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Newbie question/ humidity

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6

First of all hello I am newbie to the forums but not to cigars. This year I decided to spoil myself and buy my first humidor. I was the typical when I wanted a cigar I went to the smoke shop and bought one. Well enough of that, soon I found that the humidor I bought was too small for the growing cigar collection. Now I have two humidors full and the fiance pulled the plug on funds until the wedding is overBig Smile [:D] I have been trying ,ultiple cigars and found that the Gurka Titan is my favorite at the moment.

So on to my question, when I bought the new humidor I also purchased the oasis ultra, a digital humidor/temp gauge. So I salt tested both the anolog gauge and the digital gauge in different bags. Both were within may 2 degree's of humidity. So I did the seasoning of the humidor, wiped it down with distilled water, left a wet sponge in it for a day and then checked the sponge. re-wet and allowed it to site another day......So I plugged in the oasis, let it do its thing filled the humidor with cigars....So here is where im having difficulty, the anolog gauge shows 60% while both the oasis and digital gauge show 73%. I pulled a cigar out the other day to smoke and it was on the dry side, which iritated meAngry [:@]. So I now have the old school humidifier in the box plus two of the humibag deals that come with the cigars when you order online, still the anolog gauge reads 60% and the others read 77%......What do I do and which one should I adjust my humidity too?????

Im sorry for the long first post but I hate thinking about all those cigars that I spent a ton of money on getting dry!!! Any input would be great!! Thank you



  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6
    Sorry just realized this is posted in the wrong area, tried to delete but too late. Please move to cigar 101
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    Hey, Travis! Welcome aboard. Trust the digital hygrometer rather than the analog. I find it odd that your sticks were dry, but let them sit in the proper environment for a couple weeks and they should be fine.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    60% isnt all that low.

    go buy an independant digital hygrometer. Salt test it and put a sticker on there that tells you how far off it is.

    trust that hygromeer.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6
    I have the independant digital hydrometer and it has been salt tested. So I should trust that one rather than the analog gauge? Also the cigars have been in the humidor for over a month now. I guess I will just stay on top of it and see what happens
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I have the independant digital hydrometer and it has been salt tested. So I should trust that one rather than the analog gauge?
    yes. analogs suck. they have a tendency to change how they read when you move them.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Hey Travis, welcome to the group..The too small humidor story has been told here very often.. Many of us have lived that one. I am on humidor number four.. I think that should last me for a while.. Well, stick around long enough and read these reviews and suggestions and you will soon be looking to try everything ! Titan is great but not exactly an everyday cigar because of the size, ( at least for me) but I do have a few waiting for the right time. ( two hours + ) How long did you let the dry cigars sit in the humidor, just two days ? The cigars may not have reached the 73% the gauge displayed . It may take over a week of rest before that will occur.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6
    Yeah I dont get a chance to smoke a cigar everyday anyways so the bigger they are the better. I tend to smoke them more on the weekends while playing some board game or dominos or something out in the back yard. As for how long the cigars have been in the humidor, its been well over a month. I read a few other things while lurking in the forums and I think my cigars are ok and I am just over reacting with the dry comment. Is it possible to be too moist and actually cause the cigar to burn to hot? Maybe cause a symtom that a rookie could confuse with being dry? Just a thought
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