I love that we now, officially, have a new renter moving into our current place as of Jan. 1 !!!
...sooo the property management company is letting us terminate our lease early and we won't have to worry about paying for two places for more than a couple weeks. WOOT WOOT!!!!
Don't know if I missed this previously, but how did you find the renter?
I love that we now, officially, have a new renter moving into our current place as of Jan. 1 !!!
...sooo the property management company is letting us terminate our lease early and we won't have to worry about paying for two places for more than a couple weeks. WOOT WOOT!!!!
Don't know if I missed this previously, but how did you find the renter?
(BTW --- Thanks for all your guys suggestions on where to post our place...)
But to answer the question, the person who ended up renting it was a lead from Craigslist. Had a couple referrals from friends and family, A few leads from trulia, and about 8 leads from Craigslist. He was the second person to call and first to come through our place and "see" it - he really liked it and I said we had others interested so he jumped on it....
I love that we now, officially, have a new renter moving into our current place as of Jan. 1 !!!
...sooo the property management company is letting us terminate our lease early and we won't have to worry about paying for two places for more than a couple weeks. WOOT WOOT!!!!
Don't know if I missed this previously, but how did you find the renter?
(BTW --- Thanks for all your guys suggestions on where to post our place...)
But to answer the question, the person who ended up renting it was a lead from Craigslist. Had a couple referrals from friends and family, A few leads from trulia, and about 8 leads from Craigslist. He was the second person to call and first to come through our place and "see" it - he really liked it and I said we had others interested so he jumped on it....
My S&W .44 Special ... spent Saturday at the range honing up on my neglected shooting . My wife put about 50 rounds thru a Rossi .38 special too . Too many idiots running loose and drugged up to not be prepared .
I live in Florida near the coast so I've got a stash of water and food to last thru a power outage/hurricane, so I understand to a certain extent wanting to stock up; but damn, some of the guys on these boards are batsh!t crazy. Take these posts, in response from a person asking where to hide their guns for when the Gov't comes:
I wouldn't hide it if a huge mob of freedom loving stand up and fight i'll join them,let's say 100 brave soul. If it's only me and 3-9 brave soul, we'll be outnumber by the goverment dogs(meaning cops and etc..) since they will be wearing bodyarmor and **** like that. Rifle does a good job at killing armor.
In a fox hole with my RPK and lots of ammo along with the wife picking off the ones brave enough to poke a head out with a 22-250 mauser. Better bring a black hawk to get me and mine you will need it.
Muahahahahaa it's too late,we already know who you are.
You are still young and strong,join us.We will give you big guns,
and the sheeple to slaughter. [your friends the feds]
THINK. They are gonna be hauling 'gun owners & non PC people off to 'community centers' for 'social distancing'. You have no guns? We have a train to put you on. Thanks for all your guns and ammo now get on the train. When they come to your house it should be booby trapped if left standing. Think scorched earth. When they kick in your front door you should be firing on them from across the street or voting from a neighbor's rooftop or already long gone. A conflict in the US will make WWII Ost Front seem like a pic nic.
....When they kick in your front door you should be firing on them from across the street........
No!, I"ll press the detonator (a device used for detonating a high explosive) from my neighbors roof
WHEN they bust down your door, if they catch you off guard, you will get a beating and your guns taken away, then you can go to your stockpile, join up with the local militia and hunt the b**tards down with SMART guerrilla tactics.
Just make sure you are willing to dust a few of the "bad guys" to prove that you are not a weasel informant or traitor, otherwise the "good guys" will dust you.
WHEN they bust your door down, and you are prepared, you can CHOOSE to make a final stand, or you can CHOOSE to take your beating and loose your non hidden guns. And hopefully if you choose to yield they don't kill you anyway, or haul you off to some camp to die, and if they are doing the gun seizure properly, they will haul you off.
Sounds like fun? Hell no, every day of life will be hell from that day on, just deal with it and stand your ground honourably with your fellow man, remember that the good guys are out there too, and while going out in a blaze of glory helps the cause, you will be more useful alive and working with your local militia.
