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GOP lawmakers: Prisoner exchange violated law

RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two Republican lawmakers on Saturday accused President Barack Obama of breaking the law by approving the release of five Afghan detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for a U.S. soldier believed held by Islamist insurgents for five years. The White House agreed that actions were taken in spite of legal requirements and cited "unique and exigent circumstances" as justification. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, 28, of Hailey, Idaho, was handed over to U.S. special operations forces by the Taliban. In return, five Afghans who were held at a U.S. detention facility in Cuba were released to the custody of the government of Qatar, which served as a go-between in negotiations for the trade. Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon of California and Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma said in a statement that Obama is required by law to notify Congress 30 days before any terrorists are transferred from the U.S. facility. They said Obama also is required to explain how the threat posed by such terrorists has been substantially mitigated. McKeon is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Inhofe is the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee. In response, the White House said it moved as quickly as possible given the opportunity that arose to secure Bergdahl's release. Citing "these unique and exigent circumstances," the White House said a decision was made to go ahead with the transfer despite the legal requirement of 30 days advance notice to Congress. While saying they celebrate Bergdahl's release, McKeon and Inhofe warned that the exchange "may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans." "Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans. That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk," they said. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said in a statement that "the safe return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is an answer to the prayers of the Bergdahl family and a powerful reinforcement of our nation's commitment to leave no service member behind."http://news.yahoo.com/gop-lawmakers-prisoner-exchange-violated-law-210934403--politics.html


  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    The White House agreed that actions were taken in spite of legal requirements and cited "unique and exigent circumstances" as justification.Not even sure what to say here. Next time I get pulled over for speeding, I'm going to claim "unique and exigent circumstances". Big Brother says....Do as I say, not as I do. All that for a guy that most likely walked off his own base...what a waste. But keep in mind, we don't negotiate with terrorists. We Just cut deals. He sent the following emails to his parents..."The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting." His email went on to describe his disillusionment in the army: "In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing *** bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools...I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live. We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them...I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting...There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."Furthermore...In the early-morning hours of June 30th, according to soldiers in the unit, Bowe approached his team leader not long after he got off guard duty and asked his superior a simple question: If I were to leave the base, would it cause problems if I took my sensitive equipment? Yes, his team leader responded – if you took your rifle and night-vision goggles, that would cause problems. Bowe returned to his barracks, a roughly built bunker of plywood and sandbags. He gathered up water, a knife, his digital camera and his diary. Then he slipped off the outpost.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Hmmmph!! When are folks gonna learn?? O'Bummer is above the law. Pure and simple. He's a pure narcissist who evidently believes he's second only to God - if even then. You think it's bad now, just wait until he becomes dictator.....
  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    Bowe returned to his barracks, a roughly built bunker of plywood and sandbags. He gathered up water, a knife, his digital camera and his diary. Then he slipped off the outpost.
    I may not be totally up on the "current" regs, but isn't that the same as AWOL or desertion?
    And if it is, then why are we trading for him?

    Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon of California and Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma said in a statement that Obama is required by law to notify Congress 30 days before any terrorists are transferred from the U.S. facility. They said Obama also is required to explain how the threat posed by such terrorists has been substantially mitigated.

    McKeon is chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Inhofe is the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    In response, the White House said it moved as quickly as possible given the opportunity that arose to secure Bergdahl's release. Citing "these unique and exigent circumstances," the White House said a decision was made to go ahead with the transfer despite the legal requirement of 30 days advance notice to Congress.
    It's kind of odd, that if that had been any other president that did that, like Clinton, they'd have hung them.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    ..... It's kind of odd, that if that had been any other president that did that, like Clinton, they'd have hung them.

