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Things I Hate



  • Glock1975Glock1975 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,372
    smoke em if you got em:
    Taxes....MF'n taxes. Got a nice bonus check for exceeding my quota for 2014 and the government reached in my pockets and robbed a brotha...still pretty happy with the take home $$ ya dig!!
    Good, now go spend some of it on a heater and get yo ass on V-Herf, ya dig that!!!
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    smoke em if you got em:
    Taxes....MF'n taxes. Got a nice bonus check for exceeding my quota for 2014 and the government reached in my pockets and robbed a brotha...still pretty happy with the take home $$ ya dig!!

    hate seeing all that money "disappear" too .... but worth paying the "dues" to be AMERICAN and live in a civilized society.
  • smoke em if you got emsmoke em if you got em Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,119
    smoke em if you got em:
    Taxes....MF'n taxes. Got a nice bonus check for exceeding my quota for 2014 and the government reached in my pockets and robbed a brotha...still pretty happy with the take home $$ ya dig!!

    hate seeing all that money "disappear" too .... but worth paying the "dues" to be AMERICAN and live in a civilized society.
  • smoke em if you got emsmoke em if you got em Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,119
    smoke em if you got em:
    Taxes....MF'n taxes. Got a nice bonus check for exceeding my quota for 2014 and the government reached in my pockets and robbed a brotha...still pretty happy with the take home $$ ya dig!!
    Good, now go spend some of it on a heater and get yo ass on V-Herf, ya dig that!!!
    blah blah
  • Glock1975Glock1975 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,372
    smoke em if you got em:
    smoke em if you got em:
    Taxes....MF'n taxes. Got a nice bonus check for exceeding my quota for 2014 and the government reached in my pockets and robbed a brotha...still pretty happy with the take home $$ ya dig!!
    Good, now go spend some of it on a heater and get yo ass on V-Herf, ya dig that!!!
    blah blah
    blah blah? tha't all u got, come on bro. Wait till later today, u will have more, I PROMISE.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    networking/router/computery *** when it's not working right....ugghhh

    as soon as i get 1 problem resolved, another pops up. grrr....
    it was supposed to be an easy "plug-and-play" project to add a new switch, simple reset of all devices, and be good to go. but nooooo! now everything's fubar & then some.

    was going to work on painting the basement this weekend but thinking most of my time will be spent troubleshooting ... grrrr

    just want to get this *** resolved so i can 1) have better tv streams & less packet loss 2) free up throughput so i can get wi-fi working in garage for vherf.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Breaking a tooth. Grrr!
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Ohhhh that's easy... Pete F'n Carrol
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Watching Psycho and then taking a shower
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    Cancelling a recording session because there's a foot and a half of snow on the ground . . . So I guess this is an I hate Ohio post.
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,520
    Life just got real busy for me. Taking on new responsibilities at work, the class I'm taking at the local college started last night, trying to overhaul the men's golf association that I'm president of and track down our MIA treasurer, who is conveniently the only person with access to our bank account, and pay our $2500 debt... Oh and my wise ass decided to try something serious with a girl that has a six month old son.
  • brianetz1brianetz1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,898
    smoke em if you got em:
    Taxes....MF'n taxes. Got a nice bonus check for exceeding my quota for 2014 and the government reached in my pockets and robbed a brotha...still pretty happy with the take home $$ ya dig!!
    totally agree with the Taxes part. We have 2 dependents, we both claim 2 on our taxes take standard deductions, nothing crazy, didn't change a tax bracket, and somehow we owe almost $700 in taxes.

    You know the tax code is completely fucked up if you are taking the standard deductions and claiming your correct number of dependents and those numbers don't work out correctly.

    at this point I am so pissed I can't see straight.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    f*****ing network issues....


    this time i am 99% sure i got it narrowed down to either ...
    1) a bad cable/jack or 2) hardware (xbox360's) network card is starting to fail....

    got a cable tester ordered so hopefully i can get to the bottom of this asap ....
    but just one other "thing" to have to spend time on troubleshooting & try to fix.....grrr
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    f*****ing network issues....


    this time i am 99% sure i got it narrowed down to either ...
    1) a bad cable/jack or 2) hardware (xbox360's) network card is starting to fail....

    got a cable tester ordered so hopefully i can get to the bottom of this asap ....
    but just one other "thing" to have to spend time on troubleshooting & try to fix.....grrr
    Why do you think its your hardware? Who is your provider? (its ALWAYS the providers fault, theyre lying to you)
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    f*****ing network issues....


    this time i am 99% sure i got it narrowed down to either ...
    1) a bad cable/jack or 2) hardware (xbox360's) network card is starting to fail....

    got a cable tester ordered so hopefully i can get to the bottom of this asap ....
    but just one other "thing" to have to spend time on troubleshooting & try to fix.....grrr
    Why do you think its your hardware? Who is your provider? (its ALWAYS the providers fault, theyre lying to you)
    lol i wish i could pin it on them but nope not the provider's fault.....

    it's an internal LAN issue (and i own all the equipment.)

    getting an intermittent link-local address on the x360 (so not able to reach router for dhcp)....
    and when that occurs i'm seeing a "phantom" MAC address on my router table for a device that doesn't exist.....

    cable/jack failure is always a possibily....and that's easy enough to test.
    but the x360 is pushing 8 yrs old so wouldn't surprise me if the network card is starting to go bad.....

    if i can rule out the cables/jacks then it has to be the x360's network card.
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    That, is far more.complicated than I thought It was gonna be, I stand corrected sir. And ya, 8 yr old Xbox could not bode well
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    f*****ing network issues....