Remember taking one out with you at home is good for the cause (Aim for the nose, because it is likely that they will have body armour), but taking out a hundred over the span of a year will do so much more for freedom.
Just think of those brave army boys and marines in WWII that fought for our rights to defend ourselves, if you don't arm yourself according to the 2nd amendment and protect YOUR rights, they will have died in vain. I had relatives who had their swords and bows taken away in Scotland long ago, and that is no way to live
Stay safe, stay armed, and stay in the fight until freedom is won. Then spend every moment from then on fighting to keep it.
I live in Florida near the coast so I've got a stash of water and food to last thru a power outage/hurricane, so I understand to a certain extent wanting to stock up; but damn, some of the guys on these boards are batsh!t crazy. Take these posts, in response from a person asking where to hide their guns for when the Gov't comes:
I wouldn't hide it if a huge mob of freedom loving stand up and fight i'll join them,let's say 100 brave soul. If it's only me and 3-9 brave soul, we'll be outnumber by the goverment dogs(meaning cops and etc..) since they will be wearing bodyarmor and **** like that. Rifle does a good job at killing armor.
In a fox hole with my RPK and lots of ammo along with the wife picking off the ones brave enough to poke a head out with a 22-250 mauser. Better bring a black hawk to get me and mine you will need it.
Muahahahahaa it's too late,we already know who you are.
You are still young and strong,join us.We will give you big guns,
and the sheeple to slaughter. [your friends the feds]
THINK. They are gonna be hauling 'gun owners & non PC people off to 'community centers' for 'social distancing'. You have no guns? We have a train to put you on. Thanks for all your guns and ammo now get on the train. When they come to your house it should be booby trapped if left standing. Think scorched earth. When they kick in your front door you should be firing on them from across the street or voting from a neighbor's rooftop or already long gone. A conflict in the US will make WWII Ost Front seem like a pic nic.
....When they kick in your front door you should be firing on them from across the street........
No!, I"ll press the detonator (a device used for detonating a high explosive) from my neighbors roof
WHEN they bust down your door, if they catch you off guard, you will get a beating and your guns taken away, then you can go to your stockpile, join up with the local militia and hunt the b**tards down with SMART guerrilla tactics.
Just make sure you are willing to dust a few of the "bad guys" to prove that you are not a weasel informant or traitor, otherwise the "good guys" will dust you.
WHEN they bust your door down, and you are prepared, you can CHOOSE to make a final stand, or you can CHOOSE to take your beating and loose your non hidden guns. And hopefully if you choose to yield they don't kill you anyway, or haul you off to some camp to die, and if they are doing the gun seizure properly, they will haul you off.
Sounds like fun? Hell no, every day of life will be hell from that day on, just deal with it and stand your ground honourably with your fellow man, remember that the good guys are out there too, and while going out in a blaze of glory helps the cause, you will be more useful alive and working with your local militia.
Remember taking one out with you at home is good for the cause (Aim for the nose, because it is likely that they will have body armour), but taking out a hundred over the span of a year will do so much more for freedom.
Just think of those brave army boys and marines in WWII that fought for our rights to defend ourselves, if you don't arm yourself according to the 2nd amendment and protect YOUR rights, they will have died in vain. I had relatives who had their swords and bows taken away in Scotland long ago, and that is no way to live
Stay safe, stay armed, and stay in the fight until freedom is won. Then spend every moment from then on fighting to keep it.
What's even scarier is that I didn't cherry pick those quotes. That kind of talk goes on for PAGES, with one loon parroting another. Here and there you find a one post wonder who says "you're all nuts" and then leaves, or a long-time member tries to bring things back to reality by telling them that regulation and taxes/fees are the way the anti-gun ppl are going to go, not busting down doors, and that most cops and military are pro-gun. But after that, the chest-thumping begins starts up anew, and the talk of guerilla tactics and taking out SWAT teams begins again.
