Do you pick at scabs or let them heal. Yeah, I don't really mean an actual scab. Maybe you can figure out what I mean. Or, if you want to talk about actual scabs then go on and do that too.
Do you pick at scabs or let them heal. Yeah, I don't really mean an actual scab. Maybe you can figure out what I mean. Or, if you want to talk about actual scabs then go on and do that too.
I am the queen of positive thinking. So I let them heal aka bury my head in the sand and ignore ***.
I am terrible at this.... particularly my finger cuticles. I tear that stuff up. I have found a patch of "MoleSkin" or duct tape firmly pressed over the scab works to keep me from messing with it!
Ah, damn it, I was going to make a Scott Walker joke but you beat me to the punch!
I cauterize them with the cherry on my cigar.... ??