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Hey! Politically, we're just like the rest of America!

raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
The Pew Institute's new research study has confirmed what we here in NCR have known all along--that more Republicans are getting much more conservative in their views, that more Democrats are becoming much more liberal in their views, and that although the majority of people in both parties aren't totally beholden to the far left or far right, the growing polarization is making it impossible for anything to get done or for people to find common ground. Woo hoo!



  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    The Pew Institute's new research study has confirmed what we here in NCR have known all along--that more Republicans are getting much more conservative in their views, that more Democrats are becoming much more liberal in their views, and that although the majority of people in both parties aren't totally beholden to the far left or far right, the growing polarization is making it impossible for anything to get done or for people to find common ground. Woo hoo!


    And it took the institute how long and cost how many dollars to find out this earth-shattering revelation?? LMAO......
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    The Pew Institute's new research study has confirmed what we here in NCR have known all along--that more Republicans are getting much more conservative in their views, that more Democrats are becoming much more liberal in their views, and that although the majority of people in both parties aren't totally beholden to the far left or far right, the growing polarization is making it impossible for anything to get done or for people to find common ground. Woo hoo!


    And it took the institute how long and cost how many dollars to find out this earth-shattering revelation?? LMAO......

    Hee hee!
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Red minions to the right, blue minions to the left, ready, DODGEBALL! Tune in to your red / blue news channel for tomorrw's opinion later tonight.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    wow....golly GEE WHIZ......WHAT A REVELATION.

    And ain't it amazing how some people agree with polls that they agree with and tear apart the ones they don't agree with. For instance I know a lot and I mean a lot, of lefties that have moved to the center and the right because of all the BS and out right lies coming from billary.

    Wonder what a poll that asks should obozo get involved in Irag would show, and who would agree with the results?
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    Amos Umwhat:
    Red minions to the right, blue minions to the left, ready, DODGEBALL! Tune in to your red / blue news channel for tomorrw's opinion later tonight.
    Brilliant! Get a bunch of politicians from Washington, seperate em to red and blue teams and have them play dodgeball with balls that randomly explode:). I would SO buy that on pay per view!!!
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Amos Umwhat:
    Red minions to the right, blue minions to the left, ready, DODGEBALL! Tune in to your red / blue news channel for tomorrw's opinion later tonight.
    Brilliant! Get a bunch of politicians from Washington, seperate em to red and blue teams and have them play dodgeball with balls that randomly explode:). I would SO buy that on pay per view!!!

    Politician playing dodgeball?? All they do is dodge no one would get hit
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    It starts at the top. I think we need a leader, one who will put the good of the country above themselves and their personal agenda. One who see's things coming instead of reading about it in the newspaper. One who spends his energy doing something for the country instead of to it. One who will listen to opposing views and discuss them openly, working with those that disagree to find some common ground then act on that. Small steps are better than none. After a few steps you're making progress and may start working together. Stubbornness begets stubbornness squared.

    Politicians seem to have a hard time doing this, they need to be held more accountable somehow. Only the news media can do that. Seems to me that politicians are playing to that media too, grandstanding and making things worse.

    Politically I think there is a bigger divide than in the public, but what the hell do I know. I don't think I'm going farther right,,,, but I'm buying seeds and bullets just in case.

  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    It starts at the top. I think we need a leader, one who will put the good of the country above themselves and their personal agenda. ...
    This is where the problem starts: yearning for a hero.

    Accept it. The very process of scrabbling to the top disqualifies the demogogue who gets there. Self reliance made this country great. Not hero worship.

  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    It starts at the top. I think we need a leader, one who will put the good of the country above themselves and their personal agenda. ...
    This is where the problem starts: yearning for a hero.

    Accept it. The very process of scrabbling to the top disqualifies the demogogue who gets there. Self reliance made this country great. Not hero worship.

    Damn, I have to agree with that being part of the problem. That is how Obama got elected by scrambling to the top on the hero ticket with no experience. Hero's are not made, they emerge then quietly go away. Social engineering the government is doing is taking away our self reliance too, maybe that causes a larger divide.

  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    It starts at the top. I think we need a leader, one who will put the good of the country above themselves and their personal agenda. ...
    This is where the problem starts: yearning for a hero.

    Accept it. The very process of scrabbling to the top disqualifies the demogogue who gets there. Self reliance made this country great. Not hero worship.

    Damn, I have to agree with that being part of the problem. That is how Obama got elected by scrambling to the top on the hero ticket with no experience. Hero's are not made, they emerge then quietly go away. Social engineering the government is doing is taking away our self reliance too, maybe that causes a larger divide.

    Excellent points. I too buy seeds and bullets, and half my rantings here are inspired by resentment of those who labor to make us all dependent on whatever human higher power they think should solve our problems and run our lives. Oh, and relieve us of our cash.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    The DNC uses the wrong flag to celebrate flag day. Hmmm.......
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    wow....golly GEE WHIZ......WHAT A REVELATION.

    And ain't it amazing how some people agree with polls that they agree with and tear apart the ones they don't agree with. For instance I know a lot and I mean a lot, of lefties that have moved to the center and the right because of all the BS and out right lies coming from billary.

    Wonder what a poll that asks should obozo get involved in Irag would show, and who would agree with the results?

    I know just as many righties who are so embarrassed by the Tea Party's flat-earth beliefs that they're moving more toward the center.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    wow....golly GEE WHIZ......WHAT A REVELATION.

    And ain't it amazing how some people agree with polls that they agree with and tear apart the ones they don't agree with. For instance I know a lot and I mean a lot, of lefties that have moved to the center and the right because of all the BS and out right lies coming from billary.

