Shirley Phelps Roper - Westboro Baptist

I am quite surprised that this group has been allowed to operate as they do. It was very sad to hear they planned on protesting that 9 year old girls funeral, glad this radio station had a hand in stopping that. Why hasn't someone or some group sent these people a message yet, making them think twice about putting their lives at risk to protest the kind of things they do, free speech absolutely but doesn't mean some people shouldn't be sent a msg...
when he dies, no matter what the cause, i would like to go to his funeral with a shirt that says "God hates Phelps"
i once heard an argument that this guy wasnt actually interested in any of the stuff that they protest. the only reason why they do it is so they can make money.
its a little business.
they go to protest something highly volatile, and when a spark sets the place up, he can sue the pants off of whoever set it off.
...doesnt make him any less of a ***.
I personally despise these people. I think our local governments all do a good job of making sure they are kept at a distance that is as far and respectful as possible from the events they protest. I think we're getting to a point in society where their hate message will actually be in violation of gay rights and the system they flaut will actually turn against them.
The sooner the better I say. I think everyone has a right to voice their opinion under our First Ammendment rights, but not when it's to terrorize, harm or subjugate another group of people. This is no different than the religious (often extremist) based arguements of racists and bigots of the past and present.
I did dig up a story about them from last year that I found humerous. At the protest of a US Army Sgt's funeral they had their tires slashed. Subsequetly: Nobody in the town would fix it for them. Eventually AAA came out and towed them to a Wal-Mart that serviced them: