Natural Remedies?
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
So, I had a follow-up with the doc today to review my recent test results. CT scan and barium test confirm severe Diverticulitis and the doc is recommending I consider surgery. I'd prefer not to go that route unless absolutely necessary, and want to try some lifestyle adjustments, diet changes, and natural remedies first.
Which brings me to my question: Has anyone here had success in reducing intestnal problems with specific foods, supplements, etc? If so, what worked and what didn't? The only unacceptable answer would be "stop smoking cigars."
Which brings me to my question: Has anyone here had success in reducing intestnal problems with specific foods, supplements, etc? If so, what worked and what didn't? The only unacceptable answer would be "stop smoking cigars."
He changed his diet and I believe he was on some medicine too but is doing better now.
I would imagine drinking lots of water, and a high-fiber diet would be good but I'm no expert.
That's probably a good question to ask your doctor though.....
Good luck, hope you get feeling better soon.
Just don't go to a coroner... he will just put you in a freezer.
Good advice to talk to multiple MD's though.
But back to your original question, the alternative may be less about using supplements and more about drinking non-alcoholic liquids and increasing fiber intake through natural means like whole grain breads and fiber-heavy fruits and vegetables. And perhaps reducing your intake of processed and other potentially inflammatory foods that are harder to digest. That sure as hell takes a lot of the fun stuff to eat out of your life, but it's beats surgery anyday.
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It contradicts the folks recommending a high fiber diet but personally I'd choose to believe the Mayo clinic.... no offense to anyone intended.
Yeah, ya gotta watch those inscrutable Asians with their secret knowledge of all things poop-related. I mean, who'da guessed that cigars are the key??? LOL
So, basically, the Diverticular disease is bad, but not critical. 50 or more "tics" in the sigmoid causing frequent flare-ups, but no absess, strictures, etc. It doesn't "heal" or get better with time, and eventually will get worse and probably require surgery. Removing the affected part of the colon now would be pre-emptive.
As for diet, my docs say low fiber/residue diet is indicated during flare-ups, and high fiber when all is calm. Research is mixed regarding the correlation of "small hard things" like seeds and nuts with flare-ups, but I can attest that peanuts definitely mess with me.
Someone else had told me about aloe juice, and I picked some up today, so we'll see if it's legit. Drinking more water will also help, and cutting out processed foods. Game plan is to try to manage and keep the flare-ups at a minimum through diet and put off the surgery as long as possible, but avoiding it altogether is probably not realistic.