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100-125 Teens attack 3 people at Kroger

Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 444
This happened a couple of miles down the road from me. Hearing about this has me livid. This is exactly why I carry. Parents need to get life insurance on their bad ass kids because they are going to end up in a grave.

Kroger Attack


  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Gosh, where's Al Sharpton?
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    I was just at the National Civil Rights Museum, yesterday. Every time I hear an Al or Jesse comment, I'm going to think of that.

    The uproar over the Kroger incident (It's the Poplar and Highland area one, right?) around here has been interesting.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Amos Umwhat:
    Gosh, where's Al Sharpton?

    Where is the main stream media?
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    that was crazy... i wonder if it was in retaliation to the youth crime prevention forum they just had?

  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    Memphis. Ugh, I feel sorry for the "good people" that live there.

    (Edit: "good people" is NOT code for anything racial. According to the witness in the linked story, the victims were not all white and the crowd was not all black. I put "good people" in parentheses originally because Memphis has such a bad reputation that most outsiders think there are no good people there at all. But I know there are a lot of good folks there.)

    I used to live in west TN. I've been to Memphis often on day trips and overnight trips all my life. I actually lived there for a couple of summers in my young adult life. I wonder just how much damage this little incident will do to the future of the Memphis economy? How many folks, now more than ever, are gonna say - "Oh no, I don't go to Memphis unless I have to."
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Only one solution to all this. We gotta put media in charge of the public conscience, deny God, feed yoot a steady diet of debauchery and gore, dismantle the family, and pump up youngsters unearned self esteem. Otherwise the world will go to hell, I promise you.

  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Only one solution to all this. We gotta put media in charge of the public conscience, deny God, feed yoot a steady diet of debauchery and gore, dismantle the family, and pump up their self esteem. Otherwise the world will go to hell, I promise you.

    You are so wise, and put it into such easy to understand words. You forgot one thing though.....we must remove all references to personal responsibility, it just gets in the way of so much.
  • honorknight7honorknight7 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 525
    The worst part is that if any of us were involved in this defending ourselves, WE would be the poor saps getting locked up, there is no way to properly defend yourself "nicely" against that many miscreants without spilling some of there blood in the process
    I would have no problem ramming my knife down any/all of there throats to protect my wife and/or family with out ever loosing any sleep over it, but I would end up in prison I'm sure
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Only one solution to all this. We gotta put media in charge of the public conscience, deny God, feed yoot a steady diet of debauchery and gore, dismantle the family, and pump up their self esteem. Otherwise the world will go to hell, I promise you.

    You are so wise, and put it into such easy to understand words. You forgot one thing though.....we must remove all references to personal responsibility, it just gets in the way of so much.
    Don't forget that all things should be handed to people; hard work is just a myth.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Only one solution to all this. We gotta put media in charge of the public conscience, deny God, feed yoot a steady diet of debauchery and gore, dismantle the family, and pump up their self esteem. Otherwise the world will go to hell, I promise you.

    You are so wise, and put it into such easy to understand words. You forgot one thing though.....we must remove all references to personal responsibility, it just gets in the way of so much.
    Don't forget that all things should be handed to people; hard work is just a myth.
    It takes a village to spoil a child.
  • Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 444
    I was just at the National Civil Rights Museum, yesterday. Every time I hear an Al or Jesse comment, I'm going to think of that.

    The uproar over the Kroger incident (It's the Poplar and Highland area one, right?) around here has been interesting.
    Yea that's right. Yesterday a lady was shot at the Target by audubon golf course and 2 students were robbed a gun point at the U of M
    Bob Luken:
    Memphis. Ugh, I feel sorry for the "good people" that live there.

    (Edit: "good people" is NOT code for anything racial. According to the witness in the linked story, the victims were not all white and the crowd was not all black. I put "good people" in parentheses originally because Memphis has such a bad reputation that most outsiders think there are no good people there at all. But I know there are a lot of good folks there.)

