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My Father... A MF'en love story

SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
Ya'll wanted a review (not sure how good this is gonna be, and it may be kinda long), so.... Like ta hear it?, here it goes!
My Father A MF’n love story
43 degrees pouring rain, Led Zep Goodtimes badtimes starts the moment. Freezing cold by Texas standards, the rest of yall quit laughing.
Next the Stones pulls up Honky Tonk Woman. The Stogie, one My Father La Bijou courtesy of some crazy guy smack talkin me in my PM, named bandyt09.
The cellophane is yellow usually meaning to old to eat or something so rare you shouldnt be touchin it.
The beer Michy Ultra (don’t laugh Im on a f*ckin diet!!) ‘sides if beer was good enough for my Pops cigars and my heroes cigars then its damn sure good enough for me.
Next up Pink Floyd The Wall. I feel like I’m comitting a crime against stogies just by opening the cello.
photo 20150222_160138_edited_zpsqhde1mjf.jpg She smells beautiful,, I always taste and wet before cutting, don’t care if that’s proper protocol, it's what I do and it works for me. Even the label looks faded, like an onery old MFer should, like this is gonna be greatness or ancient and dusty, my hands are cold and I fudge the cut (good cutter is next is on my list ) I light her as gently as I can careful to avoid scorching, and as soon as fire hits her I can smell the goodness….
Next up Another one bites the dust(Queen)…. Fitting, Pandora’s got the ESP tonight it seems…
She’s stronger than I thought she’d be, but the first puff is seemless, strong and smooth, I’m not going to pretend to have all of my pallet isolated down to individual flavors, but I can say I’ve smoked enough quality sticks to know when and where the good tastes are and very few have that taste right out the gate.
photo 20150222_161155_edited_zpsg0vux0fm.jpg It feels like I’m smoking a hundred year old cigar, with strong slightly sweet and smooth as hell smoke, the aroma is fantastic…
Next up The Rover by Zep I’m assuming it’s the aging but easily one of top 3 I’ve ever smoked. 5 puffs in, you can sense the strength more than taste or feel it, the stick is just too smooth, a slightly tight draw that’s easily forgiven that I’m attributing to the age of the cigar and possibly me having no patience and smoking the day after arrival.
Even the ash looks old, I fkn love this MFer.
Next up the Stones again Under my thumb
After her third pic, I give a gentle massage to loosen the draw (SMOK3Y has a ninjas touch)
Easily one of the best aromas I’ve ever smelled from a stick.
photo 20150222_161732_edited_zpsdvv2lxjm.jpg No bite, no burn, unreal so far, mental note, let everything you got age at least a year (good luck with that). Tastes so good its throwin me of my normal pace I want to puff non stop. Now we get real, a lil Jimi Hear my train comin.
¼ in and it hasn’t missed a beat perfection in every way SO SMOOTH I don’t even need the brew to wipe the pallet off, greatness.
The massage loosens her up just enough, the flavor is changing slightly. Next up Zep What is and should never be.
I give her a few power puffs for the shameless selfie and can start to taste the strength coming through, just a little stronger on the tongue but still beautiful, non-abrasive like most younger strong sticks.
photo A2020150222_162246_edited_edited_zpsjv0gpc5d.jpg 1st beer halfway down ash still hasn’t dropped, now I play the don’t drop the ash game…. Fingers getting numb I don’t give a crap, two olds MFers lounging in the freezing rain. I slow my pace, trying to savor before the halfway point.
Next up Jimi and fave song if 6 was 9.
Ash still on, smoke still strong and smooth, next up Floyd eclipse. 1st beer down halfway thru.
Ash finally falls, cigar still tastes amazing. It’s gonna be a nubber of course, and Floyd Wish you were here live kicks up.
Halfway thru flavor changes to my favorite, “the sweet spot” not sure how to describe it as I haven’t learned which flavor is which, but it’s a richer creamy strength, with maybe a nutty taste, the aroma still floors me, so top notch it’s not funny.
Taking a sec to enjoy…..
Next my boys the Stones doodoodoo aka heartbreaker. Halfway pic is taken.
photo 0fab6a31-cbbf-4b8a-a042-0446cb10ba98_zpsoe1c53vu.jpg Headin for home plate, definitely a nutty flavor and stronger now but so smooth and delicious it’s crazy. Past halfway you can feel the strength on your tongue more than actually taste it, truly something special I haven’t experienced in a stogie yet.
Next up Little wing, more Jimi I’m happy. ¾ in and I’m sad its gonna end….
Rain still poring down fingers are numb and this MFer don’t give a F. The taste is at a new level not necessarily stronger but fuller, complete, sticking to my tongue, staying in the nose…greatness.
photo 20150222_164604_edited_zpstdphzry3.jpg Next up an all time fave Miss you by the stones. Headin for the nub I think I can actually taste the age now, quality nub taste but something different in there a slight sting to the tobacco, not bad f*ckin delicious.
3/4 way thru the second beer, hittin the nub I’m not stopping till I have to.
Next up Highway chile Jimis gonna close it out possibly, I’m a nub smokin fool though, we’ll see.
For the end the Doors break on through. Im killin this MFer 4sho.
photo 20150222_165315_edited_zpsgmvagiz6.jpg Official nub territory so good I’m not sure what to say, maybe an inch left now still tastes great. Last song, my wifes song, Brown eyed girl by Van Morrison a good ending if ever I heard one.
Last quarter of brew and nuthin but nub left one more pic for the road gonna puff till I drop. Final song Doors backdoor man this MFer is vanquished.
photo 20150222_165904_edited_zpswson214r.jpg Absolutely the best cigar I’ve ever smoked, I’m truly grateful to have had the opportunity to enjoy. Thank you, bandyt09, I'm sorry I yelled at you so much in the PM :)photo 20150222_170404_edited_zpsjacveqch.jpg


