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Flavored cigars...

TheGOATTheGOAT Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 69
Hopefully one of you can solve my problem. My brother bought me cigars for Christmas.

He knows absolutely nothing about cigars.

I know it's the thought that counts, but it seems like only half of a thought. And that half still annoys me.

He bought me alcohol infused cigars(at a wine tasting festival), which I know I won't like. I have the option of either trying to get them to someone who might enjoy them, or make a small bonfire in my backyard. The cigars came with a business card for a very small operation in a very small Podunk town in Upstate Ny. The cigars are infused with: whiskey, scotch, apple brandy, rum and bourbon.

These cigars could be fantastic, or complete filth. They have been in a small humidor at 70/70 since December. I will not smoke flavored cigars.

This is not a trade, but orphaned cigars desperately in need of a home, before euthanasia.

Que Sarah McLachlan, and the cute one eyed cigar.


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