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What are the Holidays here without a political discussion (fight)?



  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Just heard the Republican congress caved! Don't they always.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Lol------Damn that Obama, using his Muslim threats again to get the Republicans to change their minds

    BTW Cabby, nice to see you again 1st. And secondly, I agree TOTALLY about term limits. Would keep people honest and caring about what they are there to do....instead of trying to keep their job and power for personal gain.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Once again we lose. This miniscule tax relief deal which is nothing but a bone for one side or another to claim they are doing something for two months is a freaking joke. Half the population pays no taxes, somewhere between 15--20% are unemployed (no one really seems to know) and nothing EVER gets cut. The Federal budget balloons bigger and bigger each year while we argue over diddly squat
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    it sure is funny ( not really ) how all the money saving , cost cutting they do up there just keeps driving this great country more and more into the poor house, TERM LIMITS " YES " video CLICKHERE
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    In my best Jim Mora voice ( you football fans will get it ) ... politics ... POLITICS ... politics ?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    In my best Jim Mora voice ( you football fans will get it ) ... politics ... POLITICS ... politics ?
    coulda woulda shoulda
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
    Time for me to weigh in. All this talk about whether things are Obama's fault is a joke. Not everything can be put on one man but I will say this: If I had been the Pres for the last 3 years I would expect to get fired. What we are seeing is a country out of control because our chief executive is weak and his concern has always been for "leveling the playing field" and not about our economy. Now he is paying the price...indeed we all are. Example: We are drowning in our own debt and he has ZERO sense of urgency to get ANY kind of spending curtailed. So he kicked it to the super committee. Fail. Where is a LEADER? Folks it is not him. Think all this economic stuff was not his fault...that he inherited it? Get a clue. Presidents are elected to SOLVE problems and tackle challenges.

    Every football season across the country there are new head coaches coming in to take over troubled programs. The last coach got canned bc the team was losing. Well do you think after 3 years you would have a clue if the new coach you had hired was the right guy? Do you think Alabama or Florida was wondering if they had hired the right guys with Saban and Meyer? Of course not. They knew immediately they had made the correct choice. So why are we still wondering, after 3 LONG years if Barack should still be President. Folks we are at a tipping point in our country where we have to decide if we want to be like Europe where 10%-12% unemployment is normal but everyone has their stuff paid for, or if we want the American Way which is based on self reliance and hard work.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Lol------Damn that Obama, using his Muslim threats again to get the Republicans to change their minds

    BTW Cabby, nice to see you again 1st. And secondly, I agree TOTALLY about term limits. Would keep people honest and caring about what they are there to do....instead of trying to keep their job and power for personal gain.
    there are term limits, called elections, some people don't get the memo... but yeah, I think all branches just like the supreme court should only be able to serve 2 terms. Just like the president. Then again I also think money from corporations and unions shouldn't be used and if any money is used for campaigns or ads full disclosure should be mandatory. And I also think vote machines should have a back up log so any mistakes can be found.... makes sense I mean everything else has backups...
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Lol------Damn that Obama, using his Muslim threats again to get the Republicans to change their minds

    BTW Cabby, nice to see you again 1st. And secondly, I agree TOTALLY about term limits. Would keep people honest and caring about what they are there to do....instead of trying to keep their job and power for personal gain.
    there are term limits, called elections, some people don't get the memo... but yeah, I think all branches just like the supreme court should only be able to serve 2 terms. Just like the president. Then again I also think money from corporations and unions shouldn't be used and if any money is used for campaigns or ads full disclosure should be mandatory. And I also think vote machines should have a back up log so any mistakes can be found.... makes sense I mean everything else has backups...
    Dang it, I think I agree with the squirrel. Good googly woogly
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Lol------Damn that Obama, using his Muslim threats again to get the Republicans to change their minds

    BTW Cabby, nice to see you again 1st. And secondly, I agree TOTALLY about term limits. Would keep people honest and caring about what they are there to do....instead of trying to keep their job and power for personal gain.
    there are term limits, called elections, some people don't get the memo... but yeah, I think all branches just like the supreme court should only be able to serve 2 terms. Just like the president. Then again I also think money from corporations and unions shouldn't be used and if any money is used for campaigns or ads full disclosure should be mandatory. And I also think vote machines should have a back up log so any mistakes can be found.... makes sense I mean everything else has backups...
    Dang it, I think I agree with the squirrel. Good googly woogly
  • HippiebrianHippiebrian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146
    Time for me to weigh in. All this talk about whether things are Obama's fault is a joke. Not everything can be put on one man but I will say this: If I had been the Pres for the last 3 years I would expect to get fired. What we are seeing is a country out of control because our chief executive is weak and his concern has always been for "leveling the playing field" and not about our economy. Now he is paying the price...indeed we all are. Example: We are drowning in our own debt and he has ZERO sense of urgency to get ANY kind of spending curtailed. So he kicked it to the super committee. Fail. Where is a LEADER? Folks it is not him. Think all this economic stuff was not his fault...that he inherited it? Get a clue. Presidents are elected to SOLVE problems and tackle challenges.