  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Hey Ray, first off congrats on having such a great cigar and experience those are wonderful and what I love about cigars and hooch! Secondly, really enjoyed reading this and liked the format, the music and explanation and almost a puff by puff recount was really slick, thanks for sharing and long ashes!
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    Thank you Sir, I really felt like thats a special stogie, and was just trying to convey the whole experience, even with my limited cigar affiicianado skills, as it were :) Easy best cigar I've smoked so far, I think Im going to try to start really letting some good ones sit for as long as possible, maybe start a box just for aging
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    Great review. That's an awesome stick, although I haven't had one with that much age.
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Ray, glad you liked the cigar. I really enjoyed the review. The way you expressed it is pretty much how I feel about the cigar. Sounds like you had a great play list going too.
  • letsgowithbobletsgowithbob Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 676
    Sounds like a great smoke. The written experience was awesome. I enjoyed the puff by puff announcements. That was a very original review, and I enjoyed the format. It was like I was smoking it myself. Good job
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
    Thank you Sir, I really felt like thats a special stogie, and was just trying to convey the whole experience, even with my limited cigar affiicianado skills, as it were :) Easy best cigar I've smoked so far, I think Im going to try to start really letting some good ones sit for as long as possible, maybe start a box just for aging

    Awesome review bro. At this point you might as well link your bank account directly to your B&M/online retailer, it saves time!
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    Ray, glad you liked the cigar. I really enjoyed the review. The way you expressed it is pretty much how I feel about the cigar. Sounds like you had a great play list going too.

    bandy.... YOU ROCK Thanks to all, I'm glad the review is coming across
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    This is why I hate reading unsponsored reviews. Now I might have to go find one of these.
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    This is why I hate reading unsponsored reviews. Now I might have to go find one of these.

    I already had Le Bijou on my buy list, but honestly I think bandy aging it took it to a whole nother level
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Great review. That's an awesome stick, although I haven't had one with that much age.
    Fixed that for you...........................
  • EulogyEulogy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    Great review. That's an awesome stick, although I haven't had one with that much age.
    Fixed that for you...........................
    I thought or hoped you forgot about this...
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Great review. That's an awesome stick, although I haven't had one with that much age.
    Fixed that for you...........................
    I thought or hoped you forgot about this...
    Buy your mailbox insurance now.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    great write up ray, enjoyed reading it. thanks for sharing. and wtg todd on that beauty of a smoke.

    any idea how old that MF was?
    that is some serious yellow cello on there!!!

  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    any idea how old that MF was?
    IIRC, somewhere near 3 years, probably a little less than.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    any idea how old that MF was?
    IIRC, somewhere near 3 years, probably a little less than.
    ohhh excellent indeed. that cello is a thing of beauty

    if memory serves me right i've smoked some with about 2 yrs on them before; very good.
    (and i have a couple buried in the bottom of humi that i plan on letting sit for much longer)
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    great write up ray, enjoyed reading it. thanks for sharing. and wtg todd on that beauty of a smoke.

    any idea how old that MF was?
    that is some serious yellow cello on there!!!

    Thanks jg!
    And the wu is for the kids!
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