It's all just . . . ugh. You can tell from the tone that almost none of these guys have ever met, talked to, or developed any kind of relationship with a cop or a member of our military, and they think all cops/military are out to get them, unless they're a retired cop or combat vet, in which case, they assume they'd be willing to teach everyone how to make IEDs and combat tactics for when the resistance begins - Waco and Ruby Ridge are referred to as learning experiences; they even occasionally debate the merits of pinning down a SWAT team with "I or L or X cross fire" and which works best in which situations.
If you wanna read some of this crap for yourself, here's some entertaining threads
What's even scarier is that I didn't cherry pick those quotes. That kind of talk goes on for PAGES, with one loon parroting another. Here and there you find a one post wonder who says "you're all nuts" and then leaves, or a long-time member tries to bring things back to reality by telling them that regulation and taxes/fees are the way the anti-gun ppl are going to go, not busting down doors, and that most cops and military are pro-gun. But after that, the chest-thumping begins starts up anew, and the talk of guerilla tactics and taking out SWAT teams begins again.
It's all just . . . ugh. You can tell from the tone that almost none of these guys have ever met, talked to, or developed any kind of relationship with a cop or a member of our military, and they think all cops/military are out to get them, unless they're a retired cop or combat vet, in which case, they assume they'd be willing to teach everyone how to make IEDs and combat tactics for when the resistance begins - Waco and Ruby Ridge are referred to as learning experiences; they even occasionally debate the merits of pinning down a SWAT team with "I or L or X cross fire" and which works best in which situations.
If you wanna read some of this crap for yourself, here's some entertaining threads
I work for a nonprofit teaching GED classes and doing admin work part-time. I'm not actually at the actual facility that much because I teach offsite and the admin stuff is all on a computer, but I was in there earlier this week to get trained on something. When I get there, it smells really good inside. Turns out, the brand new Panera Bread that opened right across the street has decided that our students, staff, and volunteers should benefit from their day-old bread.
I really like free stuff, and I really like bread. I got a couple of different loafs; one of them was some whole grain with oats dusted on top. It was slightly sweet and very firm. I was still hungry after lunch and cut off a thin slice and slathered it in Nutella (another thing I have a strong predilection to). Heavenly. Good, free bread and Nutella open faced. You may drool now.
I work for a nonprofit teaching GED classes and doing admin work part-time. I'm not actually at the actual facility that much because I teach offsite and the admin stuff is all on a computer, but I was in there earlier this week to get trained on something. When I get there, it smells really good inside. Turns out, the brand new Panera Bread that opened right across the street has decided that our students, staff, and volunteers should benefit from their day-old bread.
I really like free stuff, and I really like bread. I got a couple of different loafs; one of them was some whole grain with oats dusted on top. It was slightly sweet and very firm. I was still hungry after lunch and cut off a thin slice and slathered it in Nutella (another thing I have a strong predilection to). Heavenly. Good, free bread and Nutella open faced. You may drool now.
I really like what you do for a living brother! My wife is the president of Junior Acheivement for 5 counties in our area, so I get it!!!!
I work for a nonprofit teaching GED classes and doing admin work part-time. I'm not actually at the actual facility that much because I teach offsite and the admin stuff is all on a computer, but I was in there earlier this week to get trained on something. When I get there, it smells really good inside. Turns out, the brand new Panera Bread that opened right across the street has decided that our students, staff, and volunteers should benefit from their day-old bread.
I really like free stuff, and I really like bread. I got a couple of different loafs; one of them was some whole grain with oats dusted on top. It was slightly sweet and very firm. I was still hungry after lunch and cut off a thin slice and slathered it in Nutella (another thing I have a strong predilection to). Heavenly. Good, free bread and Nutella open faced. You may drool now.
I really like what you do for a living brother! My wife is the president of Junior Acheivement for 5 counties in our area, so I get it!!!!