    Wonder what a poll that asks should obozo get involved in Irag would show, and who would agree with the results?

    I know just as many righties who are so embarrassed by the Tea Party's flat-earth beliefs that they're moving more toward the center.

    Where did you come up with "flat earth" beliefs? I mean it sounds good but it is nonsense.The only people who have expressed "flat earth" beliefs have been democrats, including one who was afraid that Guam would tip over if we built up our military presence. And oh yea the cow on "the view" who was shocked to hear the earth was round. And don't forget biden the king of foot in mouth stupidity. Your title is intact.
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    wow....golly GEE WHIZ......WHAT A REVELATION.

    And ain't it amazing how some people agree with polls that they agree with and tear apart the ones they don't agree with. For instance I know a lot and I mean a lot, of lefties that have moved to the center and the right because of all the BS and out right lies coming from billary.

    Wonder what a poll that asks should obozo get involved in Irag would show, and who would agree with the results?

    I know just as many righties who are so embarrassed by the Tea Party's flat-earth beliefs that they're moving more toward the center.

    Where did you come up with "flat earth" beliefs? I mean it sounds good but it is nonsense.The only people who have expressed "flat earth" beliefs have been democrats, including one who was afraid that Guam would tip over if we built up our military presence. And oh yea the cow on "the view" who was shocked to hear the earth was round. And don't forget biden the king of foot in mouth stupidity. Your title is intact.

    How about David "God acted through people on my behalf" Brat? Really. So this Tea Partier is essentially saying that Virginia voters were too stupid to make their own decisions and that a higher power had to manipulate their strings. If so, then God certainly has a great sense of humor. No wonder even the more conservative Republicans are running record milers to distance themselves away from the guy.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    wow....golly GEE WHIZ......WHAT A REVELATION.

    And ain't it amazing how some people agree with polls that they agree with and tear apart the ones they don't agree with. For instance I know a lot and I mean a lot, of lefties that have moved to the center and the right because of all the BS and out right lies coming from billary.

    Wonder what a poll that asks should obozo get involved in Irag would show, and who would agree with the results?

    I know just as many righties who are so embarrassed by the Tea Party's flat-earth beliefs that they're moving more toward the center.

    Where did you come up with "flat earth" beliefs? I mean it sounds good but it is nonsense.The only people who have expressed "flat earth" beliefs have been democrats, including one who was afraid that Guam would tip over if we built up our military presence. And oh yea the cow on "the view" who was shocked to hear the earth was round. And don't forget biden the king of foot in mouth stupidity. Your title is intact.

    How about David "God acted through people on my behalf" Brat? Really. So this Tea Partier is essentially saying that Virginia voters were too stupid to make their own decisions and that a higher power had to manipulate their strings. If so, then God certainly has a great sense of humor. No wonder even the more conservative Republicans are running record milers to distance themselves away from the guy.

    I have no idea what someone's personal religious beliefs has to do with your original and ridiculous assertion.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I am done with this thread. So have at it.
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    I am done with this thread. So have at it.


    For once, the looniy liberal chases the cranky conservative out of the sandbox! Altho' it will not be nearly as fun...

    Until we meet again in the next arena, sir! :)
  • pelirrojopelirrojo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,520
    If you could just get past all that seething anger and bother to read and properly analyze the information available even in this thread, you'd realize you're both making the same point (one with broad generalizations and one with specific examples) that from your personal experiences people are moving more towards the center of the political spectrum rather than to the extremities. This goes against the study mentioned in the OP. I too would agree with the idea that most of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis are moving more towards the center of the spectrum. However, those with beliefs lying in the extremes at both ends are certainly more outspoken and receive more attention from media outlets than their more centrist counterparts.

    Check that out! I made an analysis of this thread and my personal experiences in comparison to the original post without mentioning anyone from a TV show or D.C. and I didn't call anyone a doodiehead either! Polite political discourse is a good thing, but it's becoming rarer and rarer these days.

  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Religeon and politics always liven the party up doesn't it? Maybe because there is no right answer, or left if you prefer.
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936


    Them's fightin' words, sir! I been called a looney leftist tree-huggin', Obama-lovin', liberal stooge, but "doodlehead" just crosses the line! (Rhetorical slap across the face with virtual glove.) Choose your dueling venue, sir, for, to paraphrase the late great Groucho Marx in in Duck Soup, "I'm here to defend this liberal's honor, which is more than the Democrats ever did!" :)
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936


    Them's fightin' words, sir! I been called a looney leftist tree-huggin', Obama-lovin', liberal stooge, but "doodlehead" just crosses the line! (Rhetorical slap across the face with virtual glove.) Choose your dueling venue, sir, for, to paraphrase the late great Groucho Marx in in Duck Soup, "I'm here to defend this liberal's honor, which is more than the Democrats ever did!" :)
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    I'm sick of the whole red state-blue state junk. How about a "free state" where we can regain our personal liberties and take care of ourselves again instead of waiting for some new handout while the Federal Govt spends, spies and lies?
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    I'm sick of the whole red state-blue state junk. How about a "free state" where we can regain our personal liberties and take care of ourselves again instead of waiting for some new handout while the Federal Govt spends, spies and lies?
    Hear hear
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    I would move there, if it's sunny and warm.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I'm sick of the whole red state-blue state junk. How about a "free state" where we can regain our personal liberties and take care of ourselves again instead of waiting for some new handout while the Federal Govt spends, spies and lies?

  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936

    I thought you were done with this thread. ;)
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