When I first got her, she ran and sounded like a beat up tractor. Now she runs nice and smooth. Hard to tell the size in the pics, but it's 18' long. Ill need to take pics of the near Mint interior. Missing the headliner though. Haven't found the right fabric for it yet.
I don't think I've ever had ash land in an ashtray, it either falls on me or on the floor.
you will get to a point with some cigars that you can just look at it and know when it will fall. i try and ash just before this point.
...something to work towards....
Don't hold your breath.... cuz you might die. On another note, Kuzi makes a good point here, but it still requires paying attention. Personally, Joey, Ozzie, and Jeff can all attest to the fact that I have a ridiculous habit of ashing in my lap, regardless of how much I try otherwise.