I know a scientist that was approached to be a liar for hire on this and other subjects. i can tell you this, there is a plot to undermine the american infrastructure in any way possible. destroying jobs for environmental betterment that is falsely based is one way those who despise us are doing it.
did you know that many displaced russian officials joined groups like Greenpeace in order to gain control and push an agenda to undermine America. yeah, it's crazy sounding but true. THEY don't want you to know this
I don't see how this undermines the theory. It does completely undermine CRU and the results that they have produced. It also shows that the people responsible for testing the theory are unorganized and are not staying true to the scientific method. It'd be nice to see an organized group do some actual research into this theory.
It's funny, I posted pretty much the same story in my "Rants" thread and got jumped all over for it and had my views called "simplistic"... Someone else posts it in a thread devoted entirley to this topic and nothing... I guess it's the price of being the opinionated "right wing nutjob" that I am. hehe
It's funny, I posted pretty much the same story in my "Rants" thread and got jumped all over for it and had my views called "simplistic"... Someone else posts it in a thread devoted entirley to this topic and nothing... I guess it's the price of being the opinionated "right wing nutjob" that I am. hehe
Well that seems to be because nobody wants to "debate" these types of topics with you anymore PURO.
Everybody hereseems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
It's funny, I posted pretty much the same story in my "Rants" thread and got jumped all over for it and had my views called "simplistic"... Someone else posts it in a thread devoted entirley to this topic and nothing... I guess it's the price of being the opinionated "right wing nutjob" that I am. hehe
Well that seems to be because nobody wants to "debate" these types of topics with you anymore PURO.
Everybody here seems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
It's funny, I posted pretty much the same story in my "Rants" thread and got jumped all over for it and had my views called "simplistic"... Someone else posts it in a thread devoted entirley to this topic and nothing... I guess it's the price of being the opinionated "right wing nutjob" that I am. hehe
Well that seems to be because nobody wants to "debate" these types of topics with you anymore PURO.
Everybody here seems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
BTW I don't think you are that right wing Puro, ~
HOW DARE YOU!!! AND TO SAY IT TWICE!!! OMG!!! THAT IS UNCALLED FOR.... Wait, what were we talking about again? Damn double poster...
It's funny, I posted pretty much the same story in my "Rants" thread and got jumped all over for it and had my views called "simplistic"... Someone else posts it in a thread devoted entirley to this topic and nothing... I guess it's the price of being the opinionated "right wing nutjob" that I am. hehe
Well that seems to be because nobody wants to "debate" these types of topics with you anymore PURO.
Everybody here seems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
BTW I don't think you are that right wing Puro, ~
HOW DARE YOU!!! AND TO SAY IT TWICE!!! OMG!!! THAT IS UNCALLED FOR.... Wait, what were we talking about again? Damn double poster...
I did NOT mean to post that twice ! Everytime I edit a post for spelling, I end up screwing it up even more ! LOL.
Oh well, I got a rise out of YOU this time PURO. I love it ! BTW, for anyone who didn't figure it out, I WAS KIDDING. Just giving Puro a hard time. A job well done... if I do say so myself. ~
It's funny, I posted pretty much the same story in my "Rants" thread and got jumped all over for it and had my views called "simplistic"... Someone else posts it in a thread devoted entirley to this topic and nothing... I guess it's the price of being the opinionated "right wing nutjob" that I am. hehe
Well that seems to be because nobody wants to "debate" these types of topics with you anymore PURO.
Everybody here seems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
BTW I don't think you are that right wing Puro, ~
HOW DARE YOU!!! AND TO SAY IT TWICE!!! OMG!!! THAT IS UNCALLED FOR.... Wait, what were we talking about again? Damn double poster...
I did NOT mean to post that twice ! Everytime I edit a post for spelling, I end up screwing it up even more ! LOL.
Oh well, I got a rise out of YOU this time PURO. I love it ! BTW, for anyone who didn't figure it out, I WAS KIDDING. Just giving Puro a hard time. A job well done... if I do say so myself. ~
Hahaha Yea, in case ya didn't notice I might have been f*ckin with ya a little too... Hell you're from Canadia, you don't know any better...
I guess this is one of those issues where I lean left. I would much rather error on the side of caution than ignore the evidence here. It's not like we can reboot or move to another planet if we screw this one up. This is our only home and IF we MIGHT be contributing to a natural warming cycle, OR causing all of the global warming by ourselves we need to put ourselves in check.
