Nastiest cigar.

So what is the nastiest cigar you have ever smoked?
Zoidian, Raji or another?
Personally, Tabak Especial Cafe con Leche is one that I could barely stomach.
So what is at the bottom of your list. LOL!
Zoidian, Raji or another?
Personally, Tabak Especial Cafe con Leche is one that I could barely stomach.
So what is at the bottom of your list. LOL!
The draw was so loose that you could use the cigar as a straw and the taste, well... it was almost nonexistent.
I don't know how this cigar made it into an awards sampler.
"ever have this one?" as they point to a $20+ cigar.
yes. it sucks. so do all the other $20+ padrons out there.
but, for what its worth, a $5 swag is way worse.
I toughed out a LFD NAS. It even has "nasty" in the name. But I don't think I'd still put it on this list.
No, the worst was a Natural Root. I still want to vomit.