Done and found this as a good general comment to put in there.
As a consumer who enjoys premium cigars, I believe in the exemption of premium cigars from tobacco regulation. I do not, however, believe that premium cigars should be defined by arbitrary price points. Deciding on a $10 price point as a defining factor of a premium cigar makes no sense at all. This stipulation would cause increases in premium cigar pricing, and it would do nothing to further the cause of the FDA. That is why I think that the $10 minimum price requirement should be removed from the definition of premium cigar. Thank you.
Done and found this as a good general comment to put in there.
As a consumer who enjoys premium cigars, I believe in the exemption of premium cigars from tobacco regulation. I do not, however, believe that premium cigars should be defined by arbitrary price points. Deciding on a $10 price point as a defining factor of a premium cigar makes no sense at all. This stipulation would cause increases in premium cigar pricing, and it would do nothing to further the cause of the FDA. That is why I think that the $10 minimum price requirement should be removed from the definition of premium cigar. Thank you.
Thanks for the contest.
As a consumer who enjoys premium cigars, I believe in the exemption of premium cigars from tobacco regulation. I do not, however, believe that premium cigars should be defined by arbitrary price points. Deciding on a $10 price point as a defining factor of a premium cigar makes no sense at all. This stipulation would cause increases in premium cigar pricing, and it would do nothing to further the cause of the FDA. That is why I think that the $10 minimum price requirement should be removed from the definition of premium cigar. Thank you.
Contestants list updated.
I sent them a message.
Before I do the drawing (I'll do it on vherf on Thursday) is there any other names I missed on the list or any other late entries?
Congrats bro! I'll email you!