Pre-Gang War Brainstorming

Hey guys, it's almost time to begin our annual, summer-long, East Coast/West Coast Gang War. Before we officially launch it and start the sign up process, I would like to entertain any ideas we have to make this year's the best yet.
I have discussed this with people in the past and I can't remember if any of it was posted or just talked about in person, so I'll throw out the first idea. Instead of having just one bomb at a time, we will instead coordinate a bomb being tossed in both directions each week. I think the best way would be to plan on having bombs sent on Monday. That way, they are received by Wednesday/Thursday and that victim has until the next Monday to coordinate their attack. This way, we have two bombs per week with a little more structure. It also adds the dynamic of simultaneous bombs giving it a more war-like feel. Also, if we have, for example, 12 people per side, we know it will be over in 12 weeks and actually be a summer event as opposed to a 7/8 month long game. Last year, some people were waiting a loooong time to participate and it took a little away from it.
So, do we like this idea for a structure? Is there an issue with it that I'm missing? Do you have other ideas to make it better? Other guidelines that might make it better? Whatcha think? I'd like to start the sign up in a couple weeks and have the bombs start flying the first week of June.
Here's a thought (maybe rum fueled, maybe not). Maybe, instead of an East / West side we just make it a gang war? Have everyone sign up and have two team captains pick their team members. This way, not only will you have the dynamic of simultaneous bombs but no one will know who is on who's team. I'm sure there are more details to it but all in all it shouldn't be too hard. Again, just a thought. Any way it goes, I'm in
DZR, you are always picked last, you should be used to it by now. COHIBA's RULE!!!!!!!!!!