Looks like all of the launches hit their targets! Sincere thanks to all who participated in this! Y'all are amazing! For those who were watching, I thought it would be cool to summarize everything here.
When I was trying to come up with a unique way to celebrate my 3,000th post, Irish (who was also hitting his 7,000th) suggested a hit on somebody who has been going through a rough time. We finally decided to pick three worthy targets who have all been faced with serious health issues affecting either themselves or their family members. The targets chosen were Jay & Tara, Tony/0patience, and Ricky/rhamlin. As the mission developed, Jason/blutattoo was added to the mix since he was hitting his 1,000th post.
Typical of the generosity of this amazing band of BOTLs and SOTLs, we ended up with fifteen participants. Three groups were formed, and each group was assigned one of the three targets. Alpha Squadron's mission was to bomb Jay & Tara. Bravo Battallion set it's sights on Tony/0patience. Charlie Company launched at Ricky/rhamlin.
Each of the targets have posted these in other threads, but here is a summary of the damage in one place. I think it's safe to say that this mission was an Epic Success! Thanks again to each of you who participated and once again demonstrated why this is the best online community ever!
When I was trying to come up with a unique way to celebrate my 3,000th post, Irish (who was also hitting his 7,000th) suggested a hit on somebody who has been going through a rough time. We finally decided to pick three worthy targets who have all been faced with serious health issues affecting either themselves or their family members. The targets chosen were Jay & Tara, Tony/0patience, and Ricky/rhamlin. As the mission developed, Jason/blutattoo was added to the mix since he was hitting his 1,000th post.
Typical of the generosity of this amazing band of BOTLs and SOTLs, we ended up with fifteen participants. Three groups were formed, and each group was assigned one of the three targets. Alpha Squadron's mission was to bomb Jay & Tara. Bravo Battallion set it's sights on Tony/0patience. Charlie Company launched at Ricky/rhamlin.
Each of the targets have posted these in other threads, but here is a summary of the damage in one place. I think it's safe to say that this mission was an Epic Success! Thanks again to each of you who participated and once again demonstrated why this is the best online community ever!
CCOM Gift Card
Edna20, Charlieheis, flowbee, D_Fresh, bluetattoo
It was a bright spot that helped a lot.