Went to the Lefthand tap room last night, started with a Fade to Black black ale at 8.5% and finished up with a cask conditioned cellar temp 400lb Monkey IPA with Sovereign and Columbus hops added to the mash bill. Brilliant drinks and got me my zen back.
Picked up a sixer of this on the way home today. Yum!
Good stuff Doug. Vinny sent me a bottle in the gift exchange. I saw my first sighting of Lagunitas IPA near me last week. Can't wait till their whole line is available here.
Love Hefe brews. Have not seen that one yet, but Paulaner or Ayinger are my personal favorites.
Very nice choice Morgan, a terrific Hefeweizen that is pretty easy to find and cheap is the Pyramid brand Hefeweizen. Sherm, if you haven't tried it make sure to, great example of the style.
@foundersbrewing: Announcing KBS Week 2015, March 9-14: http://t.co/zoMEyNekeE. Distribution release = 3/30. http://t.co/Qp3uYo7Tns
Damn you west coast guys. . .I thought Pliny was only a myth
I'll check it out. I was looking at a couple of clone recipes. Thanks
Love Hefe brews. Have not seen that one yet, but Paulaner or Ayinger are my personal favorites.