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Your sleep schedule

RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
What is it? I've been pretty erratic for...well...ever. Am making a conscious effort to try and get on a sleep schedule, though. Started with doing the Ken Light MOW FTW challenge and have been at it for a few days, waking up at 4am and going to sleep at 9pm. Wife and I do a TV show from 745pm to 830pm, gives me about half an hour to fall asleep. It's pretty nice getting a smoke in early in the morning, no heat, no sun and no neighbor noise.


  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Katie, is up at 2:50am leaves by 3:30am starts at 4:15 a boss at Andes Candies (the green mints) so she is usually down early, I'm up at about 4-5 and start working, maybe a morning Monte Red with coffee then off to where ever I am going, a lot of time I don't get home till 10-11pm makes for hard nights, better when outta town at a B&M.
  • bert873bert873 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 854
    Im in bed anywhere from 10-12 and up at 615.
  • No_one21No_one21 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,962
    Weekdays I'm typically in bed by 1-2am and up by 8-9am (right now work is a bit odd what with finishing grad school and waiting to start at the navy. Weekends I'm up by about 10.

    I've always been a late night guy and even when working the standard 9-5 timing I'll be asleep by 1-2 am, sometimes 3.
  • Poopy JonesPoopy Jones Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 357
    Normal days asleep by 11 PM and awake about 6:30 to 7 AM. On days when I have a gig it's asleep 3-4 AM and awake anywhere from 8 to 9 AM. I can survive on 3 to 4 hours but it's not pretty
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    I'm all over the place. I'll spare the details but being military and having a wife who works 12 hours shifts and having a 4 month old... i'm averaging 4.5 hours hours a night on good nights. On a bad rotation i'll get 2.5 hours hours, be up for 5 hours, nap for 2 then go to work for 10 hours... those days blow.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Sleep and schedule are not words that go together for me.
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    What is sleep and how do you schedule it??
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    I finally get to sleep at 1... Get up at 8... Not the best practice but I love the quiet, stillness except for my wife snoring!
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I work on call 24/7 and have 2 hours when called to arrive at work. Average work day is 12 to 16 hours. I often have days where I am up for well over 24 hours without sleep. I went into the military, then to law enforcement, and to this. I haven't had a normal sleep schedule in 22 years.
    Woke up at 8am this morning and heading into work in an hour and a half and probably have to work until 11am so another being up over 24 hours.
  • perkinkeperkinke Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,562
    I'm usually in bed by 1030 or 11, read for 30-45 minutes and then up at 7. Alarm goes off at 615, it's a light and radio alarm, gives me the chance to more slowly wake up. Not a morning person.
  • CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,371
    Sleep and schedule are not words that go together for me.
    This ^
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Wife and I in bed about 8 to 8:30, fall asleep watching tv, wake up sometime to turn off tv and go to the bathroom. She get's up at 4 to 4:30, I get up and make coffee. Enjoy a cigar and read the newspaper, check out the forum, like now. She owns the bathroom until she leaves at 6:45. Always liked getting up early anyways, my first job was a runner on a milk truck back in 6th grade, had to get up at 3:30. Mornings are nice though, and I find I can get more done sometimes.
  • First WarriorFirst Warrior Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 707
    I get up at 6 and walk up the hill to my studio. Then it's back to the house for a bite and a dog walk in the woods. Back up to my studio for work and a cigar, break midday for lunch. Back to studio till around 3. Lucy goes to work at 5 so we eat early. Back to my studio for coffee and a cigar and work on whatever i have going till around 8. Ck the forum and email grab a book and hit the hay at 9. I'm a lucky guy I live and work at home.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Regardless what time I go to bed, I will always awaken one hour before daylight. So, on average, about eleven pm or midnight to five am. Always used to get along on five hours or less. I find that in my dotage I need six.
  • Gray4linesGray4lines Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    9:00 to 10:00 lay in bed, watch tv...
    10:05 listen to cat run around house like a maniac
    4:30am cat meows and claws cause he wants fed, even though he has food...
    5:00 -6:00 squirt cat with water bottle and sleep inbetween
    6:30-7:00 get up, feed cat, work
  • rsherman24rsherman24 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,711
    8:30 - 9:00 Wife, baby and dog in bed.
    Smoke 1 or 2 cigars.
    11:30 Sleep.
    6:00 Wife and dog get up
    6:15 Wife wakes baby up
    6:20 Dog comes in to see if I am awake
    6:23 Dog come back in. If I am not awake, have 2 minutes before he starts barking
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    usually in bed by 10 or 11
    wake up about every hour and half because my shoulders are hurting, wander the house check the kids, lay down sleep maybe another hour

    repeat until 530 Am.

  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    usually in bed by 10 or 11
    wake up about every hour and half because my shoulders are hurting, wander the house check the kids, lay down sleep maybe another hour

    repeat until 530 Am.

    Add back and knee to shoulder pain, kid is gone, other than that, about the same.
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    Amos Umwhat:
    usually in bed by 10 or 11
    wake up about every hour and half because my shoulders are hurting, wander the house check the kids, lay down sleep maybe another hour

    repeat until 530 Am.

    Add back and knee to shoulder pain, kid is gone, other than that, about the same.
    This sleeping pain stuff is killing me. I dont hurt a bit all day, lay down to rest and i hurt so bad i wish i could sleep standing up! im too young to feel this old.

  • AshMeAshMe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 336
    8:30 - 9:00 Wife, baby and dog in bed.
    Smoke 1 or 2 cigars.
    11:30 Sleep.
    6:00 Wife and dog get up
    6:15 Wife wakes baby up
    6:20 Dog comes in to see if I am awake
    6:23 Dog come back in. If I am not awake, have 2 minutes before he starts barking
    lol. funny. I still have about 5 years until the wifey lets me get a dog. whatcha got?
  • rsherman24rsherman24 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,711
    8:30 - 9:00 Wife, baby and dog in bed.
    Smoke 1 or 2 cigars.
    11:30 Sleep.
    6:00 Wife and dog get up
    6:15 Wife wakes baby up
    6:20 Dog comes in to see if I am awake
    6:23 Dog come back in. If I am not awake, have 2 minutes before he starts barking
    lol. funny. I still have about 5 years until the wifey lets me get a dog. whatcha got?

    He is a lab mutt from the shelter. We had a Shepherd and they both slept in the basement on a couch. When the shepherd died, the wife thought the lab would be lonely so let him sleep in the bed one night. That was 2 years ago and he has been there every night since. 100 pound lab takes up a lot of room
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