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drum roll please



  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    First attempts not looking too good... Looking back over the instructions, I think I need more beer...

    I ain't sayin nothin. Got mine last night. Will make first attempt tomorrow.
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,691
    Cant wait to see how you guys do. Bring on the franken-gars!
    that is funny!!
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Cant wait to see how you guys do. Bring on the franken-gars!
    that is funny!!
    Franken-gars is about right. I'm gaining mad respect for folk who know how to roll cigars. Me? I totally suck at it... but it sure is fun trying to get it right. I can pretty much guarantee I wont be winning this contest, but I do appreciate the opportunity to take a whack at it. Thanks again, Webmost, for the coolest contest ever!

    Now, everybody remember that his birthday is July 8th. Plenty of time to stock up on flat rates and stuff to fill'em with. :^)
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,691
    Cant wait to see how you guys do. Bring on the franken-gars!
    that is funny!!
    Franken-gars is about right. I'm gaining mad respect for folk who know how to roll cigars. Me? I totally suck at it... but it sure is fun trying to get it right. I can pretty much guarantee I wont be winning this contest, but I do appreciate the opportunity to take a whack at it. Thanks again, Webmost, for the coolest contest ever!

    Now, everybody remember that his birthday is July 8th. Plenty of time to stock up on flat rates and stuff to fill'em with. :^)
    and that right there is why you dont tell any one here when your birthday is!!!lol
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    First attempts not looking too good... Looking back over the instructions, I think I need more beer...

    The carrot and the stick.
    Two classic vitolas!

    Great work!

    I'd smoke 'em.

    I'm back from the woods. What a great time. Twisted down some awesome forest roads. Fidgetted along some coarse gravel tracks. Bounced up some muddy dirt paths. Took a hike. Had a breakdown and fixed it. Found a primitive camp site we had to cross a creek to get to. Built a fire which a thunderstorm put out, kept skeeters off by smoking cigars, ate corn nuts and slim jims, crapped in the woods, slept in a hammock, worked up a real manly aroma. Even joked with a busty broad in a biker bar en route.

  • ShadowInTheMoonShadowInTheMoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 486
    At least puffs looks somewhat like a cigar. here are my first few attempts. I thought it would be really easy but props to you if you can roll a cigar. mine look like zombie cigars image
  • Gray4linesGray4lines Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    Cant wait to see how you guys do. Bring on the franken-gars!
    that is funny!!
    Franken-gars is about right. I'm gaining mad respect for folk who know how to roll cigars. Me? I totally suck at it... but it sure is fun trying to get it right. I can pretty much guarantee I wont be winning this contest, but I do appreciate the opportunity to take a whack at it. Thanks again, Webmost, for the coolest contest ever!

    Now, everybody remember that his birthday is July 8th. Plenty of time to stock up on flat rates and stuff to fill'em with. :^)
    They look good, puff!
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    At least puffs looks somewhat like a cigar. here are my first few attempts. I thought it would be really easy but props to you if you can roll a cigar. mine look like zombie cigars image
    That's a fine looking cutting board you got there.
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    At least I got some free smokes and a new cutting board out of this deal... Here are the two that resemble a cigar. ;-)

    I tell you what, it gives you a whole new level of respect and price points for the real stuff.

  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    They look drumstickian to me.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    My package should arrive today.
  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    My package should arrive today.
    Mine too.. Looking forward to it.
  • ChemnitzChemnitz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,070
    First attempts not looking too good... Looking back over the instructions, I think I need more beer...


    I laughed so hard when I first saw these, then I saw Shadow's and Walt's, now yours actually look good, Puff.
    I'm sure I would do far worse than any of you guys. This must take far more skill than I ever would have imagined. Hats off to cigar rollers.
  • ejgormanejgorman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 891
    Wish I would've seen this thread sooner. I like to think these finely tuned fingers would give me a decent shot at rolling something respectable. Looks like you guys are having fun with it! Definitely an art to rolling a cigar.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    You want in? Only problem I am flat out of kit. Putting together a new order now. Or I could send you all burley.
  • EchambersEchambers Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,335
    I am going to roll saturday or maybe tomorrow evening if I get a chance and will post pictures..
  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    I am going to roll saturday or maybe tomorrow evening if I get a chance and will post pictures..
    same here. I'll have time over the weekend. Gotta save the best pics for last. ;);)
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131

    The first package from a contestant arrived today. It came from Puff Dougie, who sent two entries:

    The drumstick we are trying to emulate is in the middle. Puff's magical creations are on either side. One thing for sure, Puff does not stint his portions! My ruler calculates a 68 ring gauge on that puffy puppy! Now, that's smokin phat.

    Here are two more views:
    Nice cap. And...
    Foot looks right. Odor is terrific.

    I do not say Puff's entry is unbeatable. I simply say it is UNBEATEN to date.

