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Suggestions please.

kswildcatkswildcat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 73
Hello yall. I Hope all is well with yall. Took a different job and trying to settle in. Anyways I have been enjoying the little stash I built up ( and almost diminished it). I would appreciate some suggestions on what to try. I did have 2 of the humidor sampler combos and to be honest the only stick I would want more of would be the La Gloria serie R.... I also purchased Tatuaje Tattoo, Man o war (dbl toro), RP the edge corojo, DPG blue, Avia Marie Imacculata, 5 vegas Miami, 5 vegas AAA. Did not see the hype at all with the edge. Wont be going out of my way to buy more. Other then that I liked all my other purchases. Here is the order of my favorites I have tried, yall may think I am nuts..lol 1. Tatuaje Tattoo 2. 5 vegas miami 3. 5 vegas AAA I liked the other 3 and need/plan to revisit each but the top 3 were the ones both my friend and I enjoyed the most (He likes DPG Blue more then 5 vegas AAA) and the ones I always wanted to grab. As I said yall may think I am nuts but please remember I do not have a developed palate yet (still trying to pick up on notes and transitions). So I am in hopes this maybe gives you an idea of my likes and helps with suggestions. I do see a lot of yall smoking the Liga Privida Undercrown and have my target set on acquiring some of them (noticed the same with the tattoo and boy did it pay off).. Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions. I hope yall know how much new people appreciate you and your insight.


  • StubbleStubble Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,305
    Jaime Garcia Reserve is a favorite of mine. Black Crown is another mainstream stick that I think is real good. Joya de Nicaragua has some great sticks. Roma Craft, Viaje, Crowned Heads, and Caldwell are some great boutique brands that I've enjoyed.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    Without going super premium...

    Anything from Oliva except the Saison.

    Tatuaje Havana/Miami

    Illisuione R

    JdN Celebracion

    I've grown to not like the Undercrown as much, lately, but I really enjoyed the MUWAT I had recently.

    3x3 or 4x4 by Davidoff, too.
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    LA Gloria is a favorite
    Here's a humble opinion
    LA pearla, Alec bradley, LA luchador, LA aroma DE cuba, nat sherman, my father, and illisioune
  • edelrionycedelrionyc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 312
    I recommend the Bakers Dozen Sampler... Can't beat the price for all great cigars in one sample
  • benhanksbenhanks Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 323
    #1 Recommendation, change that avatar to UK!! GO BIG BLUE!!
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 868
    Undercrown on DD today brotherman. Gran toro size I believe. Great price imo. Best San Andres I've ever had fa sho.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    Here's 10 from my rotation

    Bueso Genesis Robusto or Toro
    JdN 1970 Consul
    Tat PCR
    Kristoff Ligero Maduro Robusto
    Kristoff Sumatra Robusto
    San Cristobal Robusto
    Camacho Corojo Monarca (the original, they can still be found)
    Four Kicks Corona Gorda
    Padron 3000 Maduro
    La Aurora Preferidos #1Maduro
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