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American Flag Offends in the US...?????????

jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
By Daniel Nussbaum, Breitbart News

A San Diego State University sophomore was forced to remove an American flag from his balcony after apartment managers said foreigners could find the display offensive.

Brad Smith, who had just moved into the Boulevard 63 apartment complex in San Diego last month, told ABC 10 News that he received a written notice to remove the flag a few days ago.

"We were then told that it was for political reasons and that the flag could offend foreign people that live here, foreign exchange students," Smith said. "I've had friends and family fight to defend that flag."

If you don't like my Flag then get the h+ll out of my country. How many stories like this before people start understanding something is very very wrong in this country?


  • blutattooblutattoo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,100
    SMH, that is stupid.
  • honorknight7honorknight7 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 525
    Quoting Peter Griffin
    That really Grind's my Gears !
  • Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 444
    I tell you what, if the American flag offends you then they can either A. get out of the USA, or B. just don't come to the USA. The USA is slowly moving towards what's already happening in Europe. For example, in the UK you can't fly the Bitrish flag because it might offend foreigners, in Germany you can't be patriotic and if you are then you will be frowned upon, and in sweden if you say the original swedish people had blonde hair and blue eyes then people will go nuts. In Greece you can't fly the Greek flag or people will look negatively at you. Flying the American Flag is freedom of expression and speech. With the way things are going in the USA, I really hope we don't end up where Europe is now.
  • jbohonjbohon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 438
    It's San Diego. We have to remember that San Diego is no longer a part of the United States. It's been annexed by Mexico.
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    We've become a nation run by pansies.
    We're so afraid of offending someone.
    At my work, someone can file a complaint against you if you cuss.
    So when I am working in an area that no one is supposed to be in and I cut my hand working on a piece of equipment and say "crap", they can file a complaint, because they find it offensive.

    This world is rapidly becoming pathetic.
    And they wonder why mental health is declining in this nation.
    No one is allowed to express themselves.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Years ago when lXXXXXXXXM and PC started to go too far my mother uttered the phrase "The Feminization of America". Pansy is such a nice word.
  • Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 444
    We've become a nation run by pansies.
    We're so afraid of offending someone.
    At my work, someone can file a complaint against you if you cuss.
    So when I am working in an area that no one is supposed to be in and I cut my hand working on a piece of equipment and say "crap", they can file a complaint, because they find it offensive.

    This world is rapidly becoming pathetic.
    And they wonder why mental health is declining in this nation.
    No one is allowed to express themselves.
    Agreed. People are too sensitive now, and people are looking for a reason to be offended..
  • Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 444
    We've become a nation run by pansies.
    We're so afraid of offending someone.
    At my work, someone can file a complaint against you if you cuss.
    So when I am working in an area that no one is supposed to be in and I cut my hand working on a piece of equipment and say "crap", they can file a complaint, because they find it offensive.

    This world is rapidly becoming pathetic.
    And they wonder why mental health is declining in this nation.
    No one is allowed to express themselves.
    Agreed. People are too sensitive now, and people are looking for a reason to be offended..
  • e6specialke6specialk Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 216
    Wow!! Why doesn't it matter to anyone that I'm offended by this. Glad to see my 20 years served in the Marine Corps mean so much to the leaders of this country.
  • variant2variant2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 351
    Solution: Get a bigger American flag.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Don't you get it? Political Correctness now demands we hate our country.
  • AshMeAshMe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 336
    0patience hit the nail on the head. I've been saying this for a while now. There has to be a point where you draw a line and tell people who are not happy to go fk themselves.
  • bert873bert873 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 854
    Reading stuff like this really pisses me off. I'm so sick of this PC takeover. Unfortunately I only see it getting worse as those in charge have already hopped on the train and its full speed ahead.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    Solution: Get a bigger American flag.
    Amen to that!

  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    I'm offended by people who are so easily offended. They should all be subject to my personal approval, or lack thereof, in all aspects of their lives. No more as s-draggin pants, 47 facial piercings, absentee parenting, refusals to find employment, the list goes on. Since I am offended, and obviously it's my world, I just let ya'll live in it, thse things are now banned. Further banishments pending future notice.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    How long has it been since you heard the phrase "but it's a free country."? You used to hear it all the time. "He's killing himself with those cigarettes, but, you know what, it's a free country." "He's a racist knucklehead, but, well, it's a free country." "I don't get it, but it's a free country." "I don't know why his wife puts up with him. Well, it's a free country."

    You don't hear "it's a free country" any more because it's not.

    Here's the worst part of it: When we were tadpoles, in all the apocalypse movies, Big Brother clamps down and forces everyone to toe the rigid party line, while a subject population secretly plots to risk their lives for freedom. It didn't turn out that way, did it? Instead, what we see is subjects eagerly and openly squashing each other's rights, and demanding Big Brother clamp down. Which BB is eager to do. All in the name of virtue.


    Liberals refuse to accept responsibility for our PC plight. Who else devised it? Who? Blame it on Bush like everything else, I suppose. Conservatives pile on out of cowardice. If they were in the saddle, they wouldn't shoot this horse, they would just ride it over a different hill. Libertarians are painted with tinfoil hats. They're the only ones to say "Hey, it's supposed to be a free country." Children are raised institutionally in lock step so they know nothing else. The only liberty they know is libertinism. I don't see much hope.


