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Such a bothersome way to wake up.

jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
I have to let the dogs out for their morning obozo.

And then the real chore starts. I have to pet and play with all of them. A couple won't even take a morning treat until they have been thoroughly rubbed all over. I tell ya its really a bother :)

Especially Cally and Little Guy. Both insist on getting up on my lap and laying their heads on my shoulder....just don't know how to stop it :)

And then there is Sophie and The Old Gentleman River, the 2 dogs that live under my desk, first its heads on my knees and then a paw on my thigh. Such demanding dogs :)

Of course I can hear Molly from the other end of the house making a bee-line for my room and then there she is paws on the arm rest, tail going a million miles an hour and trying to lick my skin off :)

Such a terrible way to start the day...tsk tsk ;)


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