    Every football season across the country there are new head coaches coming in to take over troubled programs. The last coach got canned bc the team was losing. Well do you think after 3 years you would have a clue if the new coach you had hired was the right guy? Do you think Alabama or Florida was wondering if they had hired the right guys with Saban and Meyer? Of course not. They knew immediately they had made the correct choice. So why are we still wondering, after 3 LONG years if Barack should still be President. Folks we are at a tipping point in our country where we have to decide if we want to be like Europe where 10%-12% unemployment is normal but everyone has their stuff paid for, or if we want the American Way which is based on self reliance and hard work.

    All of this can be blamed on a current climate of infighting between the two major parties. Obama would be able to do more if the current Congress wasn't hell bent on just saying no to everything, and Obama would get more done if he'd stick to his guns on some things and compromise more on others.

    Currently, I think the biggest block is the new extremely right Republican party (since the take-over by the tea party). These people are running and getting elected on a platform that government just doesn't work. Now they are trying to prove it! This latest fiasco over the 2 month extension was just a joke. The big fight over raising the debt ceiling, where they came close to just shutting down the government was rediculous. Raising the debt limit is just normal business and not a big deal. It's been done 87 times since WWII. The tea party Republicans just decided this was an excuse to show how "broken" our government is. Instead of trying to break the government to prove it's broken, they should be working with the rest of Congress, the Senate and yes, the President to fix it!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Time for me to weigh in. All this talk about whether things are Obama's fault is a joke. Not everything can be put on one man but I will say this: If I had been the Pres for the last 3 years I would expect to get fired. What we are seeing is a country out of control because our chief executive is weak and his concern has always been for "leveling the playing field" and not about our economy. Now he is paying the price...indeed we all are. Example: We are drowning in our own debt and he has ZERO sense of urgency to get ANY kind of spending curtailed. So he kicked it to the super committee. Fail. Where is a LEADER? Folks it is not him. Think all this economic stuff was not his fault...that he inherited it? Get a clue. Presidents are elected to SOLVE problems and tackle challenges.

    Every football season across the country there are new head coaches coming in to take over troubled programs. The last coach got canned bc the team was losing. Well do you think after 3 years you would have a clue if the new coach you had hired was the right guy? Do you think Alabama or Florida was wondering if they had hired the right guys with Saban and Meyer? Of course not. They knew immediately they had made the correct choice. So why are we still wondering, after 3 LONG years if Barack should still be President. Folks we are at a tipping point in our country where we have to decide if we want to be like Europe where 10%-12% unemployment is normal but everyone has their stuff paid for, or if we want the American Way which is based on self reliance and hard work.
    All of this can be blamed on a current climate of infighting between the two major parties. Obama would be able to do more if the current Congress wasn't hell bent on just saying no to everything, and Obama would get more done if he'd stick to his guns on some things and compromise more on others. Currently, I think the biggest block is the new extremely right Republican party (since the take-over by the tea party). These people are running and getting elected on a platform that government just doesn't work. Now they are trying to prove it! This latest fiasco over the 2 month extension was just a joke. The big fight over raising the debt ceiling, where they came close to just shutting down the government was rediculous. Raising the debt limit is just normal business and not a big deal. It's been done 87 times since WWII. The tea party Republicans just decided this was an excuse to show how "broken" our government is. Instead of trying to break the government to prove it's broken, they should be working with the rest of Congress, the Senate and yes, the President to fix it!
    hehe, nicely put. but your going to get flamed. be warned....
  • HippiebrianHippiebrian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146
    Time for me to weigh in. All this talk about whether things are Obama's fault is a joke. Not everything can be put on one man but I will say this: If I had been the Pres for the last 3 years I would expect to get fired. What we are seeing is a country out of control because our chief executive is weak and his concern has always been for "leveling the playing field" and not about our economy. Now he is paying the price...indeed we all are. Example: We are drowning in our own debt and he has ZERO sense of urgency to get ANY kind of spending curtailed. So he kicked it to the super committee. Fail. Where is a LEADER? Folks it is not him. Think all this economic stuff was not his fault...that he inherited it? Get a clue. Presidents are elected to SOLVE problems and tackle challenges.

    Every football season across the country there are new head coaches coming in to take over troubled programs. The last coach got canned bc the team was losing. Well do you think after 3 years you would have a clue if the new coach you had hired was the right guy? Do you think Alabama or Florida was wondering if they had hired the right guys with Saban and Meyer? Of course not. They knew immediately they had made the correct choice. So why are we still wondering, after 3 LONG years if Barack should still be President. Folks we are at a tipping point in our country where we have to decide if we want to be like Europe where 10%-12% unemployment is normal but everyone has their stuff paid for, or if we want the American Way which is based on self reliance and hard work.