    I used to live in west TN. I've been to Memphis often on day trips and overnight trips all my life. I actually lived there for a couple of summers in my young adult life. I wonder just how much damage this little incident will do to the future of the Memphis economy? How many folks, now more than ever, are gonna say - "Oh no, I don't go to Memphis unless I have to."
    I don't think there was much racism involved. There is a stereotype in Memphis that white people don't know how to fight. So sometimes white people get singled out not because of racism but because of the stereotype. It'd be the exact same for any race in Memphis if the stereotype was your race can't fight. I honestly think this group of teens were just out to fight anyone in their path. .

    Give it 2 years and Memphis will be worse. 100+ cops left Memphis last year, and more will be leaving this year. The city took all of the benefits away from the police department and fire department so now if you get injured on the job then you have to pay for yourself. There aren't enough police to do anything so it takes even longer for them to show up. Depending on the situation, they won't show up at all. Midtown and east Memphis are nice places and it can be really expensive to own houses in those areas.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Only one solution to all this. We gotta put media in charge of the public conscience, deny God, feed yoot a steady diet of debauchery and gore, dismantle the family, and pump up their self esteem. Otherwise the world will go to hell, I promise you.

    You are so wise, and put it into such easy to understand words. You forgot one thing though.....we must remove all references to personal responsibility, it just gets in the way of so much.
    Don't forget that all things should be handed to people; hard work is just a myth.
    Yeah! That's the ticket! My ancestors were uprooted from their homes in Scotland and Ireland and sent to work in the colonies, therefore I should never haveto work for anything! Gimme gimme gimme!
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    I was just at the National Civil Rights Museum, yesterday. Every time I hear an Al or Jesse comment, I'm going to think of that.

    The uproar over the Kroger incident (It's the Poplar and Highland area one, right?) around here has been interesting.
    Yea that's right. Yesterday a lady was shot at the Target by audubon golf course and 2 students were robbed a gun point at the U of M
    Bob Luken:
    Memphis. Ugh, I feel sorry for the "good people" that live there.

    (Edit: "good people" is NOT code for anything racial. According to the witness in the linked story, the victims were not all white and the crowd was not all black. I put "good people" in parentheses originally because Memphis has such a bad reputation that most outsiders think there are no good people there at all. But I know there are a lot of good folks there.)

    I used to live in west TN. I've been to Memphis often on day trips and overnight trips all my life. I actually lived there for a couple of summers in my young adult life. I wonder just how much damage this little incident will do to the future of the Memphis economy? How many folks, now more than ever, are gonna say - "Oh no, I don't go to Memphis unless I have to."
    I don't think there was much racism involved. There is a stereotype in Memphis that white people don't know how to fight. So sometimes white people get singled out not because of racism but because of the stereotype. It'd be the exact same for any race in Memphis if the stereotype was your race can't fight. I honestly think this group of teens were just out to fight anyone in their path. .

    Give it 2 years and Memphis will be worse. 100+ cops left Memphis last year, and more will be leaving this year. The city took all of the benefits away from the police department and fire department so now if you get injured on the job then you have to pay for yourself. There aren't enough police to do anything so it takes even longer for them to show up. Depending on the situation, they won't show up at all. Midtown and east Memphis are nice places and it can be really expensive to own houses in those areas.

    Yeah, I heard about Target. We used to live right around the corner from there near Park and Cherry. Later we moved out to Poplar/Ridgeway area. Now we're in Southaven. I work in Midtown, not far from the Kroger. I've never felt scared or threatened in Memphis in any way and I know lots of good people in Memphis from many races.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Im going to say it....plain and simple...this is partly why "racism" still exists. Also why "profiling" exists. Trouble is---both have negative commotations and that should not always. Do I think blacks are inferior or that we should use offensive language? No. That being said...in the wild this looks like a pack of wild baboons attacking a defenseless animal. So is it profiling the next time a black kid gets an extra second look by a cop....well I wish it wasnt, but the kid should also wish people of his color stood up and acted like humans. And yes....it would be the same damn thing if some white trash redneck from the south beat up some poor black kid. Humans make me sick.
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