Yeah, FTG did a number on me. Some rocking sticks in the kill shot. But, us yungin's is awful resilient. Nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal...
Yeah, FTG did a number on me. Some rocking sticks in the kill shot. But, us yungin's is awful resilient. Nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal...
Yeah, FTG did a number on me. Some rocking sticks in the kill shot. But, us yungin's is awful resilient. Nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal...
When I get this, I plan to wound my rival west coast gang member with some great sticks then smother him to death with sheer numbers. East Coast represent! (er w/e they say nowadays)
When I get this, I plan to wound my rival west coast gang member with some great BeeGees music then smother him to death with my man boobs. East Coast Drool! (er w/e they say nowadays)
When I get this, I plan to wound my rival west coast gang member with some great BeeGees music then smother him to death with my man boobs. East Coast Drool! (er w/e they say nowadays)
When I get this, I plan to wound my rival west coast gang member with some great BeeGees music then smother him to death with my man boobs. East Coast Drool! (er w/e they say nowadays)
Wow! FTG was not messing around...
Much appreciated, brother!
Thank, Irish. I tried my best to beat the sucka down, but something tells me the East Coast isn't in the clear just yet.
Ahhhhhh, He11...