Smokeless tobacco
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6
Am I the only one here that enjoys smokeless tobacco? If so what kind of dip or chew do you guys like?
I love my Copenhagen snuff and redman gold blend
I love my Copenhagen snuff and redman gold blend
What if I do, gonna make fun of how I live my life !!???!!???
Tried dip once back in college, IDK if I swallowed it or what but never been sicker man.
Never. Again.
Like anything else moderation is key.
And talk about "breathing the same air as everyone else" .... did you see the paper from the National Academy of Sciences that came out not too long ago and they finally confirmed that pollution from China is hurting air quality on the US west $hit sherlock, could have told you that!! /threadjack
Like I said, I don't wish anything to happen to you because of it. Letting you know what I have seen since the topic is out there.
Always joked about taking up smoking for a New Years' resolution and last year I did! Cigars only though.
It’s in my mouth almost all day long. Just recently told my story here but… Last summer I broke my leg, had surgery on it and was in the hospital for three days. Came out Skoal free for over four months and thought I had it kicked. Then went on a 18 hour plus road trip to Chicago with three screaming kids under two years old (the twins were about 7 months old at the time). Half way there I pulled over to a gas station got me a can and by the end of the week I was back full blown. Can a day, give or take depending on how many times I have to spit it out when at work.
I did try actual "Snuff" the inhaling kind and after a week i had what was like tounge bite in my sinus's.... worst experiance ever, but hardest nic hit ive ever had.