Newbie question/ humidity

First of all hello I am newbie to the forums but not to cigars. This year I decided to spoil myself and buy my first humidor. I was the typical when I wanted a cigar I went to the smoke shop and bought one. Well enough of that, soon I found that the humidor I bought was too small for the growing cigar collection. Now I have two humidors full and the fiance pulled the plug on funds until the wedding is over I have been trying ,ultiple cigars and found that the Gurka Titan is my favorite at the moment.
So on to my question, when I bought the new humidor I also purchased the oasis ultra, a digital humidor/temp gauge. So I salt tested both the anolog gauge and the digital gauge in different bags. Both were within may 2 degree's of humidity. So I did the seasoning of the humidor, wiped it down with distilled water, left a wet sponge in it for a day and then checked the sponge. re-wet and allowed it to site another day......So I plugged in the oasis, let it do its thing filled the humidor with cigars....So here is where im having difficulty, the anolog gauge shows 60% while both the oasis and digital gauge show 73%. I pulled a cigar out the other day to smoke and it was on the dry side, which iritated me. So I now have the old school humidifier in the box plus two of the humibag deals that come with the cigars when you order online, still the anolog gauge reads 60% and the others read 77%......What do I do and which one should I adjust my humidity too?????
Im sorry for the long first post but I hate thinking about all those cigars that I spent a ton of money on getting dry!!! Any input would be great!! Thank you
go buy an independant digital hygrometer. Salt test it and put a sticker on there that tells you how far off it is.
trust that hygromeer.