    All of this can be blamed on a current climate of infighting between the two major parties. Obama would be able to do more if the current Congress wasn't hell bent on just saying no to everything, and Obama would get more done if he'd stick to his guns on some things and compromise more on others.

    Currently, I think the biggest block is the new extremely right Republican party (since the take-over by the tea party). These people are running and getting elected on a platform that government just doesn't work. Now they are trying to prove it! This latest fiasco over the 2 month extension was just a joke. The big fight over raising the debt ceiling, where they came close to just shutting down the government was rediculous. Raising the debt limit is just normal business and not a big deal. It's been done 87 times since WWII. The tea party Republicans just decided this was an excuse to show how "broken" our government is. Instead of trying to break the government to prove it's broken, they should be working with the rest of Congress, the Senate and yes, the President to fix it!

    hehe, nicely put. but your going to get flamed. be warned....

    lol, ya, I can take it. I'm a lefty in the cigar community...I'm used to it!
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Ouch. Bitting ones tongue hurts.
  • wwesternwwestern Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
    The tea party is a joke Brian it has been business as usual ever since the tea party election. They got one decent guy and a bunch of Marco Rubio types. Spending is still out of control, the debt is rising, and the government controls more of your life today than it did yesterday. Blaming the tea party is no better than blaming Obama.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Ouch. Bitting ones tongue hurts.
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
    Time for me to weigh in. All this talk about whether things are Obama's fault is a joke. Not everything can be put on one man but I will say this: If I had been the Pres for the last 3 years I would expect to get fired. What we are seeing is a country out of control because our chief executive is weak and his concern has always been for "leveling the playing field" and not about our economy. Now he is paying the price...indeed we all are. Example: We are drowning in our own debt and he has ZERO sense of urgency to get ANY kind of spending curtailed. So he kicked it to the super committee. Fail. Where is a LEADER? Folks it is not him. Think all this economic stuff was not his fault...that he inherited it? Get a clue. Presidents are elected to SOLVE problems and tackle challenges.

    Every football season across the country there are new head coaches coming in to take over troubled programs. The last coach got canned bc the team was losing. Well do you think after 3 years you would have a clue if the new coach you had hired was the right guy? Do you think Alabama or Florida was wondering if they had hired the right guys with Saban and Meyer? Of course not. They knew immediately they had made the correct choice. So why are we still wondering, after 3 LONG years if Barack should still be President. Folks we are at a tipping point in our country where we have to decide if we want to be like Europe where 10%-12% unemployment is normal but everyone has their stuff paid for, or if we want the American Way which is based on self reliance and hard work.
    All of this can be blamed on a current climate of infighting between the two major parties. Obama would be able to do more if the current Congress wasn't hell bent on just saying no to everything, and Obama would get more done if he'd stick to his guns on some things and compromise more on others. Currently, I think the biggest block is the new extremely right Republican party (since the take-over by the tea party). These people are running and getting elected on a platform that government just doesn't work. Now they are trying to prove it! This latest fiasco over the 2 month extension was just a joke. The big fight over raising the debt ceiling, where they came close to just shutting down the government was rediculous. Raising the debt limit is just normal business and not a big deal. It's been done 87 times since WWII. The tea party Republicans just decided this was an excuse to show how "broken" our government is. Instead of trying to break the government to prove it's broken, they should be working with the rest of Congress, the Senate and yes, the President to fix it!

    HippieBrian here is where you are misguided: 1) When you say the biggest block is the Repubs you have to remember Obama had 2 years of a Democratically controlled Congress AND Senate. Basically the Repubs couldn't stop anything...which of course is why such a horrible piece of legislation like Obamacare got passed. But I digress. So he could have done anything he wanted and his focus was not on the economy it was on Obamacare. As for the 2 month extention, Repubs wanted a year bc businesses need more than 2 months to plan. Where you are REALLY struggling is on the national debt. Yes we have raised the debt limit many times but over that time frame our GDP as a country has been essentially rising with it. So it always stayed a certain but slowly rising percentage of our GDP. Well over the last several years the percentage of debt to GDP has risen but FASTER. When Obama took office our debt was 60% of GDP or about $10Trillion. W added about 4 Trillion to our national debt over 8 years. Well Obama has made W look like a choir boy in the spending department. He has added nearly $5 Trillion in only 3+ years which means we are at 100% of GDP. Obama is by far the fastest spending president in history. I mean, we are spending nearly 30% more money than we earn every year. How long before our obligations will be too much for us to pay like Greece? The reason the govt almost shut down was because we had debt payments due and literally did not have the money in the Treasury to pay out! At one point the Apple Corporation had more cash assets on hand than the US government did. Bro that is crazy! If you made 100k per year would you make your yearly budget to spend $130k? Doubt it. If you did, how many years could you go making payments on the accumulated debt before you had to declare bankruptcy? My point is made.
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