It's funny, I posted pretty much the same story in my "Rants" thread and got jumped all over for it and had my views called "simplistic"... Someone else posts it in a thread devoted entirley to this topic and nothing... I guess it's the price of being the opinionated "right wing nutjob" that I am. hehe
Well that seems to be because nobody wants to "debate" these types of topics with you anymore PURO.
Everybody here seems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
BTW I don't think you are that right wing Puro, ~
HOW DARE YOU!!! AND TO SAY IT TWICE!!! OMG!!! THAT IS UNCALLED FOR.... Wait, what were we talking about again? Damn double poster...
I did NOT mean to post that twice ! Everytime I edit a post for spelling, I end up screwing it up even more ! LOL.
Oh well, I got a rise out of YOU this time PURO. I love it ! BTW, for anyone who didn't figure it out, I WAS KIDDING. Just giving Puro a hard time. A job well done... if I do say so myself. ~
Hahaha Yea, in case ya didn't notice I might have been f*ckin with ya a little too... Hell you're from Canadia, you don't know any better...
I just want to say that I love reading the RANTS, VIEWS, and all the other debates that go on here, to me they are like reading a battle of the minds!! It's great!!
I don't participate in those debates because, to me, they feel like a place for the Gladiators, not the common peasant (meaning myself of course). So when a topic appears outside of the Colosseum, I feel more confident about participating. Just my thoughts of course.
I guess this is one of those issues where I lean left. I would much rather error on the side of caution than ignore the evidence here. It's not like we can reboot or move to another planet if we screw this one up. This is our only home and IF we MIGHT be contributing to a natural warming cycle, OR causing all of the global warming by ourselves we need to put ourselves in check.
Yeah. I'm pretty much with you on that. Seems like most people are so absorbed in the now these days that they have completely ignored the fact that in the last 100 years we humans have changed the face of the earth exponentially more than the inhabitants of earth for the last several thousand years. We need to slow down a lot more than just carbon emissions.
I believe that there are some very smart people on both sides of the coin.
I also believe that there are a lot more complete morons on both sides of the coin, as well.
So many people are so "all or nothing" about this topic that I really don't know who I should be taking seriously. I distrust the left, and I distrust the right. And I fear that may very well make me a misanthrope in America's political climate.
I'm not out to offend anybody, and I apologize if I did. Scientific integrity is a joke these days, I will agree with that. And "all or nothing" thinking will get people nowhere on a topic as complicated as this one is. I am not saying I am indecisive - but I need more than "all or nothing" statements (which seems to be all the right and the left are hurling at me and everybody else in the US these days) if I am to make an informed choice of which side I am taking.
I guess this is one of those issues where I lean left. I would much rather error on the side of caution than ignore the evidence here. It's not like we can reboot or move to another planet if we screw this one up. This is our only home and IF we MIGHT be contributing to a natural warming cycle, OR causing all of the global warming by ourselves we need to put ourselves in check.
I agree with you to a point. I agree we need to take care not to pollute and to recycle, and I try to do my part with both. I use energy efficient bulbs and apliances and try to contribute. But when legislation is passed that will hurt businesses and jobs in this country thats where I have a problem. The Congressional Budget Office stated that the Cap and Trade Bill would reduce the Global GDP by around 3%. Now that may not sound like much, but when the Global GDP is reduced by that much it has massive global impact and people from 3rd world contries die. That is where I have a problem with the global warming craze.
I guess this is one of those issues where I lean left. I would much rather error on the side of caution than ignore the evidence here. It's not like we can reboot or move to another planet if we screw this one up. This is our only home and IF we MIGHT be contributing to a natural warming cycle, OR causing all of the global warming by ourselves we need to put ourselves in check.
Yeah. I'm pretty much with you on that. Seems like most people are so absorbed in the now these days that they have completely ignored the fact that in the last 100 years we humans have changed the face of the earth exponentially more than the inhabitants of earth for the last several thousand years. We need to slow down a lot more than just carbon emissions.
I agree that if there is concrete evidence that we may be contributing in some significant way to a "natural warming cycle", that we should be doing something about it. My only objection is that the people running the government nowadays are going about it the wrong way. Instead of, say, trying to restrict automakers to some ridiculous carbon emissions standards and CAFE regulations, we should be trying to help prevent the problem instead of take measures to reduce it, i.e. stop cutting down all the trees. It all compounds on itself, and if we can't use the logic to attack the issue on all fronts, then how the hell are we supposed to fix it?
It's like the argument of minimum fuel efficiency in cars manufactured today. A Honda Civic manufactured in 1980 has the same fuel efficiency as one that is manufactured today. It should be BETTER, not the SAME. Why? Because cars today are heavy sons of bitches because the government has all these emissions equipment regulations and crazy crash safety standards and stuff that require the use of crumple zones, side-curtain air-bags, double catalytic converters/filters, etc etc, which make the cars of today big, fat, PIGS.
