Absurdly simple things that make me happy
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,562
There are a couple totally simple things that makes me happy, for instance one of the things that never fails to make me happy is hearing the dove who roosts near my house from time to time. I love to sit and listen to it call, partly because it reminds me of my grandparents' house. The other related one is the owl in my big fir tree that calls at night.
Anyone else have just little everyday things like that?
Anyone else have just little everyday things like that?
Even opposites make us glad. The fleetness of a deer as much as the slow pace of a snail. The lethality of a scorpion as much as the kindness of a dog. The light of day as much as the dark of night. All these are blessings in their way.
Even in our worst trials, God will plant the seed of something great: in age, knowledge; in suffering, wisdom; in pain, understanding; in death, resurrection.
Now, get ready, cause here is the topper: You want to feel real happy? Give thanks. No, I'm serious. You don't need a church or a bible or a belief in some antiquated gruesome illogical myth. You can be a complete atheist and it still works. Yes it does. I'll show you. Just now, try it, hold your hands palms up, look upward, and feel grateful for, say, coffee, snow, grandchildren. See? That's all it takes. Isn't that something? The Creator or Darwin or you name it made us so that nothing so satisfies as simply giving thanks. You have to conclude that if there is a Creator then he must crave thanks from us to have arranged it and us this way; while if there isn't a creator, then this is the happiest accident of all
An absurdly simple thing that makes you feel happy? Giving thanks.
All day long!!
A perfect cup of coffee, steaming in the cool morning air at a campsite or cabin, or simply my porch.
A mango.
My wife scratching my back or running her fingers through my hair.
Always a good thing. LOL!