cigar vs. pipe tobacco
just curious about the differences between cigar and pipe tobacco plants, strands, growing, curing, fermentation, aging, and blending processes. ive smoked cigars for a few years now and i love exploring tobacco through cigars. ive just been having a peaked interest in pipes. i have never smoked a pipe, and i do not know a single person who does. im sure it is not as common in the northeast area where i am from. i always pictured it of an old man thing, but all old men i imagine must have started some time, i figure i would come here to start a pipe tobacco 101 for cigar smokers. thanks!
Whereas cigars are labeled by their country of origin (a Dominican cigar) in pipe tobaccos a lot less emphasis is placed on the country of origin (usually) and more on the leaf type and what process it went through.
Pipe tobacco is stored at a lot lower rh, it can come vacuum sealed in tins which leads to anaerobic fermentation while aging. And of course flavorings are a lot more common in pipe tobaccos, even if it's just sugar or honey.
That's a few differences that I can think of off of the top of my head. Oh! And pipe tobacco is muuuuch cheaper per smoke than a cigar.