AMZ came though in the clutch and found one of these for me after I saw him post his last week, THANKS BROTHER!
Brother, you need to take a breath, put the mouse down, and step away from the puter for a bit.....
I can't disagree with that...I have one order oming up in the next week and then I am officially done for a few months. The only thing I will possibly bite on will be the Crucible whenever it makes an appearance and then trade for some MOW-PA Maddys
I've got way too many sticks the last two weeks...
I bombed a few to relieve my collections adn today i finally reached capacity...
I'm afraid to get a coolidor honeslty because I know I will fill it!
That being said, today I got three of the awards samplers, two of the premiums and one of the values so I could get the Undercrown and MOW PA's off my wish list.
Also got a Zebrawood Xi3 Cutter
From Icpleel
From Shaun Harrison
From Darth Vader
Some supplies and sticks From CCOM (Thanks JJ)
From my Sweetie