Although it may seem like I'm inferring that I don't think additional safety features are good or even necessary, my main question is why can't we just make a lightweight vehicle with an efficient engine that naturally uses less gas, like in the 80's, and teach the damn kids how to drive safely? It would sure cost a hell of a lot less money. And I BET with the engine technology of today, and the mindset of manufacturing and ecological conscience of the '80's we'd have no problem making a car that made 50 MPG city. But I digress...
People don't look at the root of the problem anymore. If lawmakers aren't smart enough realize that exponentially growing atmospheric CO2 levels cannot POSSIBLY be caused just by manufacturing and automotive emissions by itself, then I guess it really doesn't matter what we do. The problem will never be rectified.
P.S. This is not nearly as elegantly, thoroughly, or specifically explained as I would have liked it to be. I'm starving, and I can smell my porterhouse broiling in the oven, so I'm a little distracted. You should be able to understand the basic essence of my post though.
But when legislation is passed that will hurt businesses and jobs in this country thats where I have a problem. The Congressional Budget Office stated that the Cap and Trade Bill would reduce the Global GDP by around 3%. Now that may not sound like much, but when the Global GDP is reduced by that much it has massive global impact and people from 3rd world contries die. That is where I have a problem with the global warming craze.
Yeah, I agree with you here. The idiots on Capitol Hill have good initiative, bad judgement. Green technology needs to become more efficient (cost and energy) on its own. Then like everything else in our history, it would replace its predecessor based on merit, cost, and convenience, not .gov intervention.
My brother-in-law works for Joy Global, the second largest mining equipment manufacturer in the world. There is technology in available right now that would cut CO2 emissions by 68% over current fossil fuel plants. Very few companies have gotten the nod to build because the hippies don't want it. Those idiots would rather screw up our landscape with wind turbines while killing hundreds-of-thousands of birds and bats each year. You'd think they'd get it after they prevented more nuke plants from being built in the 70's. Keep driving your Prius' you pricks. Those batteries only require a carbon footprint the size of Delaware to be manufactured.
Ok, back to what I was getting at. There is enough coal in Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois ALONE to provide 100% of the United State's residential, commercial, and industrial power requirements for at least 50 years. So while we could start building smart coal plants RIGHT NOW we could also be gaining true energy independence from foreign oil. But just like welfare, politicians don't want to practice what they preach because it makes them too much $$. Lobbying is great, eh?
With that said, I go back to my first post in this thread. I feel we should do everything possible, within reason, to ensure there is a natural balance to our weather, climate, and wildlife.
I'm not what one would call a tree hugger. However the detrimental impacts humans have made to our planet, atmosphere are evident. From our consumption of fossil fuels to events like the BP deepwater horizon disaster. Not to mention sprayin hundreds of gallons of dispersement along hundreds of miles of coastline. (I wont be eating any gulf coast clams anytime soon)
I also believe the impacts we have made over the centuries are effecting our weather, Superstorms , tornados, etc. My question is this ? Do you believe that Global Warming is in fact real and if it is, are we the cause?
My question is this ? Do you believe that Global Warming is in fact real
Yes, there is no doubt about it. The earth is warming, fact.
The Kid:
and if it is, are we the cause?
In some way, shape or form - yes. While you can find reports/facts that will say humans are not the cause of it --- I find it counter-intuitive and naive for us to think that the actions of 7 billion humans are not affecting the environment around us.
My question is this ? Do you believe that Global Warming is in fact real
Yes, there is no doubt about it. The earth is warming, fact.
The Kid:
and if it is, are we the cause?
In some way, shape or form - yes. While you can find reports/facts that will say humans are not the cause of it --- I find it counter-intuitive and naive for us to think that the actions of 7 billion humans are not affecting the environment around us.
Is the Earth warming? Yes, almost certainly.
Are humans contributing? Probably to some degree.
Are humans the main driving force? Unlikely given how large and complex the climate system is compared to us and our contributions.
Does that mean we don't need to be concerned with climate change when being good stewards of the enviroment? Absolutely not, we should always strive to ensure those things we can control are being used in the best ways possible(or to slip into 'Lutheran speak', used in a God pleasing manner).
My question is this ? Do you believe that Global Warming is in fact real
Yes, there is no doubt about it. The earth is warming, fact.
The Kid:
and if it is, are we the cause?
