how to remove carbon

Anyone here have experience removing carbon deposits from an engine? I've a 2007 KLR650, a carbureted thumper, with 45,000 on the clock. A meager eight and a half to one compression low tech engine. Carbon has built up to where I can make the valves go CLACK if I goose her under load. Here's a view down the plug hole:

Of course, there are always the Seafoam enthusiasts... but they would tell you how Seafoam can do everything from boosting mileage to winterizing to curing leprosy to bringing peace to the Middle East. Then there are the old timers who spray water in the running engine. Then there are the meticulous who claim nothing else will work but a complete tear down.
Ideally, I'd like something to pour in the tank and let it do its work over many miles. I would settle for something I could spray in the plug hole and let it soak overnight.
Whatcha got?

Of course, there are always the Seafoam enthusiasts... but they would tell you how Seafoam can do everything from boosting mileage to winterizing to curing leprosy to bringing peace to the Middle East. Then there are the old timers who spray water in the running engine. Then there are the meticulous who claim nothing else will work but a complete tear down.
Ideally, I'd like something to pour in the tank and let it do its work over many miles. I would settle for something I could spray in the plug hole and let it soak overnight.
Whatcha got?
I dont know how ballsy you are about spraying stuff down the hole and hoping it cleans it up... but I got some stuff that eats carbon and your hands pretty darn well.
I would strongly suggest not just spraying it into the hole and would advise a tear down simply because this stuff does attack aluminum (slight tarnish) and will completly dry your bore out.
ZEP Industrial/Commercial Degreaser from Lowes or Home Depot. use straight, no dilution and wear gloves/safety goggles. it will remove the carbon fairly quickly with the aid of a toothbrush. Just becareful with the full strength stuff. I got some splashed on my face and it literally burned holes into me. I looked like a leper. I hope that helps out!
Prolly smoke so bad I'd have to do this late at night, or take it to the woods.
just bring up to a fast idle and start spritzing.
No, it's not about performance. It's just I don't like to hear the valves clack under load.