What is the best concert you have been to?
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 660
I did a search and didn't see this thread and someone posted some pics the other day and got me thinking about it.
So what is the best concert you have been to?
So what is the best concert you have been to?
and as much as i hate to admit it, i am a sucker for Glam Rock.
that being said, i think the best concert i have been to was the first time i saw KISS in 2000 on their "Farewell tour"
ive seen them like 5 times since but that was the best one.
another one that im surprised at how good they were was YES. simply amazing show
I've been to many concerts, but the three that stand out in my memory are; Moody Blues at Red Rock Colorado,
There was an impromptu free concert in Northern California in 1970 that included the Greatful Dead, elements of Quicksilver Messenger Service, Hot Tuna, elements of Ten Years After, David Crosby, Roger McGuinn, and elements of The Band. It was in a public park and these guys just showed up and played together for hours...for free.
In 1972 I went to Willie Nelson's birthday party at his ranch in North Texas. It lasted for 3 days. There were rivers of beer. Waylon and Chris and Leon Russel, New Riders of the Purple Sage, lots of Texas talent out of Austin, Emmy Lou Harris, and a bunch of local talent out of Nashville was there. We ate BBQ goat that had been roasting for about a week. That was a party!
Not only was the music great, the sound was amazing and he is an incredible performer. That dude can BUST A MOVE!!! Seriously, he doesn't dance, he glides on ball bearings.
My wife and I were on a concert kick years back. We would see almost anyone coming thru Southern California, so you can imagine how many that is. We would hit 2 or 3 a month depending on genre. We never went to rap concerts or oprea. I think my fav show had to be a Journey/Def Leppard/Motley Crue concert!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhB11e5OMa0 ---A tour of Red Rock
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzW8mxmGxVc&feature=related --RatDog
The other was a Garth Brooks concert from the late 90's too. It was right up there with KISS. Different showmen but both were great!
it was a birthday gift from my girlfriend (now my wife)... we had first row center loge seats... just a brilliant show... this was before he change groups and lost it... this was the Lifeline tour... They were playing one of my favorite songs when the band stopped and Ben stepped away from the mic and just sang... the crowd was dead silent... so it was just one man singing and 3,000 people in awe... pretty amazing...
Stevie Wonder in 08 is a close second... these guys are my 2 of my favorite artists of all time...
I saw Santana back in 2000 and that was a great show... and metallica on new years eve in like 96 or 97 with Primus... that was a CRAZY show... good times
Deep Purple at San Diego Arena, 1974
I'm old.......I know..........
Yer only as old as you let yourself think you are. Besides, youth is wasted on the young.