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Any so called improvement?

christian1971christian1971 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 392
I have a bunch of jars filled with mississippi river, anniversary kake, solani burley, blackhouse and magnum opus. Put them in jars last march. Will there be any "improvement" since then?


  • J.S.J.S. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    I have a bunch of jars filled with mississippi river, anniversary kake, solani burley, blackhouse and magnum opus. Put them in jars last march. Will there be any "improvement" since then?
    Short answer is it depends. Long answer is that there are a lot of variables to storage. So this would be the 8 month mark, right? Assuming that the jars were kept in a cool dark place and that the lids sealed, my guess on MS is small changes, Lat. should be smoother; AK, very little, 656, no (burley needs years not months to see any change and I have smoked tins from ROTT to 18 months with no change [jarring may help but not much so soon]); Blackhouse the cav. in it makes it difficult to say, I just opened a jar with 3/12/13 dated on it and no change noticed so properly not. MO, maybe I just finished a jar from 3/13 and I did notice that the VA's had sweetened a little, but just a little so 8 months not much if anything at all.

    As a general rule if I find a blend bites giving it 6 months or so can help tame it but no real changes at that point. I see small changes in Lat. and some VA's around the 18 month mark big changes in Lat. around the 3 yr. mark VA's really sweeten over time but I have not been aging long enough to see major changes. Most say burley will not age but I know of an old piper who tells me that they get better but after many yrs.
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
    I'm curious, do unopened tins/cans age the same as jarred? I almost always buy at least 2 and I like the way they stack better than jars.
  • slamb@cigar.comslamb@cigar.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    As long as the Tin is not open, it will age wonderfully.
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    only one i ever seen any real improvement from was C&D Big and Burly. It lost that annoying soapy aftertaste in about 6 months.

  • slamb@cigar.comslamb@cigar.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    I find flakes age really well, basically any VA or VA/Per based blends, Burleys as well. Aromatics don't do much except mellow on their flavor.
  • J.S.J.S. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    I'm curious, do unopened tins/cans age the same as jarred? I almost always buy at least 2 and I like the way they stack better than jars.
    Depends on the tin type. There are two types of tins. The one that you need to open with a coin or knife and the other that is a pull top. The ones that open with a coin are vacuum sealed so there is no air in the tin. These will age but at a much slower rate and I am told the aging over a very long period will be a little different result. The other that is a pop top is not vacuum sealed. It is air tight but air is allowed to remain in the tin. These age essentially like a jar.
  • J.S.J.S. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    Thinking about aging; I have some time latter I will try to start a thread on it with everything I have read and done. What works for me and does not and blends that seem to show improvement etc. that might help and it is good for me to think through again too.
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