If you are having issues with the shipping, please contact service@cigar.com and we'll be happy to help in any way we can. If you place an order through an account manager, instead of the website, this will also help in making sure that your package ships exactly the way you need it to.
Well UPS can't do anything right. I live in New York and got a humidor from Florida shipped by UPS the estimated time was 5 days for the 7lb package... well after more than a week of no update it randomly appears in New Jersey. I then get an email saying it was late by weather. looked up on the weather channel there were no storms at all that would make it late. then it said it was because something happened to truck. I then get it almost 2 weeks after ordering it. When USPS ships a package i always get it on the day they say it will arrive. UPS is also the reason why my brother had to get 20 Xbox's shipped from Microsoft with the warranty still working and the system getting red ring. due to the fact that every time he got them they were damaged in the shipping (one started on fire) all shipped by UPS. on the 21st time they shipped it Via FedEx and it worked. I don't have a problem with the occasionally late package but with a track record as this i have very little faith in UPS.