    Know what's gonna be fun? Once this is done, I'll fire these puffies up. Very smokable.

    At this point, please pay close attention: For extra points, Puff scrupulously followed my directions by placing only his two wonderful cigars and one single rider not shown here in the original post paid box to return.

    No extravagant bombing. Best of all, take a closer look: The post office never cancelled those stamps. Now I get to use that box again. Let's peek under this label. Hmmm. Who is this addressed to?
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Thanks for the kind remarks, sir. Easy to be unbeaten when you get your entries in first. Looking forward to seeing the other creations trickle in. One thing's certain... you are gonna have some pretty unique smoking experiences by the time this is done.

    BTW, I fired up your hand-made figurado and it was fantastic! Thanks for that, and for this contest.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Ill send it to ya cuz thats part of the game. If you then decide to chuck it, it wont hurt my feelings at all!!
    Friggin horrible. Now Im sorry that you wasted good tobacco on me. Ill let the pros handle it from now on.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Thanks for the kind remarks, sir. Easy to be unbeaten when you get your entries in first. Looking forward to seeing the other creations trickle in. One thing's certain... you are gonna have some pretty unique smoking experiences by the time this is done.

    BTW, I fired up your hand-made figurado and it was fantastic! Thanks for that, and for this contest.
    Yeah that's gonna be fun, smoking c.com cheroots. "What figurado is that?" "That, sir, is what we cigar afficionados term a BOTLstick."

    Did it draw well enough for you? I was afraid I rolled them too tight.

    Making up a new order now, to get the same leaf blend but with a habano wrapper instead of maduro. I'd like to fill a collidor this summer, then break them out next winter.Thinking of brewing a batch of porter to go with them. Saweet. Home brew, home rolled, beside the fire.

  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Ill send it to ya cuz thats part of the game. If you then decide to chuck it, it wont hurt my feelings at all!!
    Friggin horrible. Now Im sorry that you wasted good tobacco on me. Ill let the pros handle it from now on.
    No worries whatever, Roland. You shoulda seen my first two. Way worse than that. Here's the odd thing: It only took about twenty to get to where I could make a smokable robusto. You see that perfecto I sent you. I prolly haven't made even fifty of those all told to date.You get past the first few you get better real fast.

    Take those apart and try again. No rule against that.

    Besides, it's fun to have your hands in those leaves. They smell good.
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Mine were sent out today. I wanted to give them a few days rest in my humi. Most excellent job Puff. I go ahead and cecede to your superiorm mad rollin skilz.

    Mr. Most, thank you for this opportunity. Hands down the most interesting, outlandish - while staying on topic contest I've known in my short time in this Forum. I sincerely hope you have a great birthday. Enjoy the extra rider. I was tempted to slide the band off one of my Animals and try to slide it past you as my own creation but I'm sure your keen eye would have detected heinous fraudery afoot.
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Mine were sent out today. I wanted to give them a few days rest in my humi. Most excellent job Puff. I go ahead and cecede to your superiorm mad rollin skilz.

    Something tells me Echambers and MorganGeo are gonna come up with some nice entries. It ain't over till it's over... :^)
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Mine were sent out today. I wanted to give them a few days rest in my humi. Most excellent job Puff. I go ahead and cecede to your superiorm mad rollin skilz.

    Something tells me Echambers and MorganGeo are gonna come up with some nice entries. It ain't over till it's over... :^)
    Morgan's will be rather limp, I'm sure.
  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    Mine were sent out today. I wanted to give them a few days rest in my humi. Most excellent job Puff. I go ahead and cecede to your superiorm mad rollin skilz.

    Something tells me Echambers and MorganGeo are gonna come up with some nice entries. It ain't over till it's over... :^)
    Morgan's will be rather limp, I'm sure.
    nah, it will be a 7x70 beast. ;)
  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    My oh my is this tougher than I thought! :)
    this was very fun to participate in and like you said the aroma is something special. As preciously mentioned, this gives me much appreciation for the professional rollers. Thanks webmost for allowing me to participate. This is a very cool contest. I had always wanted to try my hand at this.

    Well, here are my 'creations'! :). Let's keep the laughter to a minimum. Lol. Especially you Walt and mr. Chambers. :))image
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Holy Moly Morgan, than one on the left may actually be closest to the drumstick shape yet. Can't wait til you send this in so I can see it in the flesh.

  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    Holy Moly Morgan, than one on the left may actually be closest to the drumstick shape yet. Can't wait til you send this in so I can see it in the flesh.

    I tried my hardest to get it to taper off at the foot like the punch does but that was really hard.
    I think you have introduced me to a new hobby though! Practice makes perfect! :)
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Holy Moly Morgan, than one on the left may actually be closest to the drumstick shape yet. Can't wait til you send this in so I can see it in the flesh.

    It does look pretty drummy! Nice job, Morgan!
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