Darthy, Baby, you are going down. Better do what Wes did. Come clean and finish on top. I know what you did and I know who you are. I am terrible at keeping secrets. lol.
Well I found out today that Darth Vader is not acting alone, Marker told me he is The Emperor. I know where to find The Emperor and once I find where Darth is you both will do the TURD!
Have the death star packed and ready to leave this planet of the BORK'S. To all of you i hit.....nanananaaaaaaaaaaaana. To the rest of you, I just may return from time to time to show my power. May the dark side be with you all.....b!tches
Have the death star packed and ready to leave this planet of the BORK'S. To all of you i hit.....nanananaaaaaaaaaaaana. To the rest of you, I just may return from time to time to show my power. May the dark side be with you all.....b!tches
.....and just like that, he is gone. Typical of a Deadbeat Dad.
I will say nothing. I just want to wait until you are revealed and see if I was right.
Got home from my 45 day work deployment only to find that Darth is now picking a fight. You just wait till I find your address... But until then.
StarTrek is better
+1 Darth! good for you.