Hopefully it is well received, don't know. We will see. First 2 victims!!
DC 9114901123086754632792
DC 9114901123086754632815
Very well received. Absolutely love it and so does the wife. Ill post again once I get them hung up. Thank you Jim!!!
A pic my wife took when they arrived. I have been camping for the past two weeks and today I am at work so have not really had a chance to post on here what I wanted.
Here is a pic of the package. We already put the feeder and birdhouse out. I really appreciate it. Mounted the birdhouse on the pillar of my deck opposite of the older one we have. Hopefully the birds that nested on the support beam will move in.
A pic my wife took when they arrived. I have been camping for the past two weeks and today I am at work so have not really had a chance to post on here what I wanted.
DC 9114901123086754651366
DC 9114901123086754651380