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Chuck Norris Jokes

These Filthy HandsThese Filthy Hands Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 455
When Chuck Norris's *** hits the fan, the fan breaks.

Chuck Norris once beat IBM's Deep Blue computer in a chess match in three moves with only a pawn, thimbol, and a red checker

Every piece of furniture in Chuck Norris's house is a Total Gym

Every cell in Chuck Norris's body has a beard

Chuck Norris can kick the inside of a man's face

When the sun goes down, it lingers on the horizon for a couple of extra minutes to get one last look at Chuck Norris

One the first day, God created the planets and cosmos and looked down and said, "Holy ***!!! Is that Chuck Norris?!?

When Chuck Norris breaks wind, it stays broken.


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