ND taking it to Michigan."Whereas Hoke had quipped last year that Notre Dame was chickening-out of this rivalry — a brushfire Michigan threw gasoline on by playing the "Chicken Dance" after its win over Notre Dame in 2013 — Notre Dame fans took matters into their own hands in the closing minutes and started a stadium-wide rendition of 'Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye.'"
Also, the power of things to bring us back to a place in time.When I started 9th grade, St Anger from Metallica came out. I loved that album, probably listened to it for the entire year. Then I started going back in Metallica's discography, and needless to say it only got better from there. Anyways, I bring this up because I saw St Anger on youtube and got hit with a wave of nostalgia. If I was not going to herf today, I would be outside with a cigar and youtube listening to the album again.Also makes me realize how old Metallica is...
Also, the power of things to bring us back to a place in time.When I started 9th grade, St Anger from Metallica came out. I loved that album, probably listened to it for the entire year. Then I started going back in Metallica's discography, and needless to say it only got better from there. Anyways, I bring this up because I saw St Anger on youtube and got hit with a wave of nostalgia. If I was not going to herf today, I would be outside with a cigar and youtube listening to the album again.Also makes me realize how old Metallica is...
Ah, shoot me again I ain't dead yet.
That album gets way too much hate. Yeah, the snare sounds like a garbage can. Who cares?
Hearing my staff work through problems as a team and referring to the priorities and goals I set for them as "our priorities" and "our goals" and evaluating their own ideas/suggestions as "how does this help the public?" without me having to even step out of my office. Considering their behavior when I took over in March...almost a miracle.
I love that....
2&1/2 weeks into recovery and pup seems to be feeling good. Hair is starting to come back, swelling is down, staples are out and incision is healed up nicely. Can start walks again at 4 week mark and get X-rays at 8 weeks. If X-rays look good and she gets the all clear then all restrictions are lifted and she can be free to roam the house again, run, jump, play etc. just in time for Halloween and the holidays. Been a challenging couple weeks keeping her calm and not having much activity, still long way to go but fingers crossed she maintains good progress the next month and a half and will be "better than ever" very soon.
I love that....
2&1/2 weeks into recovery and pup seems to be feeling good. Hair is starting to come back, swelling is down, staples are out and incision is healed up nicely. Can start walks again at 4 week mark and get X-rays at 8 weeks. If X-rays look good and she gets the all clear then all restrictions are lifted and she can be free to roam the house again, run, jump, play etc. just in time for Halloween and the holidays. Been a challenging couple weeks keeping her calm and not having much activity, still long way to go but fingers crossed she maintains good progress the next month and a half and will be "better than ever" very soon.
Love paypal customer service. Someone hacked my paypal, started to withdraw 1500 dollars from my bank account, and changed my password. In less than 10 min, I had control of my account, changed the password and security question, and they cancelled the fund transfer.
Fall aromatic and Christmas pipe tobacco
Football Season
Fall Festivals
Family time
Fall Weather
Kettlecorn & Freshly made Rootbeer
I don't own a watch, well I do but I have no idea where it is. I don't keep a calendar and TV is no help because I record everything I watch. I kind of like not knowing what the date or time is. TSWOTM and anything of importance pops up on my PC and my wife and the grand kids will remind me of anything else that might need my attention.
My new love~ post-coital cigar..... mmmm, yes!
That album gets way too much hate. Yeah, the snare sounds like a garbage can. Who cares?
Ohio State 21
This makes me happy. I knew my Hokies would compete but I figured Urban Meyer would have a better gameplan and win out in the end! So happy!
2&1/2 weeks into recovery and pup seems to be feeling good. Hair is starting to come back, swelling is down, staples are out and incision is healed up nicely. Can start walks again at 4 week mark and get X-rays at 8 weeks. If X-rays look good and she gets the all clear then all restrictions are lifted and she can be free to roam the house again, run, jump, play etc. just in time for Halloween and the holidays. Been a challenging couple weeks keeping her calm and not having much activity, still long way to go but fingers crossed she maintains good progress the next month and a half and will be "better than ever" very soon.
she can probably figure out the ipad better than i can haha.
brian helped me out and gave me some things to look into
the weather.
leaves changing colors.
and pumpkin everything.
pumpkin: seeds, beer, cider, muffins, scones, pancakes, bread, cheesecake, cake, ice cream, pie.
yes indeed.
Fall aromatic and Christmas pipe tobacco
Football Season
Fall Festivals
Family time
Fall Weather
Kettlecorn & Freshly made Rootbeer
As always, your mother.
I don't own a watch, well I do but I have no idea where it is. I don't keep a calendar and TV is no help because I record everything I watch. I kind of like not knowing what the date or time is. TSWOTM and anything of importance pops up on my PC and my wife and the grand kids will remind me of anything else that might need my attention.
I gave up on football fanaticism along time ago.