5 Vegas Gold Maduro. Great cigar to put to rest a bit below 70% rH. I like them around 66-67% rH because the wrappers are notorious for being tough to keep lit.
6 months minimum resting time and you will have no problems at a constant 67% humidity. Haven't had a bundle make it a year yet, but it's a solid smoke that mellows and becomes considerably more enjoyable with time imho. And you can catch them for $2 a stick during certain sales.
For me, I have had success with the My Father line, in fact, I typically don't smoke them until the 18 month mark, the old DPG Black Cuban Classic, the Old La Gloria Cubana Serie R and the Fuente rolled Ashton La Aroma de Cuba. Also, the DPG rolled 5 Vegas Miami Knuckle did quite well. I think the Cain F Lancero will do well so I am laying a box done for 2 years, at least. On the flip side, nothing in the Tatuaje line has benefitted from age just became very muted.
two to three year ! ? HS Batman I have a hard enough time with a few months. Q? the I have one Bolivia pack 69 how do you use it? FYI I know how to ^9 so don't go there :P
two to three year ! ? HS Batman I have a hard enough time with a few months. Q? the I have one Bolivia pack 69 how do you use it? FYI I know how to ^9 so don't go there :P
If you dont think about aging cigars, it'll happen, eventually. And the Boveda packs can be placed anywhere in your humidor. It's ok if they touch the cigars. The 69 will give off moisture/humidity if your humidor is below 69%RH and it will absorb humidity if your humidor is above 69%RH. They are easy and effective. Depending on the size of your humidor, you may need more than one.
Probably the most improved is the Vegas Cask in my lot. All get better but the Cask really improved with a year and after the 2 year mark even better. Seem to burn better too, less running. MOW Armada's age well too.
two to three year ! ? HS Batman I have a hard enough time with a few months. Q? the I have one Bolivia pack 69 how do you use it? FYI I know how to ^9 so don't go there :P
Yeah 2-3 years is really where aging starts, man. It seemed madness to me at first too, but it's true and it's worth it. A few months is really what we call "rest." It can stave off small issues from wonky RH's and temps in transit and get them the to the levels you prefer for smoking, but little else.
two to three year ! ? HS Batman I have a hard enough time with a few months. Q? the I have one Bolivia pack 69 how do you use it? FYI I know how to ^9 so don't go there :P
Yeah 2-3 years is really where aging starts, man. It seemed madness to me at first too, but it's true and it's worth it. A few months is really what we call "rest." It can stave off small issues from wonky RH's and temps in transit and get them the to the levels you prefer for smoking, but little else.
i have a box of cigars that i bought to age five years before i even smoke one. im about two years in.
6 months minimum resting time and you will have no problems at a constant 67% humidity. Haven't had a bundle make it a year yet, but it's a solid smoke that mellows and becomes considerably more enjoyable with time imho. And you can catch them for $2 a stick during certain sales.
Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo Des Dieux after 5 years is outstanding.
Agreed. I buy Diesel UHC and HOTD and bury them as long as I can. Terrible off the truck in my opinion, but awesome with a year or three on them.
Yes. I'd pick a diesel with 2 years over many if not most of the more expensive smokes I've had.
Just about anything AF
Camacho Corojo LTD.
Casa Magna Colorado
Padron Anniversaries
These are just some of the ones I've had recently. Too many too list. I'm at the point now where everything in my Humi. has some age on it
You're welcome.
I'll even throw in a Vigilante.
Let me know how it works out.