Thanks. My parents were both teachers. Chemistry and Math. Dad could easily have gotten the PhD, but decided to teach instead. I looked at what schools put them through and ran as far and fast as I could...but somehow I wound up doing what I'm doing for the last 6 months and love it. My students are motivated for the most part. They tend to have some hard knocks schooling, but that helps them stay motivated, too. Some of my students have never had anyone believe they could do anything, so I end up coaching and encouraging as much as I teach. It really is a rewarding job.
I remember some great JA projects from when I was in school; even had one guy offer tickets to the Indy 500 to the top achiever in our class in middle school. The organization I work for tries to do some similar stuff with career development and internships with local businesses for our adult learners.
We're finishing off the last beans from a bag of Dominican Republic right now... Never had a bad batch from them.
Will do man, in in love with gautamalen beans right now, dark or medium
come on guys. This forum already has me hooked on great cigars, craft beers, great liquor, and awesome food. Do you really have to start with the coffee...guess it's time for a coffee grinder. Damn it!!!
If anyone is interested I can provide an email address to a fellow in the States who's father owns a coffee plantation in Nicaragua. Carlos and his sister import the beans and sell them online and at places like E-bay. The beans are a very good price, can be considered Fair Trade as they are acting as the middle man themselves and these beans make a terrific cup of coffee. Nothing like pairing a cup of this stuff with a good Nic. cigar and enjoying the sun.
But to answer the question, the person who ended up renting it was a lead from Craigslist. Had a couple referrals from friends and family, A few leads from trulia, and about 8 leads from Craigslist. He was the second person to call and first to come through our place and "see" it - he really liked it and I said we had others interested so he jumped on it....
Hey Stephen , if your still here on the 22nd , does that go in the things I hate or the things I love thread LMAO !!!
I live in Florida near the coast so I've got a stash of water and food to last thru a power outage/hurricane, so I understand to a certain extent wanting to stock up; but damn, some of the guys on these boards are batsh!t crazy. Take these posts, in response from a person asking where to hide their guns for when the Gov't comes:
It's all just . . . ugh. You can tell from the tone that almost none of these guys have ever met, talked to, or developed any kind of relationship with a cop or a member of our military, and they think all cops/military are out to get them, unless they're a retired cop or combat vet, in which case, they assume they'd be willing to teach everyone how to make IEDs and combat tactics for when the resistance begins - Waco and Ruby Ridge are referred to as learning experiences; they even occasionally debate the merits of pinning down a SWAT team with "I or L or X cross fire" and which works best in which situations.
If you wanna read some of this crap for yourself, here's some entertaining threads
- This one was started in December of 2008 and is still going, "Best Hiding when the Gov't comes for your guns": http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=35137
- This one was started about 4 days ago, "The time is upon us": http://www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=280565
Hmm, I think I can do that. "Yes dear."
I really like free stuff, and I really like bread. I got a couple of different loafs; one of them was some whole grain with oats dusted on top. It was slightly sweet and very firm. I was still hungry after lunch and cut off a thin slice and slathered it in Nutella (another thing I have a strong predilection to). Heavenly. Good, free bread and Nutella open faced. You may drool now.
Thanks. My parents were both teachers. Chemistry and Math. Dad could easily have gotten the PhD, but decided to teach instead. I looked at what schools put them through and ran as far and fast as I could...but somehow I wound up doing what I'm doing for the last 6 months and love it. My students are motivated for the most part. They tend to have some hard knocks schooling, but that helps them stay motivated, too. Some of my students have never had anyone believe they could do anything, so I end up coaching and encouraging as much as I teach. It really is a rewarding job.
I remember some great JA projects from when I was in school; even had one guy offer tickets to the Indy 500 to the top achiever in our class in middle school. The organization I work for tries to do some similar stuff with career development and internships with local businesses for our adult learners.
So I love ... (in no particular order)
Long walks on the beach (lol)
Good customer service.
(Cigar.com & Tim B are prime examples!)
A nice relaxing cigar
Trying new craft beers
Dark, freshly roasted coffee
My wife
Our dog
We're finishing off the last beans from a bag of Dominican Republic right now...
Never had a bad batch from them.