  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    Sorry, folks, but this is not about PC--it's about the greedy apartment managers who are afraid of losing the foreign tenants who probably pay way more for their apartments then the students. Blame greedy real estate owners for valuing profits more than patriotism.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Sorry, folks, but this is not about PC--it's about the greedy apartment managers who are afraid of losing the foreign tenants who probably pay way more for their apartments then the students. Blame greedy real estate owners for valuing profits more than patriotism.
    I will blame it all but pint overall to a abysmal lowering of standards for what it means to stand up for what is right. There was a line in the opening credits of Boondocks Saints. True evil is not doing bad things but rather the indifference of good people.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,408
    On the bright side, here in MI, we passed a law last year requiring an American flag in every classroom and the Pledge of Allegiance to be said everyday. We can't make the students stand up and recite, but we have to give them the opportunity to be able to do it daily. When students bring it up/say it is stupid/make an exaggerated point of not participating, I take it as an opportunity to explain the importance of patriotism and all the good that comes from it.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I remember putting a flag on my balcony, as did others, on 9/11. I found out weeks later that there were complaints. I bought a 4X3 fully lit up flag and stuck it on the inside of a window and it stayed there until I moved to TN.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Sorry, folks, but this is not about PC--it's about the greedy apartment managers who are afraid of losing the foreign tenants who probably pay way more for their apartments then the students. Blame greedy real estate owners for valuing profits more than patriotism.

    That has got to be the most pathetic, sorry, absurd and ridiculous statement to date.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    On the bright side, here in MI, we passed a law last year requiring an American flag in every classroom and the Pledge of Allegiance to be said everyday. We can't make the students stand up and recite, but we have to give them the opportunity to be able to do it daily. When students bring it up/say it is stupid/make an exaggerated point of not participating, I take it as an opportunity to explain the importance of patriotism and all the good that comes from it.

  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    On the bright side, here in MI, we passed a law last year requiring an American flag in every classroom and the Pledge of Allegiance to be said everyday. We can't make the students stand up and recite, but we have to give them the opportunity to be able to do it daily. When students bring it up/say it is stupid/make an exaggerated point of not participating, I take it as an opportunity to explain the importance of patriotism and all the good that comes from it.
    Love hearing this Teach thanks for taking the time to help educate and instill that patriotism early on :)
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    Sorry, folks, but this is not about PC--it's about the greedy apartment managers who are afraid of losing the foreign tenants who probably pay way more for their apartments then the students. Blame greedy real estate owners for valuing profits more than patriotism.

    That has got to be the most pathetic, sorry and ridiculous statement to date.

    Gosh, sir. Your amazingly logical well thought out argument just floored me. I bow in humble deference to your superhuman rhetorical powers. :)
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    On the bright side, here in MI, we passed a law last year requiring an American flag in every classroom and the Pledge of Allegiance to be said everyday. We can't make the students stand up and recite, but we have to give them the opportunity to be able to do it daily. When students bring it up/say it is stupid/make an exaggerated point of not participating, I take it as an opportunity to explain the importance of patriotism and all the good that comes from it.
    Even here in liberal MA this same law applies in the school systems, and is carried out quite fervently, to the common good of all.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Sorry, folks, but this is not about PC--it's about the greedy apartment managers who are afraid of losing the foreign tenants who probably pay way more for their apartments then the students. Blame greedy real estate owners for valuing profits more than patriotism.

    That has got to be the most pathetic, sorry and ridiculous statement to date.

    Gosh, sir. Your amazingly logical well thought out argument just floored me. I bow in humble deference to your superhuman rhetorical powers. :)
    I believe that issues like this flag one are not so simple to be explained by just one "reason or excuse" but rather an conglomerate of reasons. Greed, pressure, lack of morals and a whole bunch of other reasons. Humans are rarely so neat and simple that it's just one answer to encompass it all.
  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    Sorry, folks, but this is not about PC--it's about the greedy apartment managers who are afraid of losing the foreign tenants who probably pay way more for their apartments then the students. Blame greedy real estate owners for valuing profits more than patriotism.
    While I won't call your spin on this subject pathetic, sorry or absurd, I will ridicule. LOL Almost EVERYTHING can (Truly or Falsely) be blamed on greed. Besides, The supposed act of greed you allude to would obviously be directly influenced by PC. How else do foreigners/immigrants/outsiders feel like they can get what they want from a silly complaint like this if it weren't for the steady and relentless progression of the PC virus? Speaking of PC. Neither Joe Biden nor myself got the memo when it was decided that you could NEVER call Asians Oriental. Nobody told me. Nope, I didn't know it was a slur. Nobody told Joe. But at least y'all can forgive Joe. He's in the right party. If he were a repub, the press would be chasing him down every alley to inflict their righteous anger upon him.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    What 1 or 2 people seem to purposely overlook or ignore is this was not an isolated incident, not by a long shot. People all over the country are being told, and threatened with law suits, to take down the AMERICAN FLAG. Most are refusing and fighting back, good on them.

    A returning officer was not allowed to go in his daughters school to surprise her because he was in uniform.

    Principal Aaron Fulmer made national headlines this week after he directed students to remove American flags from their pickup trucks on September 11.

    At another school a kid wore a MEMORIAL 9/11 tea shirt and was sent home.

    A San Diego State University sophomore was forced to remove an American flag from his balcony after apartment managers said foreigners could find the display offensive.

    Texas (Derek Drake) -- A Houston man is being told to remove his American Flag outside his apartment because it's a "threat to the Muslim community."

    Four Maywood Firefighters Sent Home Over Refusal To Remove American Flag Decals

  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I still have the first AMERICAN FLAG I could find after 9/11 and I absolutely feel sorry for the person who even attempts to remove it.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
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