Humidor is mysteriously perfect...
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5
I'm new to this - just got a desktop humidor for Christmas, along with 12 nice sticks.
Calibrated with salt to 75%, seasoned for 24 hours, and the hydgrometer is reading a perfect 72%.
Should I season for another 24 hours to be safe, or am I ready to load in some stogies?
Calibrated with salt to 75%, seasoned for 24 hours, and the hydgrometer is reading a perfect 72%.
Should I season for another 24 hours to be safe, or am I ready to load in some stogies?
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All good advice. Remember your hygrometer is reading moisture in the air. It takes a while for that same moisture to sink into the grains of the wood where it will not escape immediately every time you open the humi. The best thing to do is just be patient and make sure the humi is ready before you add your cigars. Welcome to the forum.