Anyone remember that scene from Animal House with the little Devil and Angel on the guys should going "F**k her, screw her brains out".... I'm getting the same thing but mine's saying " Bomb him, blow his azz off, you know he deserves it!!!" hahaha
Lol sorry Steve very fair point... Guess I'm just a little jazzed about such a great contest/war! Thanks again for organizing and putting this on, it's a brilliant idea and a great way to get the whole forum involved, thanks again!
Is this going on still, or are we just posting the hits in different threads now? me = confused
It is still going, hasn't hit a West Coast guy yet as it is coming from Canada and does take time to land as it has to go through customs. Rest assured, when it hits the carnage will be posted here.
Besides, you Easterner, don't be in such a hurry to be a target, you will have no survivors on your side. Not to worry however as the West Coast team has already seen to it that preparations have been made for you..........
Is this going on still, or are we just posting the hits in different threads now? me = confused
It is still going, hasn't hit a West Coast guy yet as it is coming from Canada and does take time to land as it has to go through customs. Rest assured, when it hits the carnage will be posted here.
Besides, you Easterner, don't be in such a hurry to be a target, you will have no survivors on your side. Not to worry however as the West Coast team has already seen to it that preparations have been made for you..........
didn't know customs took so long, as ive never sent anything through customs... that a threat?! IS...THAT...A...THREAT?! You think you can take me? You need a f*cking army if you gonna take me!
Is this going on still, or are we just posting the hits in different threads now? me = confused
It is still going, hasn't hit a West Coast guy yet as it is coming from Canada and does take time to land as it has to go through customs. Rest assured, when it hits the carnage will be posted here.
Besides, you Easterner, don't be in such a hurry to be a target, you will have no survivors on your side. Not to worry however as the West Coast team has already seen to it that preparations have been made for you..........
didn't know customs took so long, as ive never sent anything through customs... that a threat?! IS...THAT...A...THREAT?! You think you can take me? You need a f*cking army if you gonna take me!
Son, I don't make threats, that was a promise. By the way, you just made the list and I'm like bad santa I don't need to check it twice not do I care who's naughty, I'm bombing some a$$es around eastern towns.
I think it'll move fairly quickly as most gang starrs are in the US so shipping will be quicker, its just slowed to start as pkg is coming from canada to start...
I think it'll move fairly quickly as most gang starrs are in the US so shipping will be quicker, its just slowed to start as pkg is coming from canada to start...
Its ok if it takes a little while, I am still fortifying my position.
Me too I'm stocking up on munitions as we speak. The west coast has no idea what they have gotten into. Remember when you see the flash get under your desk and kiss your a$@ good bye.
Anyone wanna buy a cold war era missile silo with me? We can furnish it together and make an awesome crib that we can show on MTV. As long as we agree to build a multi-roomed humidor.
Only person I'm skeered of is my Mama, and she ain't in on this. Y'all just brang it and come gitcha some!!
Mmmmmmmmm... Graaaaape. Are they white grape, cause those are the bomb-diggity!
Besides, you Easterner, don't be in such a hurry to be a target, you will have no survivors on your side. Not to worry however as the West Coast team has already seen to it that preparations have been made for you.......... that a threat?! IS...THAT...A...THREAT?! You think you can take me? You need a f*cking army if you gonna take me!