In some way, shape or form - yes. While you can find reports/facts that will say humans are not the cause of it --- I find it counter-intuitive and naive for us to think that the actions of 7 billion humans are not affecting the environment around us.
Is the Earth warming? Yes, almost certainly.
Are humans contributing? Probably to some degree.
Are humans the main driving force? Unlikely given how large and complex the climate system is compared to us and our contributions.
Does that mean we don't need to be concerned with climate change when being good stewards of the enviroment? Absolutely not, we should always strive to ensure those things we can control are being used in the best ways possible(or to slip into 'Lutheran speak', used in a God pleasing manner).
In case you weren't aware, reasonable and well thought out responses are not in fashion. You must be rabid. Denial of, or hyperbolic fear of problems are all that's acceptable. Get your act together! (great cartoon! )
Given that we cannot accurately predict what the weather will be next Tuesday it is folly to think we can predict the next glacial epoch. Given that we cannot avert one measly tornado from tearing through a single trailer park it is hubris to think we can control the next glacial epoch. ... Baby steps.
Apocalyptic myths always seem to follow this same pattern: Mankind has done evil, and therefore God will smite us with natural disasters.
Meanwhile, in more recent news, a rise in sea level caused by global warming was at last officially quantified last week: 11 millimeters in 20 years. That's about three eights of an inch, folks. With an accuracy, they claim, of plus or minus 4 millimeters. So anywhere from a quarter to a half inch. I think we can cope with that rate of rise without either a crippling carbon tax or a Nobel prize winning carbon tax billionaire who claimed to have invented the internet.
The funniest part of this whole hysteria had to be when the IPCC conference was held in Cancun while Europe was gripped by such record ice and snow that delegates couldn't get there. Remember those satellite photos of Britain as icy white from end to end as Greenland? Meanwhile, the global warming alarmists tried to tell us that it was colder because it was getting warmer. For heaven's sake. Go home and shut up.
The notion of "settled science"? It's just silly. Baby steps. Give it a hundred years and then get back to me.
I've grown up (55 yrs.) with my feet on the shorelines of south Louisiana. I can take you to old structures, monuments, forts and such and convince you that the sea level hasn't risen much in the last 100 years. Our marshlands have sunk and disappeared. And we have an ample supply of culprits for that. But sea level rise in the north Gulf of Mexico has not occurred. NASA agrees.
... Are you trying to say that Man-Bear-Pig isn't real?!?!
did you know that many displaced russian officials joined groups like Greenpeace in order to gain control and push an agenda to undermine America. yeah, it's crazy sounding but true. THEY don't want you to know this
Everybody hereseems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
BTW I don't think you are that right wing Puro,
Everybody here seems to agree with your views. Do you miss having your views on this topic referred to as simplistic, Puro? LMAO
Jeeze, some guys will complain about anything !! ROFLMAO.
BTW I don't think you are that right wing Puro,
I did NOT mean to post that twice ! Everytime I edit a post for spelling, I end up screwing it up even more ! LOL.
Oh well, I got a rise out of YOU this time PURO. I love it ! BTW, for anyone who didn't figure it out, I WAS KIDDING. Just giving Puro a hard time. A job well done... if I do say so myself.
I just want to say that I love reading the RANTS, VIEWS, and all the other debates that go on here, to me they are like reading a battle of the minds!! It's great!!
I don't participate in those debates because, to me, they feel like a place for the Gladiators, not the common peasant (meaning myself of course). So when a topic appears outside of the Colosseum, I feel more confident about participating. Just my thoughts of course.
Man-Bear-Pig is real... I'm super serial!!
I also believe that there are a lot more complete morons on both sides of the coin, as well.
So many people are so "all or nothing" about this topic that I really don't know who I should be taking seriously. I distrust the left, and I distrust the right. And I fear that may very well make me a misanthrope in America's political climate.
I'm not out to offend anybody, and I apologize if I did. Scientific integrity is a joke these days, I will agree with that. And "all or nothing" thinking will get people nowhere on a topic as complicated as this one is. I am not saying I am indecisive - but I need more than "all or nothing" statements (which seems to be all the right and the left are hurling at me and everybody else in the US these days) if I am to make an informed choice of which side I am taking.
I agree that if there is concrete evidence that we may be contributing in some significant way to a "natural warming cycle", that we should be doing something about it. My only objection is that the people running the government nowadays are going about it the wrong way. Instead of, say, trying to restrict automakers to some ridiculous carbon emissions standards and CAFE regulations, we should be trying to help prevent the problem instead of take measures to reduce it, i.e. stop cutting down all the trees. It all compounds on itself, and if we can't use the logic to attack the issue on all fronts, then how the hell are we supposed to fix it?
