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CAO LaTraviata

jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
I didn't do a review yet. I went to my B&M today and asked if these were in. Sure enough they took me over to the boxes of them and wow did they stand out. I am telling you I have never seen a cigar like this in my life. The wrappers are so oily and shinny they just seemed to glow. I looked at all the sticks in the aisle around them and bam they just stood out. Needless to say I can't wait to light one up and I will be at the CAO event Friday. Oh and my man unwrapped one for me to smell and I almost got wood. Almost! Might pick up a box so I have some to throw into trades and what not. Will let you all know how it is.


  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    Sweet. Never heard of it, so I assume this is a new blend? If you do pick up a box (and like them!) let me know and hopefully we can work out a trade. :)
  • betasynnbetasynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    It is new, I've had one sitting for two weeks, along with a pair of CAO eXtremes. I'm going for the 1961 tonight, but maybe a Latraviata can find its way into my lunchbreak.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I think I am going to buy a box and I would be willing to do some splits. Not sure how much I will buy but I may have some other things like Brazilia but IDK until I see the deals they have. Send the mojo my wife so I win a box to share also ;)
  • betasynnbetasynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    I smoked half of it, it was great. Unfortunately, it started to POUR, and even I go inside when it's 44 and pouring rain. Really enjoyable, and you're right, the wrapper is GORGEOUS.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    what other cao would you compare it too? I found a place that has a box but it's up for pre order though.
  • T. GervaisT. Gervais Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 239
    I saw a video about that La Traviatas a couple months ago on CigarAficianado.com and have been keeping my eyes and ears open for when they are released. If Ccom gets them in then I will definently jump on 'em.
  • betasynnbetasynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,249
    I can get them from my local place, in the toro size. Mine was 7.25.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I only picked up 3 sticks... long story posted elsewhere on here. Will let you all know how it is when I get a chance.
  • OldsguyOldsguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 11
    I smoked one the other day, at the same event jsnake mentioned (we have to meet some time). It indeed had a nice oily, almost marbled wrapper. The taste was similar to the Brazilia, the sales man said not as sweet as a Brazilia but I disagree, I think it starts out sweeter and then mellows out some. Makes a decent amount of smoke and has a good aroma when lit. It must have a fair amount of nicotine in it as I was a little light headed but nowhere near what one would be after smoking say a Cain. At any rate, I have two more and am going to let them age and see if they get better. Then I may buy a box in the future.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    The Cigar Merchant is my B&M so when I get some free time maybe we can have a smoke up there sometime. If you smoked it there you probably got light headed from all the people smoking good cigars in a small building. Holy smokes did it smell good but with the humidity and all the people when I was there I got light headed and I didn't smoke.
  • OldsguyOldsguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 11
    I hear ya on that one. That has become my favorite spot as well ( sorry, not good at acronyms B&M?). They have a real nice lounge with good space and those guys are knowledgeable and friendly. That is the only place I have been to where the proprietor has cut and lit a smoke for me, quite friendly. Send me a PM or e-mail me when you plan to be there again.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    B&M means a physical Birck and Mortar store that you go to. That place is great and I will PM you next time I go. I live close though and since I work on call I tend to go on an impulse.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I smoked La Traviata today and really loved it. What a great cigar. I would love to do a better review for you all but I ate something bad and got sick. All around I would say this is the best looking best smelling cigar ever made. Someone said it was like smoking a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup with pepper. I would have to agree that if you tried to smoke a peanutbutter cup it would taste like this.
    Sorry I couldn't be more detailed I feel like crap.
  • OldsguyOldsguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 11
    I smoked one again last night. Here is my first real effort to give a review. 5X50 La Traviata Devino, purchased at local B$M for $5.20, stored at 70% for about two weeks and dry boxed 4 hours before smoking. Smoked inside. Initial impression: Fairly firm throughout, leathery brown color, shiny wrapper with a nice cap and symmetry to the cigar. Not too veiny. I punched it to see if the cap held well, it did. Good pre-light draw. Woodsy aroma with leather overtones. Upon light up the aroma was; peanuts, cream, nutmeg (?), woodsy, slightly sweet with medium body. The cigar finished smooth with no overbearing predominate taste. After the first 5 minutes the burn began to canoe on one side, the ash was medium to light gray. I corrected the burn at 10 minutes and straightened out for a while. The ash was fairly firm with a bullet shaped cherry after I ashed the cigar by rubbing it, could not knock it off by tapping against the tray. Flavor remained consistent with woods, and cream predominating. The draw is cool with a smooth finish. At 30 minutes taste was beginning to change with woodsy overtones and hints of hazelnut and cream, leather taste had diminished. The aroma of the smoke when the cigar is resting reminded me of fruitwood in a smoker if anyone has ever smoked a brisket or some cut of meat. At 45 minutes I correct the burn again as it was still burning quicker on the same side as it did in the beginning. The ash was a little looser now, the draw was still easy and light and the smoke volume was still good. Taste was still woodsy with a tint of spice, especially noticeable in the aroma as the cigar rested. Approaching the band, it was a little high on the cigar. At 60 minutes the burn was un-even again, on the same side. Taste remaining unchanged from the last fifteen minutes. The cigar was beginning to get warm. At 75 minutes I corrected the burn. Taste has begun to change with woods predominating and leather overtones, cream is gone. Finish is getting a little harsh At 85 minutes I was smoking with the fore finger thumb pinch keeping the cherry up and smoking with my nose in the air because I wanted to see how the cigar finished over all and was looking for any changes in taste. There is definitely a leather predominance now, cream is completely gone with overtones of woods and nuts. I finally finished the cigar after five more puffs. My overall impression was of a very tasty cigar that had construction issues. I have experienced this before with CAO cigars, including my favorite the Brazilia Go. I don't know if it is the wrapper and the burn is following an imperfection in that or if it is in the rolling of the filler which leaves chimmeny for the heat to race down the cigar. I thoroughly enjoyed the flavor, smoke, and aroma of the cigar but the one drawback was burn. Typical CAO? I am reluctant to say yes but I will.
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