park, Kansas. I need you guys to buy all of these so the owner will keep us.
I also strongly urge you to support our wonderful forum host and purchase something nice for yourself here. I am ordering some boxes as soon as I get my income tax refund on the 19th.
I'm going to be the California rep for 262! Got my paperwork today, and very excited to get started :-)