    this time i am 99% sure i got it narrowed down to either ...
    1) a bad cable/jack or 2) hardware (xbox360's) network card is starting to fail....

    got a cable tester ordered so hopefully i can get to the bottom of this asap ....
    but just one other "thing" to have to spend time on troubleshooting & try to fix.....grrr
    Why do you think its your hardware? Who is your provider? (its ALWAYS the providers fault, theyre lying to you)
    lol i wish i could pin it on them but nope not the provider's fault.....

    it's an internal LAN issue (and i own all the equipment.)

    getting an intermittent link-local address on the x360 (so not able to reach router for dhcp)....
    and when that occurs i'm seeing a "phantom" MAC address on my router table for a device that doesn't exist.....

    cable/jack failure is always a possibily....and that's easy enough to test.
    but the x360 is pushing 8 yrs old so wouldn't surprise me if the network card is starting to go bad.....

    if i can rule out the cables/jacks then it has to be the x360's network card.
    Are you sure it could be the xbox's network card and not the router?
    The reason I ask is we went through a similar problem with one xbox. We swore up and down it was the xbox, as the router was also tied to the TV, 2 computers and an Xbox One.
    After quite some time battling with it, we had someone come in and they found that the port on the router was getting bumped by the other stuff. Seems the router had some priority thing on it that the port the xbox was on was the last in the priority line.

    Dunno if that's your problem, but it's a thought.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    f*****ing network issues....


    this time i am 99% sure i got it narrowed down to either ...
    1) a bad cable/jack or 2) hardware (xbox360's) network card is starting to fail....

    got a cable tester ordered so hopefully i can get to the bottom of this asap ....
    but just one other "thing" to have to spend time on troubleshooting & try to fix.....grrr
    Why do you think its your hardware? Who is your provider? (its ALWAYS the providers fault, theyre lying to you)
    lol i wish i could pin it on them but nope not the provider's fault.....

    it's an internal LAN issue (and i own all the equipment.)

    getting an intermittent link-local address on the x360 (so not able to reach router for dhcp)....
    and when that occurs i'm seeing a "phantom" MAC address on my router table for a device that doesn't exist.....

    cable/jack failure is always a possibily....and that's easy enough to test.
    but the x360 is pushing 8 yrs old so wouldn't surprise me if the network card is starting to go bad.....

    if i can rule out the cables/jacks then it has to be the x360's network card.
    Are you sure it could be the xbox's network card and not the router?
    The reason I ask is we went through a similar problem with one xbox. We swore up and down it was the xbox, as the router was also tied to the TV, 2 computers and an Xbox One.
    After quite some time battling with it, we had someone come in and they found that the port on the router was getting bumped by the other stuff. Seems the router had some priority thing on it that the port the xbox was on was the last in the priority line.

    Dunno if that's your problem, but it's a thought.
    Good thought, thanks. 99% sure it's a cable/jack or x360 though....tried connecting to different router ports and still get intermittent issues with only x360, never other devices.....also have a unmanaged switch, try going through that and get intermittent issues with, again, xbox only & never other devices on the switch.....

    Also have tried reserving static ip for x360 to bypass dhcp & still get the problem sporadically
    Please throw out any other thoughts/suggestions though.....the phantom MAC address in dhcp table is what really has me puzzled.
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    I'm at a loss, you may be right, I run my play station directly to my router, hardlined, my desktop pc hardlined and everything else is WiFi, but the only time I've had lag issues, I just blame @$!&×¥×*$& charter cable, they deserve it, trust me :)
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
    Spending the night at the hospital. nothing to do but wait, feeling pretty efing useless
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Spending the night at the hospital. nothing to do but wait, feeling pretty efing useless
    I hope everything is okay..Hospital visits are rarely a good experience.
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
    Spending the night at the hospital. nothing to do but wait, feeling pretty efing useless
    I hope everything is okay..Hospital visits are rarely a good experience.
    Yeah, the wife had some blood work done Tue, they called yesterday afternoon and told her to go to the ER for an emergency transfusion immediately, gave her 3 bags, units, quarts? last night, bunch of test today and here for another night, iron deficient anemia, still don't know why yet.
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,691
    well I was gonnacomplain about the a-holes who block the intersections at red lights.But in comparison to what I read above I feel silly.Hope all ends well for you and the wife brother!!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    well I was gonnacomplain about the a-holes who block the intersections at red lights.But in comparison to what I read above I feel silly.Hope all ends well for you and the wife brother!!
    I can't remember ever posting a thing I hate here. But I really don't like having to travel in this snow and cold and ice. Another snowfall last night to add to the beauty of winter.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Spending the night at the hospital. nothing to do but wait, feeling pretty efing useless
    I hope everything is okay..Hospital visits are rarely a good experience.
    Yeah, the wife had some blood work done Tue, they called yesterday afternoon and told her to go to the ER for an emergency transfusion immediately, gave her 3 bags, units, quarts? last night, bunch of test today and here for another night, iron deficient anemia, still don't know why yet.

    My wife was told she was dangerously low in B12 (never knew that could be a problem). Must not be too dangerous, they set up for shots over a month from now. Went to the store and got a larger bottle of B12 supplements.
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Picking up a prescription for antibiotics the day before St. Patty's Day with a big note of the front of the bag that says, "NO ALCOHOL FOR TWO WEEKS!!!"

  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Dont take em till tomorrow. Lol
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    I severly dislike when Im paying for gas and the person in front of me asks for a White Owl, or Swisher and I dont have a handrolled to give them. I need a bigger herfador.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    Working as security for a night club on St. Paddy's. Already ran into huge gaggles of people drunk and stoned in public at 9 AM.
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