It's like the argument of minimum fuel efficiency in cars manufactured today. A Honda Civic manufactured in 1980 has the same fuel efficiency as one that is manufactured today. It should be BETTER, not the SAME. Why? Because cars today are heavy sons of bitches because the government has all these emissions equipment regulations and crazy crash safety standards and stuff that require the use of crumple zones, side-curtain air-bags, double catalytic converters/filters, etc etc, which make the cars of today big, fat, PIGS.
Although it may seem like I'm inferring that I don't think additional safety features are good or even necessary, my main question is why can't we just make a lightweight vehicle with an efficient engine that naturally uses less gas, like in the 80's, and teach the damn kids how to drive safely? It would sure cost a hell of a lot less money. And I BET with the engine technology of today, and the mindset of manufacturing and ecological conscience of the '80's we'd have no problem making a car that made 50 MPG city. But I digress...
People don't look at the root of the problem anymore. If lawmakers aren't smart enough realize that exponentially growing atmospheric CO2 levels cannot POSSIBLY be caused just by manufacturing and automotive emissions by itself, then I guess it really doesn't matter what we do. The problem will never be rectified.
P.S. This is not nearly as elegantly, thoroughly, or specifically explained as I would have liked it to be. I'm starving, and I can smell my porterhouse broiling in the oven, so I'm a little distracted. You should be able to understand the basic essence of my post though.
My brother-in-law works for Joy Global, the second largest mining equipment manufacturer in the world. There is technology in available right now that would cut CO2 emissions by 68% over current fossil fuel plants. Very few companies have gotten the nod to build because the hippies don't want it. Those idiots would rather screw up our landscape with wind turbines while killing hundreds-of-thousands of birds and bats each year. You'd think they'd get it after they prevented more nuke plants from being built in the 70's. Keep driving your Prius' you pricks. Those batteries only require a carbon footprint the size of Delaware to be manufactured.
Ok, back to what I was getting at. There is enough coal in Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois ALONE to provide 100% of the United State's residential, commercial, and industrial power requirements for at least 50 years. So while we could start building smart coal plants RIGHT NOW we could also be gaining true energy independence from foreign oil. But just like welfare, politicians don't want to practice what they preach because it makes them too much $$. Lobbying is great, eh?
With that said, I go back to my first post in this thread. I feel we should do everything possible, within reason, to ensure there is a natural balance to our weather, climate, and wildlife.
I also believe the impacts we have made over the centuries are effecting our weather, Superstorms , tornados, etc.
My question is this ? Do you believe that Global Warming is in fact real and if it is, are we the cause?
In some way, shape or form - yes. While you can find reports/facts that will say humans are not the cause of it --- I find it counter-intuitive and naive for us to think that the actions of 7 billion humans are not affecting the environment around us.
Are humans contributing? Probably to some degree.
Are humans the main driving force? Unlikely given how large and complex the climate system is compared to us and our contributions.
Does that mean we don't need to be concerned with climate change when being good stewards of the enviroment? Absolutely not, we should always strive to ensure those things we can control are being used in the best ways possible(or to slip into 'Lutheran speak', used in a God pleasing manner).
Chicken Little
Apocalyptic myths always seem to follow this same pattern: Mankind has done evil, and therefore God will smite us with natural disasters.
Meanwhile, in more recent news, a rise in sea level caused by global warming was at last officially quantified last week: 11 millimeters in 20 years. That's about three eights of an inch, folks. With an accuracy, they claim, of plus or minus 4 millimeters. So anywhere from a quarter to a half inch. I think we can cope with that rate of rise without either a crippling carbon tax or a Nobel prize winning carbon tax billionaire who claimed to have invented the internet.
The funniest part of this whole hysteria had to be when the IPCC conference was held in Cancun while Europe was gripped by such record ice and snow that delegates couldn't get there. Remember those satellite photos of Britain as icy white from end to end as Greenland? Meanwhile, the global warming alarmists tried to tell us that it was colder because it was getting warmer. For heaven's sake. Go home and shut up.
The notion of "settled science"? It's just silly. Baby steps. Give it a hundred years and then get back to me.
I've grown up (55 yrs.) with my feet on the shorelines of south Louisiana. I can take you to old structures, monuments, forts and such and convince you that the sea level hasn't risen much in the last 100 years. Our marshlands have sunk and disappeared. And we have an ample supply of culprits for that. But sea level rise in the north Gulf of Mexico has not occurred. NASA agrees.