    It's a fairly simple equation; liberal narcissistic president + liberal media + liberal generation(s) accustomed to entitlements = current BS situation....
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Does anyone think that just maybe obozo was just looking for some good publicity? Regardless, I am damn glad the soldier was released after 5 years in captivity. Stay tuned, both kerry and billary will find a way to take the credit for the release of this soldier. Again, regardless we should be celebrating this man's release.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Welcome home....please proceed to a court martial. How many soldiers died carrying out operations to find him?Things soon got worse. Ralph Peters, an action-thriller writer who serves as a "strategic analyst" for Fox News, took to the air to condemn Bowe as an "apparent deserter." The Taliban, he declared, could save the United States on "legal bills" by executing him. Horrified by such comments, Bob and Jani told their military liaison that they didn't want the Army to mount an operation to rescue Bowe, fearful that he'd be killed – either by accident, or even on purpose, by an aggrieved soldier or the U.S. military itself. There have certainly been soldiers who have joined the drumbeat of hatred against Bowe: A recent Facebook post from one soldier in his unit called for his execution. Worried that any further public attention might put Bowe at greater risk, his parents decided to remain silent, releasing a statement to their local newspaper asking the press to respect their privacy. In what appears to be an unprecedented move, the Pentagon also scrambled to shut down any public discussion of Bowe. Members of Bowe's brigade were required to sign nondisclosure agreements as part of their paperwork to leave Afghanistan. The agreement, according to Capt. Fancey, forbids them to discuss any "personnel recovery" efforts – an obvious reference to Bowe. According to administration sources, both the Pentagon and the White House also pressured major news outlets like The New York Times and the AP to steer clear of mentioning Bowe's name to avoid putting him at further risk. (The White House was afraid hard-line elements could execute him to scuttle peace talks, officials involved in the press negotiations say.) Faced with the wall of official silence, Bob and Jani began to worry that the Pentagon wasn't doing all that it could to get their son back. As Bowe's sister, Sky, wrote in a private e-mail: "I am afraid our government here in D.C. would like nothing better but to sweep PFC Bergdahl under the rug and wash their hands of him." Despite the objections to the swap, U.S. officials involved in the negotiations this winter say they were on the verge of completing the deal to free Bowe. The White House had worked up talking points about Bowe, and was ready to go public about the exchange. (According to administration officials, the Pentagon insisted that the talking points note that Bowe had walked off base, to underscore that U.S. soldiers are not an easy target for kidnapping.) But at the last moment, the Taliban themselves balked at the deal, which stipulates that the detainees would not be allowed to leave the country of Qatar after their release. In March, faced with internal opposition over cutting a deal with the Americans, the Taliban abruptly suspended the peace talks. "Bowe Bergdahl has been a topic in any meeting we ever had with the Taliban," says a senior State Department official involved with the negotiations. "The Taliban suspended the talks on March 15th. We have not been in any contact with them since."
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    This story is getting more and more hair on it. Guess I will have to re-think half of my previous statement. This could get very suspicious all around and it isn't a good feeling at all.

    Thanks rain...
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    And Reagan didn't negotiate with Iran providing Iranians with arms for the release of prisoners? Hmmmmm? Can you tell me what political party the Bergdahl family belongs to?? Maybe he should of taken his rifle and went into a village and shot 16 civillians.
    These blanket parties get little old.. Glad he's home
    Still love ya Randy,,;o)
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    The Kid:
    And Reagan didn't negotiate with Iran providing Iranians with arms for the release of prisoners? Hmmmmm? Can you tell me what political party the Bergdahl family belongs to?? Maybe he should of taken his rifle and went into a village and shot 16 civillians.
    These blanket parties get little old.. Glad he's home
    Still love ya Randy,,;o)
    Only hurt the ones we love ;)I was not alive for Reagan! 'sides, everyone talks about the good old days ;)
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    The Kid:
    And Reagan didn't negotiate with Iran providing Iranians with arms for the release of prisoners? Hmmmmm? Can you tell me what political party the Bergdahl family belongs to?? Maybe he should of taken his rifle and went into a village and shot 16 civillians.
    These blanket parties get little old.. Glad he's home
    Still love ya Randy,,;o)
    Only hurt the ones we love ;)I was not alive for Reagan! 'sides, everyone talks about the good old days ;)
    Haha,, My comments aren't directed at your posts soo much as they are towards everyone who turns everything into a political issue,in this case anti liberal/democratic, whatever. Id be saying the same thing if it was directed the other way. Reagan was a good president. I voted for him, when I was serving overseas. Hypocrisy knows no party lines!!!
    I don't know all the details, none of us do, only what the media spewes out. If he truly deserted his post/unit and went AWOL, yes try him in a courtmartial. Still at the end of the day I'm glad he wasn't abandonded with his captors.

    Furthermore Im glad he didn't take up arms against the United States and Im glad he didn't go on a shooting spree killing comrades and or civillians.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    He claims he fell behind on a patrol.His unit claims he walked off the base.The Pentagon says that a stipulation of his release is that it's to be made clear he walked off the base.His family asks for no military rescue attempts.I was not there, I don't KNOW what happened. I know that it smells fishy, and that regardless good men and women died looking for him. There were times that ALL of RC East was engaged in operations looking for him. I think he should go to trial...but I don't know if the military has any/enough evidence to convict......plus I doubt at this point they really want to.I'm interested in what he has to say. If he declines to explain how he was captured, the cynic in me will think it's because he walked off and does not want to self incriminate.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Right now my only question is why was his release even negotiated if he was turned in the first place?
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Obama has a pen and a phone, also this was one great photo op too. Bergdahl was denied permission to leave the base, he left, that's AWOL. When and how did he become a prisoner of war? The 5 terrorists we "traded" for him were, I believe, bad-ass boys compared to this guy. That message kinda bothers me more.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    He claims he fell behind on a patrol.His unit claims he walked off the base.The Pentagon says that a stipulation of his release is that it's to be made clear he walked off the base.His family asks for no military rescue attempts.I was not there, I don't KNOW what happened. I know that it smells fishy, and that regardless good men and women died looking for him. There were times that ALL of RC East was engaged in operations looking for him. I think he should go to trial...but I don't know if the military has any/enough evidence to convict......plus I doubt at this point they really want to.I'm interested in what he has to say. If he declines to explain how he was captured, the cynic in me will think it's because he walked off and does not want to self incriminate.
    Youre right, theres no way he will be tried, after spending close to 5 years as a pow, I'd say hes paid his debt. Speaking of paying a debt, Think of all the back pay he's gonna get! E-3 when captured, E-5 in 2011- present.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Man, that is a nice check coming his way. If I'd been captured as an E4 for five years, I'd have $240,000ish coming to me.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    really??? wow, that's more than I thought.
    I wonder if theres any stipulations for increases/decreases for POW's
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Yeah, with hazard duty, family sep, housing allowance and separate rats with 6 years in service, I was making about $4,000 a month. For sure a nice bump, now I'm making about half that.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Yeah, with hazard duty, family sep, housing allowance and separate rats with 6 years in service, I was making about $4,000 a month. For sure a nice bump, now I'm making about half that.

