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A different word game

raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
I didn't invent this, but I have posted this as a topic on a couple other forums. The best version lasted four years and 2,000+ posts.

Anyway, it works like this: I post a sentence with a word in bold. The next person posts a new sentence where can either 1) change one letter to the word and, if you wish, rearrange the letters to make a new one; 2) add one more letter and arrange the existing letters to make a new word; or 3) subtract one letter from the word (WITHOUT adding another letter) and rearrange the existing letters to make a new one. We try to stay away with proper nouns and names of people, states, etc. just so it doesn't get too easy. It's pretty challenging, especially when you qs and zs in there. And you don't want to create a word that's nearly impossible to change because that makes you need to reboot. But it's fun vocab test. And we gots tons of smart people around here. So, I'll post the first few so you can see how it works.

I really like to smoke cigars


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