Surrendering the Internet?
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
Been hearing recently about the Obama administration's intention to surrender control of the internet to an international committee, rather than the US-based non-profit that currently oversees domain names and addresses. Can't figure out what problem this is supposed to solve, why it is deemed necessary by the White House, or in what way this could be a good thing. Also can't discern how it is that the Executive branch of the US government has the authority to simply "give away" something of this magnitude.
Hard to see how such a move would accomplish anything positive. An international body, incorporating more oppressive regimes, with no guiding principles similar to those embedded in the U.S. Constitution, into the decision-making processes, would almost certainly be inclined to impose more restrictions on freedom of speech, and perhaps misuse the power of the internet for political purposes.
I'll admit I'm not the most tech-savvy guy out there, and I'd love to hear the thoughts of those who have a better understanding of just what is at stake here. Just seems to me like surrendering a HUGE piece of U.S. sovereignty for no good reason.
Hard to see how such a move would accomplish anything positive. An international body, incorporating more oppressive regimes, with no guiding principles similar to those embedded in the U.S. Constitution, into the decision-making processes, would almost certainly be inclined to impose more restrictions on freedom of speech, and perhaps misuse the power of the internet for political purposes.
I'll admit I'm not the most tech-savvy guy out there, and I'd love to hear the thoughts of those who have a better understanding of just what is at stake here. Just seems to me like surrendering a HUGE piece of U.S. sovereignty for no good reason.
Why is the U.S. surrendering control of the Internet?
They will decided what is allowed on the internet. Period.
You and I will not have a choice.
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
- George Washington
It's the frog in the cook pot. Turn the heat up very slowly and it won't even realize it's happening until it's too late.
Something to consider.
Here is how they want the internet. Assume that you like to check out things from another country.
Let's say a specific island country or things made in said country.
Since those things are embargoed in the US, the international body can restrict access to ANY site that contains any of that information, because they are not held to worrying about your freedoms.
They will be able to ban you from visiting any site that they want, with no justification.
Hundreds, if not thousands of sites will disappear overnight. They will be banned from the internet for certain folks.
Remember years ago, television was an open source for products. Over the years, advertising certain products have been banned and continue to face restrictions.
Imagine what the internet is like for China and Korea. That is what we will be faced with.
Is it possible that won't happen? Yes, but the probability is there.
I hate to even say this, but One World Order, here we come.
I see no problem with the govt relinquishing the control over it, but who do you allow to control it?
ICANN? If ICANN controls it, who will regulate them?
And who will decide how they control it? Currently, the way things are ICANN is regulated by Europe, Asia and the US govts.
If they were talking about moving control of the internet away from the government into the private sector, I would be in favor.
Sure would like to know who the members are.
Some of the PC forums I belong to are already predicting a heavy hand and censorship.
This is a serious question and no bad feelings are implied or intended. Other then that red-neck bible thumping prejudiced far right FOX news I have not seen this mentioned any where else as of 2 days ago. Where did any of you, hear about it.
The first time I heard them reporting on it that was all they did, report it. And yes subsequent "expert" interviewees all pretty much expressed concern. Personalty I do not like the sound of it. It (IMHO) is right up there with the un and the 2nd Amendment, in that it allows non American groups to decide what we as Americans are allowed to do, or not allowed to do. Granted all the information has yet to be presented, but if obozo is involved I am automatically suspicious.
I do understand and appreciate what you are you say "internet neutrality" has been adopted by some, but the number is not impressive at all. I would love a total internet neutrality but the what do you do about kiddy porn which some countries have no problem with. And what would you do about the 100's of animal cruelty sites that, only because of the private watch dog groups keep from assaulting us.
Again IMHO, the other problem is I have a very big objection to the un or any "body" telling us what we canor can not do.
And as you have pointed out the big money has already got both feet in the door and I do not believe for one moment that an international body would not sooner or later become political if not down right abusive about the US.
And as I said previously obozo has his hands involved in this and that alone makes me worry a lot. And sad to say there will be some kind of corruption every step of the way....add that to politics and it could be very scary.
All of what I have said is of course my opinion and does cause me to question all of it. I mean no disrespect nor do I expect everyone or anyone to agree with me.
With that said, I'd rather our government than any other government be in control, and privatization does not mean greater freedom in most cases. In fact, it seems to usually mean that some unaccountable individual dictates what he/she will allow.
Anyone read Isaac Asimovs science fiction stories from the '60s about how computers would reach a 'critical mass' effect after reaching global proportions, develop consciousness, and eventually rule everything? Hmm....maybe that's why the NSA headquarters is 5 times the size of the Pentagon?