    If he did turn will he still be eligible for back pay?
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Well, while he was captive he continued to get paid as well as promoted.Look at Nidal Malik Hasan. While in custody, he continued to get paid.Beyond that...I have no idea.
  • TheRakeIsRealTheRakeIsReal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 61
    Im so pissed at this situation every one on the news is calling this guy a "hero" Just saying you have to do something heroic to be a hero in my eyes but its whatever they keep throwing words around that arent right all the time like "good president" or "VA health benefits" hahahaha
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    He was promoted to Sgt in 2011. In absentia. Would they have promoted him if he had turned?
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    He was promoted to Sgt in 2011. In absentia. Would they have promoted him if he had turned?
    Yes.No way will the Army say that he "turned" without a trial, while he was a POW. The bad press would be unimaginable. It is in the White House's and the Army's best interest at this point to get him back, honorably discharge him and hope that the public forgets about him and that he keeps his mouth shut.It will be interesting if he did walk off the base, but comes back and says that he was captured. There are people (IE his unit) that know what really happened. They are the ones whom I'm sure were constantly looking for him for a while after he left/was captured...and from what I've read, he is not highly thought of.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I have just spent a lot of time on the net and I have never seen so many contradictory stories, and the harshest come from some members and former members of the military.

    One blogger not addressing the individual directly, had an interesting theory as to why it was announced on the weekend.

    If the net is any indication this story is going to balloon, dramatically.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Questions persisted, too, about the circumstances of Bergdahl's capture; Hagel declined to comment on earlier reports that the sergeant had walked away from his unit, disillusioned with the war. Such matters "will be dealt with later," Hagel said. Hagel was met with silence when he told troops in a Bagram hangar: "This is a happy day. We got one of our own back." It was unclear whether the absence of cheers and applause came from a reluctance to display emotion in front of the Pentagon chief or from any doubts among the troops about Bergdahl. Also Saturday, the five detainees left Guantanamo aboard a U.S. military aircraft flying to Qatar, which served as go-between in the negotiations. They are to be banned from leaving Qatar for at least a year. Among the five: a Taliban deputy intelligence minister, a former Taliban interior minister with ties to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and a figure linked by human rights monitors to mass killings of Shiite Muslims in Afghanistan in 2000 and 2001.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    I have just spent a lot of time on the net and I have never seen so many contradictory stories, and the harshest come from some members and former members of the military.

    One blogger not addressing the individual directly, had an interesting theory as to why it was announced on the weekend.

    If the net is any indication this story is going to balloon, dramatically.
    Havent read bout the weekend theory, But I have read about all kinds of conspiracy theories. President Obama using Bergdahl as a pawn so he could release key terrorists is just one of them.
    The stories coming out on Bergdahls father Bob (if true) are concerning. The beard he was sporting doesn't help, lol. This whole story is BIZARRO. If the email Bowe sent is accurate then it appears that he no longer wanted to serve in the Army and was a sympathizer, maybe not a sympathizer of the Taliban but at least of the Afghanistan people. Which brings up more questions, If he was a Taliban sympathizer, why did he not take up arms against the US, why did he not turn completely and aid the enemy, Why did he fight his captors and try to escape? Am I the only one wondering how he could leave a secure base without being detected by security. The truth of this story may never be known. Its safe to say Bowe is NO Hero. Havent heard anyone calling him that, though he may receive a hero's welcome home.

    While researching this story, I found a story about an Israeli POW. In 2011 Israel released 1000 POW's in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    dude,, why??? that was well put and cut to heart of the matter!
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    dude,, why??? that was well put and cut to heart of the matter!
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Not to be racist or anything, but what about the issue at hand here? Should the President be constrained by the law? Or should we be ruled by pen and phone, in contempt of representative democracy? .

    Rule of law or cult of personality? Pick one.

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